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Thread: The First Drop (OPEN)

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  1. #1
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    Djakara's Avatar

    Djakara Fraye
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    5'10"/ 174 lbs
    Alerarian Noble

    The First Drop (OPEN)

    Out of Character:
    Open to two. See here for more info.

    Brothers of blades, sisters of scorn,
    Hellbent witches, of demon-born,
    Walk with death ‘till you’re worn,
    When you fall we all shall morn.

    That incantation had never been heard around Ettermire until a few days ago, but it seemed to Djakara that it was becoming quite popular in recent days. The young refugee turned Alerian opportunist had been wandering the bazaars nightly, just to understand the kinds of goods that were sold openly in Althanas’ capital of technology. While the boy wasn’t particularly impressed, what he had noticed was the way this refrain had recently become a natural part of life within the city, just as violence in the Bazaar had begun to increase.

    Initially, Djakara had assumed the increases in violence were just a little blip that had occurred after the death of the Queen, a natural reaction by any rogue or opportunist that had to be passing by Ettermire. The city normally had a reputation for particularly efficient law enforcement, and it would have only been rational for criminal elements to take advantage of a momentary lull. However, as Djakara looked over the crime reports in the morning paper, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more sinister at work.

    Everything that was happening in Ettermire seemed to be fitting a pattern. First, there were a few seemingly random acts of violence and the next day, Djakara heard a few people mumbling the incantation about blades and scorn. With time, both the violence and the popularity of the song grew with a consistent correlation. Djakara knew it wasn’t a coincidence, and it concerned him. As little as he cared for the current government in Alerar, he cared even less for a group of thugs. Additionall(y, through his ingenuity, Djakara had managed to develop a stake in the government, and he wasn’t willing to lose it to some local disturbances.

    Cognizant of the problem, Djakara had written a letter to Schynius explaining the situation. He had used terse language, but impressed on the High Graf that something needed to be done. Now, sitting on his balcony, the boy waited impatiently for a response.

    As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Djakara answered it, and it was a letter. The boy smiled curiously, it had an official seal and the envelope carried Schynius’ symbol on it. “Guess I’ll know how he stands now…” the boy thought, eagerly anticipating the response he would receive. He expected to be commended for his deductive powers, and perhaps even offered more opportunity by Schynius because of his good planning. However, as Djakara read the note, he was less than pleased with what it asked of him.

    Djakara Fraye,

    Excellent analysis, though this issue is one of great sensitivity at a time like this. I don’t think I need to impress on you just how dangerous this threat can be to peace and stability. The Mazzra’s loyalty still needs to be tested, but your self interest does not. Therefore, in the interest in keeping your observations within as close of a circle as possible, I will leave this business to you to settle. Work quickly, and hire as many as two mercenaries if necessary. I will personally cover their costs, just as long as they are not native Alerians. Work discreetly.

    High Graf Schynius
    Djakara looked at the paper with a sigh. He had no choice now but to do what he was told, despite the fact he didn’t particularly consider himself the kind of person who should be put in charge of actual conflict situations. Though he certainly wasn’t without ability, Djakara had made his fortunes by being smarter, not stronger.

    However, since he had no other options, Djakara made his way to El’inssring, Ettermire’s largest pub. The boy intended to find a particularly inconspicuous corner to wait in until he had managed to identify some mercenaries worth hiring.

    It was going to be a long day.
    Last edited by Djakara; 01-10-07 at 10:58 AM.
    Survival and living are concepts you can't equate.

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