((Once the battle starts we're doing a Gisela style army versus army battle to make things interesting and hopefully score a bit higher))

Several of the soft skins looked over various machinery and strange looking devices. These of which mattered very little to the final purpose of the kidney like structures. These strange instruments looked like boxes of various configurations that somehow resembled pseudo pods of the much larger organic structure. With the two dragon kin in the company, experimentation took place months prior once word went down the chain of command.

There were a group of strange looking soft skins overlooking the complicated devices manipulating this lever and that gauge. Experimentation with captured dragons from the wild proved that the kidney like devices should work on the Skuugra. They only needed to calibrate the complex artifacts to the height and weight of the two rather large beasts. Surprisingly, the configurations only took a matter of weeks though it was a painstaking process. Typically the largest objects sent through the teleportation field were supply wagons and large crates.

None of these matched the general size of the Skuugra though. With the teleportation field configured, the Skuugra should have no problem going through it. Several of Lorenor's companions (Lorenor had approximately 100 Mercenaries under his command) went through the field. A surge of energy and power opened up the transportation gate, a blinding flash of light flared across the room and the soft skins in Lorenor's command were gone. The device was configured to transport people to another such device located somewhere on the field of combat.

The secondary device was located at least 50 yards from the primary line of skirmishing for the two rival armies. One representing The Endless and one representing the last best hope for all life on Althanas. Lorenor's men were well trained. They spent a lot of time in the training camps under Lorenor's own guidance. He taught them everything he knew from the Monks of Ai'bron's training. When fifty of Lorenor's soldiers stepped onto the transportation platforms, the light overtook them and they were gone in an instant. Only a few of Lorenor's soldiers remained as they awaited their leader. He waited for the Skuugra. He watched as the one called Whitecap examined the vampire hieroglyphs all over the fabric surface of the tent.

Somehow, the examination of the Skuugra filled the immortal with pride. He wished there was time to explain how certain things worked with their society. Though right now, there was no time. The vampires fought to maintain their way of life from being wiped out forever. Lorenor walked over to his friends, the Skuugra, after waving towards the rest of his men. They could go off ahead of him, Lorenor had one final matter to take care of.

"It's time to go. We have all of our equipment ready. The machines have been configured for you guys. Everything should be fine." Lorenor said to Whitecap and his companion. "Let's show The Endless something to fear." Lorenor said with a grim expression.