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Thread: Civil War breaks out in Corone!!!

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  1. #1
    Non Timebo Mala
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    Letho's Avatar

    Letho Ravenheart
    Hair Color
    Dark brown, turning gray
    Eye Color
    Dark brown
    6'0''/240 lbs
    Corone Ranger

    Civil War breaks out in Corone!!!

    Neatly printed proclamations spread through Corone like a plague, appearing on every corner of every town and village, portraying the “true” picture of the state in which the realm is in. On it is an unknown seal displaying an image of Radasanth walls with a crown floating above it, the official emblem of the Corone Empire.

    In the wake of the unfortunate events that robbed us of our beloved leaders and provoked the unhinged outbursts of some communities, the Assembly has no other option but to declare martial law from henceforth. All of the current governing bodies will continue to function under the newly formed military protectorates. Furthermore, the remaining members of the Assembly, together with the ministry and their closest advisors, reached a conclusion that even with this intervention the public safety is still threatened. Underwood is currently under occupation of insurgents that spread war propaganda that shakes the very foundation of our society. In order to expedite the elimination of these rebels and strengthen our government, Corone Republic is abolished, and from henceforth you are all citizens of the Corone Empire. Let us work together in rebuilding a safer, more stable government.


    Viceroy Emien Harthworth
    Viceroy Sivien Arundiel
    Viceroy Athenry Sergio
    However, in more and more regions, these public announcements were painted over with red dye, and below, above and over these vandalized proclamations a new announcement stands, carrying the seal of both the Corone Republic – a sun cresting over the jagged mountain tops – and the Corone Rangers’ sword-and-bow insignia:
    The Manifesto of the Free

    How long? How long are we to turn a blind eye towards the criminals that call themselves our rulers? How long are we to disregard the plague that’s been eating the soft underbelly of our society? How long, I ask you? In Radasanth, a trio of liars sits on the throne of a realm that you never chose to be a part of. Their stink spreads throughout our Republic, polluting it with their lies and deceits. DO NOT allow them cloud your eyes and make you forget that we live in the land of the free, that we are still a part of democracy that they murdered in its sleep. DO NOT allow them to blunt you into callousness.

    DO NOT allow them to make you forget Gisela.

    In Concorida, the democracy still lives, and it needs your help to weather these storms that blow from the north. Join the Underwood Contingent and together we can return freedom back to where it belongs. To our towns. To our homes. To our families. To our hearts.


    The Rangers of the Corone Republic

    ((Feel free to ask any questions about the Civil War in this thread or PM them to me and I'll try to get to them in a timely manner.))
    Last edited by Letho; 02-05-07 at 06:21 PM.
    "Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity."

    William Butler Yeats - The Second Coming

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