clomp-a-clop clomp-a-clop clomp-a-clop...

The sound of hooves platting over the dusty road echoed behind Paj and his steed. Each step of Iblis' hooves was slightly muted by the layers of sand that laid over the stone street. Despite the traffic, the heavy winds often swept sands through the Fallien bazaar, especially on the far end where the large extravagant shops gave way to smaller tents, some with little more than a hand-painted sign to indicate what was inside. Paj's eyes scanned each, passing by one that specialized in musical instruments, another that was a spicery. He passed an apothecary as well, a small and discreet tent which no doubt housed several more elicit wares. But none of these were of interest to him.

Finally he saw at the end of the row of tarps and canvases bucking against the wind one last very large building: The stables. There were rows of bays and stalls where people were keeping their horses, and a small tie post out in front of the building. Gently steering Iblis slowly to the post, Paj reached down, patting her gently on the side of the neck.

"There, there... easy, girl." He said softly in his native tongue.

The horse shook her head quickly, whipping her mane about in his face. While most of it was covered by his masked turban, some of the hairs had whipped across his eyes, and he rubbed them gingerly to get the itching sensation out. Dismounting, the horse bucked onto her hind legs for a second, but not whinneying as Paj had suspected. Instead, she calmed back down relatively quickly, and let her rider tie her to the post.

Paj pushed open the large oaken door on the front of the building, a sharp gust of warm Fallien winds following him into the shop as a small bell rang over the door. He began surveying the inside for the owner. The stables was one of the last places people shopped at in the bazaar, but it was essential if you have a horse...