New character

Name: Sakura

Race: Kiko (spirit fox)

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years, appear 16

Build: Slightly smaller than the average human, she is fairly lithe

Eye color: Green

Appearance: Sakura appears as most Kiko do as a cross between human and fox. Gold fur covers her whole body except for her chest, belly, face and the tips of her ears and tail, which are covered in a white fur. Her body is sleek and very feminine and the fur on her head is much shoulder length like human hair. Her face is sweet and can show human gestures through the fox like muzzle. Humans regard most Kikos as beautiful creatures and it’s not unknown for human or elf to fall in love with them.

Sakura wears a simple green women’s kimono with a pattern of bamboo and flowers that’s made for easy movement and traveling. Preferring not to wear lots of jewelry but she does have a silver anklet that she refuses to part with as she bought it with a twin that she gave to her sister.

Personality: Sakura is a free spirit though she is loyal to her family, especially her sister Aiko who was considered her only friend. The vixen is easily influenced by the attitudes of others that she is around and tends to avoid angry feelings.


-Bojutsu: Sakura has skill in fighting with a fighter’s staff. She can parry and attack with some finesse and is used to the speed and flexibility of staves but her skills are pretty much just the basics.

-Wilderness expertise: Sakura is skilled with foraging and simple hunting. She knows a bit about safe things to eat and can prepare a meal in the wilderness, not a great meal though.

Fox Magic: Sakura not only must rest to refresh her spells but she must eat meat that is no older than 2 days so that there are still traces of the spirit.

*Ghost lantern: Sakura creates a sphere of fire that illuminates with a pale light. The light is unnatural and gives uneasy feelings; animals tend to stay away from the magic. Can cast this spell 3 times before rest

*Confusion: An explosion of glowing blue smoke rises from the ground in a circle of 5 feet in diameter. The smoke is actually a mad spirit and anyone who inhales the spell will be affected by the spirits madness. Currently the victims of the spell will feel as if moderately drunk and absent minded with a small chance to occasionally forget what they are doing. The smoke only lasts for a few seconds and the effect on a person lasts 2 posts. The spell can be resisted with willpower. Can only be cast once before rest is needed.

*Fox shift: Sakura can become a black fox. The transformation takes about a minute and Sakura is exposed and cannot defend herself during it. She can change form 3 times before rest.


1 oaken fighting staff

Woman’s outfit (linen kimono, linen obi, oak geta)

Silver anklet (cannot be sold.)


Aiko: sister

Sakura’s sister is missing and is the purpose for Sakura leaving for adventure.


Daiki: father

Sakura’s father is currently extremely busy taking care of the family during the Tengu wars

Akemi: Mother

Sakura’s mother is currently charming a young Daimyo to use his army to help fight the Tengu.

Kuro Hiroshi: puppet
The Daimyo being charmed by Sakura’s mother


Bloodwing Clan Tengu

A deadly clan of tengu, they appear as a cross between Ravens and human. The beaks however have razor sharp teeth made hunters and they are not scavengers. Also Tengu weapons are famous for their strength and cutting edge.


Kiko are a strange kind, the spirit foxes mature very quickly but one at full they age slowly. It has to do with their diet and magic, a kiko’s digestive has a magical effect that processes the remnants of ki that a soul leaves when it leaves the body from death. Older Kiko can feed directly from a living beings ki but the younger need to eat the meat fully.

Sakura was born late into a kiko family with several brothers and was given little treatment once she was weaned from her Akemi’s nursing. It was a fairly lonesome life with most of her sibling only picking on her. Akemi once more gave birth to Aiko, another girl who once started to grow became fast friends with Sakura since she was getting similar treatment.

Sakura and Aiko were never apart for what seemed to be awhile, it was like they had their tails tied together. Being together gave them comfort and the two were finally happy, this lasted a year before the tengu war broke out.

The Bloodwing had made a mission to drive the kitsune out of their territory, the attacks were fast and brutal but Kitsune magic was enough to repel most the attacks but it had them at the losing side. The tengu were supreme fighters and the kiko were too few in number. The kiko needed better warriors and only the samurai could contend with the tengu fighters. Akemi left to the nearby Kuro castle for aid and she charmed the daimyo, taking Aiko and Sakura to be her princesses, using her powerful illusion magic to hide their fox like features…

Life in the castle was fine if a bit boring though the two girls enjoyed sneaking off to a nearby stream to play in the water and a samurai was willing to teach the girls Bojutsu, which Sakura loved to practice though she was not very skilled at it, but who is in the beginning.

One secret trip to the stream was a disaster, Tengu were lying in wait, the ambush commenced, Both girls tried to hide but Sakura was the only one to escape. Sakura was shaken as she watched her sister and best friend carried off through the air on the wings of the tengu. She chased after them but when they were out of site she returned and packed her things, leaving to find Aiko.