Arsenic’s head was hung, as he gave an exaggeratedly pained look. Tears comically ran down his cheeks as he snorted, and sniffed while thinking about where Karuka could have dissipated to. He had only left for a moment to try and buy them some food supplies for the rest of their journey and she had gotten away from him. The mischievous little miscreant that he had come to treasure as one of his few true friends just up and left him. It was a tear jerking moment for him as he peddled his way with dragging steps towards a sound that filled him with that warm feeling he often gained; especially after mother finished a batch of her finest fish.

Arsenic’s stomach growled. That was when he remembered he left the purchased supplies back at the stall that seemed to be leagues away. However, he pushed through the hunger, wiping his face meandered over toward the music.

The notes floated through the air and through his head like a soft lullaby, he almost broke into a leaping frolic but then he saw Karuka. Like a feather in the wind he took towards her, bound rose from the ground into the air drifting down defying gravity landing on her lap, arms slung around her neck tightly as he hugged her sobbing on her shoulder.
“Don’t ever leave me like that!”

He belted, one would think his yelling would interrupt the procession of music. Soon enough though his tears dried, as if nothing had happened, precisely at that moment he had taken notice to Mime, who’s leg was the victim of Karuka’s hand. And, with widened eyes he slipped from Karuka’s lap composing himself, arms slid into opposite sleeves, and he stuck his nose into the air.

“ So that is what happened hm? You found another companion?”

Part of him felt betrayed, because he knew he told Karuka specifically to stay outside the vendor’s stall until he was done.