Quote Originally Posted by The Aishwara Records
There is no endeavor, no undertaking, and no pursuit greater than that of tapping into an industry in its infantile stages. Not only is there the possibility of history rewarding you by calling you a pioneer, but you will be one of the first to gain a hold on those resources for a true entrepreneur pursues something outside the common mind set.
– Avanti Aishwara
Despite its location nestled in the deep and dark rainforest of Luthmor, Donnalaich was a city of extravagant luminosity. Crystal structures amplified the mid day sun’s rays as if they were incandescent, tall windows allowed the light to enter in great volume, and prisms created an image not unlike that of a kaleidoscope. The grey stone would otherwise appear to be lifeless for its age could not be hidden. The organic curves of the city’s stone architecture were plagued with fissures and decaying corners, which could only be reversed and mended by temporal fabric. Time was that one force unstoppable, but it seemed as though this perfectly polished stone aged better than some women, still standing tall and proud.

Donnalaich was also a city of giant fairies. These peculiar Fae were reminiscent of the pixies of fairy tales, sauntering about with membranes that resembled insect wings. But now in this time of new discovery, when the international community was introducing itself to Dheathain a new pair of wings would enter the capital of the Fae. In a world of fairy wings stood a young man with a pair of falcon wings that could only be seen by the third eye. Clad in the colors of the Peregrine, Rajani Aishwara floated across the floor of the Great Hall of Enchanting in a cloak of pearl white and mahogany brown. He found his way below one of the smaller statues and settled himself there.

Rajani was never one to jaunt about aimlessly. He was never one to take vacations, or to see places simply for the matter of seeing them. Even if such was his original intention, some conception was bound to plague his mind. This trip to Dheathain was no exception.

“Rajani Aishwara?” A docile feminine voice roused the entrepreneur from his brainstorm. He looked up to see a female Fae looking at him with a smile. “Leader of the Peregrine Group?”

“Yes.” Rajani said in a reluctant voice as he took a slow step forward and visually sized up the young woman. This woman was of a peculiar color scheme. Her hair was a deeper pink than cotton candy, and her eyes were deeper lavender than the dye itself. She reminded him of something a child would paint. Nevertheless, this was not who he arranged to meet. He was expecting humans, and many of them. “To whom do I owe this acquaintance?”

“I’m Donalda of the Eavan House, but I come to you as a representative of the Comataidh nan Roinnean.” Rajani stiffened up and crossed his arms over his cloak as she released the mouthful title of the local power. “I’m assuming by that reaction you know that the nan Roinn is the region’s governing power. Ever since this influx of ‘treasure hunters’ we’ve been conscious of the foreigners that have entered the city limits.”

“Please don’t concern yourself with my wellbeing,” Rajani said with a confident smile. “I know fully of the dangers I and my team face treading the city’s ruins.”

“Trust me when I say we won’t lose any sleep over such matters.” Donalda’s soft and quiet voice was a direct contrast from her assertive and cold language. It reminded Rajani of one the crewmates on his ship, the spunky Head Cook Mohana Colville. The sole difference was that Mohana never fabricated a façade such as a soft voice to hide her blunt and forward demeanor. “Word has it that you’ll be in league with Lehaim Alrajem, son of the legendary archeologist Mohammed Alrajem, which leads us to believe that you may have a chance at success in Donnalaich’s ruins. I’m inclined to inform you that the Comataidh nan Roinnean reserves the right to claim anything you find in our ruins. Now that the world knows of our existence, we need to be able to defend ourselves, and there may be items of tactical value in there.”

Rajani leaned forward to meet Donalda’s height. She was only up to the Avalonian’s shoulders. “I must respectfully refuse to follow such a decree. By effect if we enter the ruins at our own peril we reserve the right to ownership of all that we find. Not only are we toiling with our own mortal coil we will be fulfilling a crucial social service by clearing a new suburb for the ever growing population of civilians in Donnalaich. Fund my operation and you will get anything of tactical value.”

“I’m sorry, Peregrine Aishwara. This isn’t a negotiation. This is an order.” Donalda’s lavender eyes narrowed in anger, but it failed to strike fear into Rajani’s heart. It did just the opposite. He couldn’t help but smile in amusement at the comical scene.

He walked back to the base of the statue and leaned over with a hand on the statue and a hand on his hip. “I beg to differ, Madame Eavan. Act as a true herald, send the nan Roinn my appeal with an exact tongue, and we will see whether they react with an iron fist or an olive branch.”

A growl of suppressed rage crept out of the tiny red lips of the Fae female as she turned away and sunk into the rainbow canvas of her people crowding the busy atrium of the Great Hall of Enchanting. In the most honest of terms Rajani was in no need of funding. He would find sufficient fortune in his enterprise.