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Thread: Alerar - The Basics

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    *Grumble Growl Cough*
    Wraith's Avatar


    Alerar - The Basics


    Area: approximately 4.96 million sq. miles or 8 millions sq. km (roughly the
    size of Brazil)
    Population: approximately 16 million
    People: 81% Aleraran Elf, 10% Dwarf , 9% Other
    Languages: Primary - Aleraran, Secondary - Dwarven, Common
    Climate: Relatively temperate. There is snow in the northern parts of Alerar in the winter, such as Kachuk, but the southern regions of the country can get very hot, so much so that hardy tropical vegetation is able to survive in the southern Fields of Khu'fein.

    Capital: Ettermire
    Government: Puppet Monarchy, controlled by the High Graf and his clique.
    Heads of State: King Edari'axa, High Graf Schynius
    State Religion: Secular, although people are allowed to practice whatever
    religions they wish privately.
    Military: The United Army of Alerar (UAA)
    Major Adversaries: Raiaera

    Raiaera (East), Salvar (North), Fallien (The Sea to the West)
    Main Ports: Etheria Port
    Major Exports: Gunpowder, Coal, Rare Metals, Technology
    Major Imports: Food, Textiles


    : Distrust - Alerar feels that Corone's pro-Raiaerian attitude is harmful to Aleraran intentions and goals.
    Raiaera: Hostile - There is an open hatred for all things Raiaerian, Alerar feels the weaker elves are in desperate needs of a push off their high horse.
    Fallien: Neutral - Alerar considers the Fallien's a barbaric and foolish people. While the idea of a female monarch was indeed implemented in Alerar, having an entire line of female rulers seems ludicrous and dangerous to the civilized Alerarans.
    Salvar: Alliance The proud humans of Salvar, though weak in physical stature, still seem among the more intelligent creatures to grace the face of Althanas. Indeed, brothers in arms against the world of savages.
    Dheathain: Neutral Alerar knows little of these people, and frankly the remote location keeps them from caring.

    Technologies and Armies.

    Alerar is the only nation on Althanas to have mastered flintlock gun technology, as well as mastered gunpowder and steam to their whims. As such, their armies have a major advantage over other nations when it comes to warfare. What it lacks in discipline and training, it makes up for in manpower and machinery.

    Every foot soldier of Alerar's proud army is armed with mass-produced (and slightly inferior quality) steel short sword, chest plate, and armor. Their weapon of choice, despite its shortcomings, is a flintlock rifle.

    Horses are severely lacking, but recent attempts at horseless chariots and carriages of steam and iron have proved successful, if not dangerous to their operators.
    Last edited by Arsène; 06-14-09 at 10:57 PM.
    Level 0

    Region Writer for Alerar.

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