Level 9 Bandit – Changes in blue

Name: Taydrius “Yari” Rafanas
Age: Appears 22
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye color: Blue
Height/Weight: ~5’10/ ~140 lbs
Occupation: Unemployed

Personality: Emotional and dramatically arrogant

Appearance: A scruffy-yet handsome-young man with a head of wild hair that is usually tied back by a silver-colored headband. His slender, athletic form is rarely seen without his full suit of custom leather armor—it is black in color and riddled randomly with bright, shimmering metal studs, and is lined with expensive cloth. The rest of his clothes appear faded and tattered, but unique to him.

Though thought cliché and generic, he chooses to hide his identity with a black cloak.

History: Abandoned at birth in the hands of the Bandit Brotherhood and left with only the name Rafanas, “Yari” lead an eventful life as a brigand boy in training until his sixteenth year. When given the chance to truly be accepted into the group’s ranks, Yari’s inexperience led to the accidental murder of his mentor and father figure, which was quickly followed by his banishment.

Some time later he would return and rise to become the Bandit Brotherhood’s new leader, finding purpose in life in fighting for freedom and the love of his life. A new enemy emerged in the form of sickly, grey warriors, the Mindless. Lead by two adamant figures bent on achieving complete conformity, this large menace terrorized Concordia and threatened the world with their growing strength. It was not until the youthful hero Rafanas stepped up and lead the warriors of Concordia against this army that they were finally defeated, costing Rafanas his life.

Years passed, and a figure posing as Rafanas emerged and challenged the changing world of Althanas, only to disappear.

And again, the former King of Thieves is spotted roaming the world, but by what means? And why?

Rafanas continues to wander Althanas, a slave to his emotions, acting merely on impulse. Without direction or goals and torn by greed, lust, and his desire to change the world for the better, the brigand’s magic has grown more chaotic in nature.

Skills Overview:
Level 0: Basic Skills
(Improved over levels) Rafanas is very skilled in the use of spears and short blades as weapons and is considered an experienced warrior. Being a practiced bandit and thief, his dexterity and overall agility makes him a very deadly adversary when in melee range. Out of combat, he has plenty of skills useful in surviving in the harsh wildernesses of Althanas.

Level 1: Façade Magic
Makaido: Destructive, medium ranged spell that causes large, inanimate objects to explode from within, or knocks them over violently. Requires a moderate amount of concentration, energy, both of the caster’s hands, and a strong heart.

Level 2: Thief Magic
Plunder Palm: A spell that turns Rafanas’ hands into gold magnets. When his charged palms make contact with any surface, items and anything else made of gold within 15 feet are tugged towards his hands. At the same time, a blinding light is also released, that can be used to stun foes. Requires a free hand and minimal amount of energy. (Limit 1 per post)

Level 3: Theif Magic
Rogue Requiem (Improved over levels): Destructive spell with a variety of ranges depending on where it is directed. Following an intense song that arrives on the wind, any spear held by Rafanas gains the ability to fling powerful energy in the form of waves or beams. Smaller attacks with this spell require effort to aim and a moderate amount of energy, but the larger, more devastating attacks can leave Rafanas exhausted. Signature attack.

Level 4: Thief Magic
Hidden Bond: Yari’s spear can instantly be summoned out of thin air, and vanishes in the same manner. The weapon will also return to Yari’s hand when called if it is within 20 feet. Requires a thought and minimal energy.

Wishful Wink: Seductive magic spell cast when Rafanas winks. It is designed to steal hearts. The target of the spell may temporarily become extremely infatuated with Yari and may also offer up services and belongings. The lasting affects of the spell vary with each target, but characters of lower level than Rafanas will find the magic hard to resist. Requires eye contact and concentration.

Level 5: Thief Magic
Backhanded Burst: Magic that allows Rafanas to move with incredible bursts of speed, making him difficult to track visually. Movement from one area to the next is restricted to straight lines and at a maximum range of 50 feet. If wounded, especially in the legs, the ability is hard to use. If used repeatedly or along with other taxing abilities, Yari will tire quickly.

Level 6: Time Magic
Leaden Light (Improved over levels): Projectile spell that flings multiple, marble-sized orbs of light at enemies. If hit with just one, a target’s action speed will be cut in half. The affects linger for longer on lower level targets. Requires a free arm, a moderate amount of energy, and can rarely be performed more than once in a fight.

Level 7:
Yari gained no magic or special skills during this time, but through trial and error, became more accurate with range weaponry and more experienced in combat in general.

Level 8: Time Magic
Covetous Celerity: Increases the speed of time, allowing the target of the magic to double the rate at which they think, react, and move. Rafanas can either use this magic to benefit his self or will the magic into the body of another nearby person via touch, but not both. Requires slight concentration and can only be used once per encounter/battle and not along with other speed-increasing abilities.

Level 9: Time/Thief Magic
Soul Sink: – Thief – Through touch, Rafanas can drain energy from a single person’s soul and replenish his own. The transfer can either be extremely violent or calm, knocking targets of a much lower level unconscious or putting them into a peaceful sleep. The ability also allows Rafanas to have a glimpse into the target’s past.
Useable against a single target once per battle/encounter, amount of energy drained dependent on level.

Rift: – Time – With the use of any short blade or spear, Rafanas can tear dimensional fabric. These rifts heal almost immediately after they are created, disallowing any travel between dimensions or looks into alternate worlds. The ability is currently used to increase the damage of a weapon, especially to structures, armor, and terrain. A finishing move capable of being used once per encounter/thread that is very draining on the user, but devastating to the target.

-Shark Daggers: Two curved short blades resembling deadly sea creatures. Crafted of mythril and enchanted with the water element.

-Membership Dagger: Short blade crafted of simple iron with a custom pommel displaying the Bandit Brotherhood logo.

-Custom Leather Armor: Arctic-hide leather that covers the forearms, torso, waist, and from the knee down. The inside is lined with vlince cloth, a material that can withstand the cut from a steel blade, and the outside is riddled with prevalida studs.

-Cloth wristbands made of a strange material, named the Crest of the Quick
-A silver medallion on the chain. On the back of the pendant is etched “Rafanas”