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Thread: The Rise Of A Brethren

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    The Rise Of A Brethren

    Character Name: Aritriste Lazukin
    Race: Human/*Corrupt*
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Hair Color: Midnight Black (Corruption)
    Eye Color: Blood Red (Corruption)
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 182 lb.
    Occupation: N/A

    Appearance: Over the years of being raised from his very early years by a horde of demons, his skin tone has become pale and grey as for it was rare that his reigns of permission were ever allowed to view the world above the chains of underground dwellings. His clothing consisting of an Criltilari colonial uniform of which he obtained in ceremony after a raid of which a general of the raiding party had fallen by his hands. Clothing of which still had an open cut on the arm and side where Aritriste's sword punched through and into the demon's collapsing heart. Slowly it was after this death that the once innocent child within him was killed, and a spirit of blood lust corrupted him, changing not only his attitude, but in his appearance as well. His eyes changed from the valiant blue to a sulken blood red, his hair from a topaz yellow to a lifeless midnight black, and his overall stature to something, something greatly demonic. It was then through this recognition and through the several skirmishes and human raids that the community serenated him with the blood cross, a symbol of archaic power and demonic heritage.

    Personality: Once a chivilrous boy, frightened only in his early ages by those of whom lived amongst him in the dim lite darkness and the carcasses of animals or decaying demons lying around the streets, slowly made him change and immune to the horrific conditions that surrounded him. Then slowly during one day when a outsiders race committed a raid upon the small underground community, Aritriste had attacked and killed a general in defense of his wounded parents. It was then at this point that his attitude changed as he began to realize his power amongst the community around him, and the taste for longing blood lust that had forsaken him until that moment. It was then that a spirit of corruption gradually changed his life and spirit as he slowly began to act like his peers as his memories vanished in the place of hatred.

    Black Fossil Vine Blade: A large black blade with many twists and curves to it, resembling a black fossilied flame crawling up a bundle of vines.

    Grey Tyrithan Scythe: A large two bladed scythe, a weapon of which had crossed Aritriste during a summoning ritual during his early ages. At one time this scythe once shinned in a vibrant white, but as the years came along it began to dull along with Aritriste's spirit.

    Weapon (Material) Type:
    Black Fossil Vine Blade: Made a of condensified cavern mineral molded in the black lava vaults that heated shead what little light into the spider-linked caverns. It's durability is only rivaled only to the rare Erithium crystalline.

    Grey Tyrithan Scythe: It is unknown if this scythe at all is made of a material as it possess an enchanted aura across the surfaces of the scythe. It has yet to be rivaled by any material as it has broken through countless weapons that it has opposed.

    Spiked Shoulder Guards: A set of wide shoulder guards with long jagged spikes protruding from the bases. The dull grey shoulder plates are molded in the shape of a skull, as they are symbol of authority in many demonic races.

    Skull Buckled Belt: A black belt with a large skull buckle in the center, with a small crack lining from the eye to the jaw due to a heavy impact that it had taken during a previous battle before it had come into Aritriste's possession.

    Black Skull Nuckle Gloves: A set of black gloves with small skull ornaments at the knuckles. On the right hand, one of these small skull figurines was cut off as there is a small hole that exposes the knuckle of which substitued it's place.

    Spiked Knee Guards: A set of shoulder guards shapped in the formation of a skull face, and inbetween both eyes consists a large spike that points with a grim sign as various calcified blood stains decorate them.

    Black Skull Cape: A long black cape that reeks of esteemed power among a society. One the back there is a archaic metal vine design that all strains towards a large skull that marks the center.

    Standard Crimson Uniform: A crimson uniform that has a cut through the arms and chest from the entry of Aritriste's blade when he delivered the fatal wound to the raid general. In addition there is a large cut in the center of his chest from a militian sword that potentially could have slain Aritriste if the militant hadn't died so quickly from a fatal wound to his heart.

    Armor (Material) Type:
    Spiked Shoulder Guards: The entire guard is fully consistant of a steel alloy, a common mineral to the regions.

    Skull Buckled Belt: The belt consists of dyed deer hide leather, excluding the buckle which is constructed from steel.

    Black Skull Knuckled Gloves: Made from dyed deer hide leather, excludiing the small skull ornaments which consist of steel.

    Spiked Knee Guards: Made entirely out of a steel alloy.

    Black Skull Cape: The main frame of the cape consists of dyed deer hide leather, but all of the archaic designs and the skull are made from the same steel alloy, including the metal studs that attach to the uniform.

    Stardard Crimson Uniform: Consistant fully of dyed deer hide leather.

    Bottled Blood: A crystal bottle filledl with blood from dead corpses from battle, friend or foe. An essence of sacrifice during specific summoning rituals.

    Item (Material) Type:
    Bottled Blood: The bottle consists of a standard crystalline common to the lower endeavors of the caverns. The cork of the bottle as well is derived from a crystalline.

