
Nocks awaited the boy knowing full well it might take him a long time to return from Haidia. On the eve of Lorenor's return, the Monk had a dream given to him by the grace of Khal'Jaren's blessings. Though Nocks didn't particularly believe in the Thaynes, he wasn't a fool in the sense of distrusting a blessing potentially sent by them. When he saw the boy's approach with a newly found confident stride, the Monk wondered what happened in Haidia. Deciding it a better matter not to question the boy about it, when he saw the new bracer he understood. He'd found the temple and successfully recovered the artifact he sought. The boy walked over to Nocks and the Monk stood up nodding towards his Apprentice carefully.

The boy handed him the package and the plan was in place now. Nocks had a separate reward for the boy and handed it to him as small crate. The boy nodded at that point and moved towards his personal resting quarters. It seemed by instinct that the boy was able to avoid day-light hours and the Monk always admired that about him. Animals were always strange to the Monk. Sitting in his room, the boy opened his crate and saw a hefty reward of gold on top of the gold he received in the Temple. And so, the boy laid down and prepared himself to become a great asset to the Gol'bron. Soon, the small warrior might prove himself worthy to become a black-smith, his chosen profession. But first, the Monks of Ai'brone tested him with their trials.



002--Bracer of the Aegis. An archaic artifact, this device attaches itself to the host and BECOMES the host's new hand. Basically, it generates a shield of energy in front of the small warrior approximately one foot away from his person. It can only function in one direction at this point in time. Also, the shield currently only blocks low-impact hits and shatters quickly. In this fashion, the boy can summon the shield five times a night.

003--Amulet of Purification. Simply stated, it purifies tainted blood. Can be used once per thread.

004--The Endless Upgrade. (Available after level 2) V'halkulus spawned off a new Endless. This Endless is currently in infant stage and completely useless to Lorenor. Right now, the boy is guided by The Endless and able to listen to the call of the Collective. So far, the boy has found two separate Collectives of the Endless with more probably lurking in Haidia. V'halkulus has reached Chrysalis stage and is currently in the process of becoming a Mature life-form. As a recent spawn, Aggressor only talks to Lorenor, it does not yet have a name it revealed to the boy. Eventually, Aggressor might mutate into a potentially deadly weapon. Currently, V'halkulus (Protector) is maturing into it's mature form and eventually an adult form. Upon adult form, its final state might be revealed and the boy can access this later on his career. Eventually both of The Endless will work together to protect the youth but for now, they simply advise him. During the maturation state of Protector, the armor is equivalent to Iron. Lorenor still can't command the armor to manifest itself at will but will one day be able to.