I would also like to say that I have no idea what you mean that in Tanthanas established folks didn't roleplay with other folks. When I joined Tanthanas, the first person to actually post in one of my roleplaying threads was none other than Santhalas himself.

Honestly, I think we have more a problem now with folks who don't RP with new folks than we ever had at Tanthanas. I'm just as culpable in that as anyone else, but I was around starting two months after Tanthanas got started, and I never saw the problems you describe. Half the time on Tanthanas, I was judging the new folks' writing, and I saw Silence Sei Orlouge going out of his way to help out Yari Rafanas, who then went out of his way to help Ter-Thok. I saw Treslizn helping out Ciancth, and Devon roleplaying with Manda (metallica) before anyone knew who Metallica was. The "legends" of Tanthanas were far more active than any of our current players are with helping new folks, and this is speaking as a judge who has more experience judging quests than probably anyone except Damon -- and who has been judging for a longer time than most anyone else on Althanas, save maybe Dirks.