    Order Of The Undead: A skill that Aritriste learned early in his ages as he began to practice his powers. A ritual summoning, to awaken the dead. At first during the novice stages of this new practice the summonings were uncontrolled and commonly crumbled into a pile of bones and decaying flesh. Yet after several years of excersizing the the ritual over time, and his bonds became much tighter to this magical essence it became possible for him to arise the corpses of the dead and retain control over them throughout the entire time span of their awakening.
    (Requires Blood Tribute)
    (Requires Dead Corpse)
    (Summonings Last For 10 Posts)
    (Summonings Exhaust Caster)

    (Passive) Skull Aura: An aura that made it's first appearance in Aritriste several years after the death of the general. Ever since a faint black aura around him has been strengthing, and at certain times when angered in the heat of bloodlust it appears vividly like black flames engulfing the exterior of his body. During a raid many felt fatigued or those already weak whether ally or foe collapsed around him during this time, and a feeling of rejuvination and power overwhelmed Aritriste. Over time it became apparent that this aura leeched all life within a distant radius, and it was because of this that Aritriste became a weapon in the hands of his peers and ever since they have been using this ability to commit terrible deeds to the living, but alas a spark of rebellion has begun to settle in the base of Aritriste's mind.
    (Leech Aura For Living)
    (Rejuvination Aura For Aritriste)

    History/Background: Early years of his age are blur and the faces of his thought to be family have long since dissappeared along with who he really is. All he can remember are the demons that took him, those who supposedly rescued him, and ever since he has been devoted to them like a son. Though several years later as Aritriste's powers became apparent, a enemy raid happened to this underground city and the clash of demonic forces were taking it's toll at the entrances and into the darkness of the dwelling caverns. Though at two of the nine entrances there was a break and it was only minutes that the forces came to overwhelm the dwelling and the demonic civilians inside were now under attack. With basic instinct many of the civilians revolted against this new force, but without many of the weapons and armor their abilities were only limited. It was at this time that Aritriste's parents were attacked and became engaged in a battle with a the militaristic forces. Alarmed by all the fighting and angered with only a reminisce of fright Aritriste relieved himself of his cover and became engaged in the battle with his scythe. The general had taken a blow against his father's blade and by sheer might the sword went flying and punctured into a rock well of their dwelling, and as the blade carried through his father exhaulted a deafening death cry as his blood decorated the his wife, *unconcious*, of whom he guarded. With temporary delay and shock at the horrific scene, Aritriste took up a heavy charge with this scythe and ran at the general as the beast began to unsheave is blade from his father's corpse. Yet as he laid the strike in motion aiming at the arm of the commanding beast, the general swung his sword and hit the scythe below the tip of the blade, and his weapon followed it to the base causing Aritriste to lose the scythe as it spun like a whirlwind out of his hands. Yet as the other side of the scythe came back around it cut the general with a deep gash along the face, stunning him for some time, as the scythe then continued in it's direction of which it landed several feet away and continued it's whirlwind spiral as it slid across the ground until it was lost from view. Aritriste writhed from the pain of the impact to his hands, but saw this time as a moment to strike, and dashed to where his father's sword lay imbedded into the stone several inches and took to pulling it out. He tried several times, but the sword wouldn't budge, and it was by now that the general had become once more fixated on the Aritriste and was regaining the few feet he had lost when he stumbled back when he was wounded. Aritriste now direly began to tug on the sword only feeling it budge in the slightest, when he heard a grunt behind him, and heard the wind parting at a swift speed, and jumped from his location. Where he was there now lie a large gash next to the sword exposing one side of the blade that had been hidden inside the wall, and without recoil the beast approached him. Aritriste stumbled to his feet and evaded a delayed jab by the general, and had taken a manuever around the general and now stood next to where is slain father lay. The general turned and now once again faced Aritriste, with blood streamed over one eye, causing the general to bent in stature with a shrill grunt as a small stream of blood trailed into the side of his eye. Once again Aritriste dashed toward the blade, but was met with another jab of which grazed along his chest, but he persued his course, reaching the blade without another interception. This time he then pulled with arcane might at the lodged blade, and all the jagged points and the blade as a whole became unlodged from the wall. Aritriste turned without a momentary delay, and his blade now met with another jab from the general, deflecting the general's blade but causing a jagged edge of his blade to enter his left shoulder, causing him to yell in pain and entered him into yet a deeper layer of shock. Another jab came his way but he was able to dodge just barely, writhing in pain as he found it his father's blade to be rather heavy to weild. Yet with a moment of chance in his opponents recoil he dragged the blade through the dirt and across the cave bottom below, causing the blade to bounce and as the layer of dirt kept the blade's path in line, Aritriste made a thrust to the chest of his opponent, but as the blade began to ascend it hit a smooth rock and as the general tried to dodge by turning, the blade's slower but new route met in a parallel function and entered through his right arm, through his chest, and into his other arm of which a sturdy bone quitted the blow. A scream echoed throughout the caverns, along with Aritriste of whom fell unconscious with the momentum of the blade from fatigue.
    It was at this point that the blood lust was born, and the dark aura consumed him and changed him for forever more. After he awoke the following days to be greeted by the minorly repulsive faces of his demon care taker, and it was then that he was delivered the news that his demon mother had as well passed. For the following days he lay in the cushioned area recovering from the shock, and the wounds that he had suffered. Though it was only a day after he had begun to walk about again, that he was given a military honor for his courage and was given to the suite of the general of which he had slain and the symbolic honors of the (blood cross) red cross across his face. Ever since then he's endeavored into his magical attributes, and has become more chaotic in spirit and apperance as he slays each new victim.
    Last edited by Naphe; 02-24-07 at 01:26 PM.

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