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Thread: The Champions

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  1. #1
    Lost in Mortality
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    The Valkyrie's Avatar

    Brynhilde Darkthorne
    Hair Color
    Palest Gold
    Eye Color
    Verdant Green
    5'7/ 124 lbs

    The Champions

    Instructions for beginning a fight:
    In order to battle in the arena, all one must do after choosing a partner, is select the champion or beast they wish to fight against and start their thread detailing the arena and person or beast they are fighting against. The champions currently awaiting opponents are listed below. (Please feel free to embellish them as much as you would like. Creativity is of course encouraged.)

    Champion of the Pankration –
    Linok’shi Avaro
    Age: 32
    Height: 5’7
    Weight: 173

    Linok’shi is a small but compact fighter, a vicious powerhouse of pure muscle who possesses endless stamina and astonishing speed. He hails from the heart of Irrakam, son of a silk merchant and his wife, the youngest of twelve children – all boys. His head is completely shaven except for a scalp-lock which he clasps in a silver ring allowing it to flow from the crown of his head and down his back. Fierce and silent, he rarely speaks or acknowledges taunts during combat.

    Varmakkalai Mistress –
    Kasta Daktarios
    Age: 26
    Height: 5’11
    Weight: 112

    Lithe and flexible, Kasta is from the Spice Fields and is a mistress of the art of pressure points. The team who goes up against her is not expected to match her at her own skill, as she has learned this difficult art through an apprenticeship which she began when she was seven years old and only finished a year ago. Her short cropped dark hair curls around a dark face intense with focus, but when completely entranced during combat a mysterious smile curves her lips and she has been known to chant.

    Bandesh Champion –
    Ami Eivar’yeh
    Age: 19
    Height: 5’9
    Weight: 167

    Only recently did young Ami become the champion of this particular technique, and it was with great ceremony that the honor was passed on to him after the previous champion was defeated in a fight which lasted over three hours. Ami came from one of the many tiny nomadic tribes that drive their herds into the foothills of the Zaileya Mountains. He is boisterous and outgoing, and often invites those he’s defeated in combat out for drinks after a fight. ***currently slotted to fight Reiko and Maia***

    Fari Gadka Champion –
    Shi’don Alak
    Age: 47
    Height: 6’0
    Weight: 183

    As deadly with a bladeless weapon as he is with the sharpest sword, Shi’don has been the champion for 20 years last season. Quite large for a Fallien man, he has startling blue eyes and a white streak at his brow from a wound he received in his first battle which nearly killed him. Although he loves to taunt his opponents, Shi’don has a reputation for always fighting fair.

    Lathee Master –
    Raylaikkhi Mehros
    Age: 29
    Height: 5’9
    Weight: 173

    Often, Raylaikkhi’s opponents swear after a match that he must have been blessed by Suravani with the breath of the north wind, for his staff is as fast and unpredictable as the winds that blow in off the north coast of Fallien into the Oasis where he was born. His long hair is bound into a tight braid at the base of his neck, and his haunting gold eyes seem to miss nothing.

    Muki Champions –
    Ai’iru & Davi Orscha
    Age: 25
    Height: 5’7
    Weight: 136/ 144

    These twins from Irrakam were raised by their single mother in the Outlander’s Quarter and became street brawlers at a young age. It wasn’t long before the underground crime lords recruited them as bouncers at a local brothel. But for these two dark skinned brothers, nothing comes more naturally than bare-knuckle boxing. The steeper the odds, the more fun the fight.

    Vajramushti Master –
    Idnystar Cimenalthos
    Age: 36
    Height: 5’2
    Weight: 127

    A native of The Blight, this Glasswalker is also a master of this rare style of fighting. His glass encrusted knuckledusters are deadly and leave an opponent in excruciating agony until fatality. Idnystar admits he is amused at his opponents’ frightened faces as he stalks them like the Karuku-tal beasts he hunts with in the darkness of the caves he calls home. **Idnystar is currently slated for combat against "Burly Knuckles" and "The Archer".**

    Mistress of the Vita -
    Jesala V’sheru (and her horse Arius)
    Age: 17
    Height: 5’4
    Weight: 97

    Jesala has been riding since before she could walk, and has been bonded to Arius since her 10th birthday. With her raven-dark hair braided around her head like a crown, and her barbed lance high in the air over her head, one might mistake this young warrior woman as some sort of goddess of wrath sent to wreak vengeance on her enemies. In reality, she is a gentle and quiet young woman, quick to grant smiles and difficult to anger.
    Last edited by The Valkyrie; 06-23-07 at 08:28 PM.
    well you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
    or the moment of truth in your lies
    when everything feels like the movies
    yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

    and i don't want the world to see me
    cause i don't think that they'd understand
    when everything's made to be broken
    i just want you to know who i am

    goo goo dolls "iris"

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