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Thread: Ascension to Power: Chapter 1

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  1. #11
    297 (300)
    Master Val'Rysn's Avatar

    Val'Rysn Tenerick
    Hair Color
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    5 foot, 1 inch. 112 lbs.
    Former Master Mage and Teacher

    Now a Little Task

    ... Wake up...
    ... Wake up.

    Wake up.

    "Val! Wake up, my friend!" Cried Etre'si, standing over Val'Rysn's overturned body and shaking him wildly, the sleeping mage was in a trance.

    After a couple more jerks Val slowly turned over so that he lay on his back, Godix backed up and smiled. "I thought you had died! Surely your little mage body can handle more pain than that." He chuckled.

    Val sat up just a bit; he was in the same room. How long had he been sleeping? He was fatigued as if he had in fact had just gone through multiple hours of sleep. He felt refreshed though, and his wound only ached a little bit from beneath his white bandages. "What time is it?" Val'Rysn asked his companion, he looked him over and his eyes widened to see him without his robe. He was muscular, as muscular as a slim drow elf can be anyway. He was clad in tight fitting, black studded leather armor and had several other of the same looking vicious daggers he used earlier.

    Godix noticed Val's surprise and laughed, "Yes, not only have I been training my mind but my body as well." He looked the weak drow mage over up and down, "You should, too. Looking a tad thin."

    "Am I supposed to take that as a compliment?" Val responded, throwing his legs over the side of the bed and letting them dangle over the floor.

    "Hmm, I guess not. Anyway, morning has just begun to dawn. I had your cloak and shirt carefully cleaned, did you sleep well?" Val nodded, Etre'si was obviously getting through all that general stuff quickly so he could say or ask something of importance.

    "Out with it, then."

    Etre'si smiled, picked up the cloak and shirt off the table and handed them to Val, he had already replaced the magical stuff into the cloak and he checked for that, "Haha... Not here, friend. Come to the Greeting Chamber with me." He backed up and opened the door, Val quickly slipped into his garments, grabbed his staff and followed. Once he got walking he noticed his legs hurt too, probably that chair... Damned Draconians.

    The two mages traversed the halls once more, Etre'si leading the way, slowly so as to not ditch the slightly limping Val, who had whipped out his staff and used it as a walking stick. "So do these things happen often?" Val'Rysn asked his muscular companion.

    "Yes, as a matter of fact. But don't worry, we've withstood many of these."

    "Who were those men?" Val asked with a huff.

    "Rogues. Thieves and bandits that live outside the city. They come in through my back entrance that leads out of the city. You do know that this Keep is in fact on the edge of the city?" Val nodded, and at last they had reached the room that he came in initially. It took much less time going through the halls that time. "We placed you in a room near mine, if you must know." Etre'si blurted suddenly, as he was opening the door leading to the Chamber. It answered Val's question so he decided to keep his mouth shut.

    When they entered the room Val'Rysn saw a contingency of guards, mages and priests about. Doing various things, coming in and out of the East Wing. Apparently yesterday Etre'si had asked personally for the room to be emptied for Tenerick's arrival, but now it bustled with activity. His stone throne had a lightly armored guard on either side, he walked up the dais and plopped down on it. Val just walked to the center of the dais. He heard a priest chanting beside him but didn't really care about why.

    "So, Val'Rysn, my friend," Godix began, the mage turned his attention toward the King of the Keep. "I have a favor to ask for you. On account of the recent attack, I have busy matters to attend to. But, unfortunately, I have to meet a friend within the morrow. But I won't be able to make it..."

    The gimp mage had a weird look on his face, an incredulous look. "What?" Etre'si asked. Val was silent, mulling things over in his noggin.

    Val'Rysn's expression dimmed, he knew what his friend was going to ask. "And I want you to meet him, in my place." ... His suspicions were correct.

    "Well that was rather blunt." Val thought to himself. "... A friend?" the mage quickly responded, emphasizing the last word to try and implicate that the idea was absurd.


    "You expect me to do this with a limp in my step and a rather annoying pain in my chest?"

    "Ahaha... You'll be fine, Master Tenerick."

    "Former Master Tenerick, " He retorted, then waited a second before saying, "No. I can't. I have things to do myself, you know."

    "Like what? Please, I beg you, especially on account of me saving your life." Etre'si responded with a laugh.

    "Saved my - saved my what!?" Val responded, a hint of anger crept into his voice. But he quickly calmed down and composed himself. It was the truth, though. If it weren't for the strong Etre'si, Val would have had his head cleaved in half. But still, that does not mean he can be coaxed into running an absurd errand for him.

    "Calm down, my friend," Godix said, keeping a kindly voice, "What if I threw in a pile of gold in the process? 10,000 sound good?" Now THAT just might - might - make him go through with it. He laughed to himself.


    "You have no idea how much gold I have amassed with merchandise. I have no trouble giving such a sum, especially to a friend. Please. I'll even give you the money for the trip there." Etre'si begged, whispering to his right hand guard, then the guard came down from the dais and pulled out a rolled piece of parchment and a small leather pouch from his sleeve and handed them to the limping mage.

    "A trip? Where are you expecting me to go?" Val peeked inside the pouch and saw gold glittering back at him, he tucked it away in his cloak and his attention turned to the parchment. Before he unrolled it, he felt a soothing warmth wash over his entire body and in an instant, he felt as if his body had been revitalized - though the pain in his chest was still throbbing a little, his eye felt great though. He looked surprisingly to his side at the male priest who had a big smile on his face. He bowed and turned to walk away.

    "Thank you, good sir!" The drow mage exclaimed, slinging his staff back over his back. "What a waste of two healing potions!" He quietly thought to himself. He unrolled the parchment then and saw that it was a well-drawn map, a map of... The Red Forest? "Raiaera!? What is this?" Val asked.

    "'Tis a map -"

    "Well, obviously." Val interrupted.

    "A map of where it is I want you to go. I can tell that you've already thought about accepting my request. The safest path I have marked with a line." He continued, ignoring his friends smart remark. Val took a second look and saw a thin, curvy line extending Eluriand to a place in the Red Forest, 'Lindequalme' was written beneath it. "It will be a short trip -"

    "I thought you said this needed to be done in a day?" The revitalized mage interjected.

    "Oh, yes! I did, didn't I? Well it must've slipped out. No no, take your time. Now as I was saying," Etre'si paused for a moment, waiting to see if Val wanted to interrupt him again. He was silent, so he moved on, "You should have no trouble getting there. That is, if you go with these:" The guard that gave him the parchment whipped out a pair of knee-high, purple studded leather boots. He handed them to Val, who cradled them in his arms. They were magnificent! The soft leather caressed his black skin and they had the sleek shine of enchantment. "Those boots will allow you to be as light as a feather - You can walk for miles! Go ahead, try them on. Keep them, too, while you're at it!"

    Val smiled and quickly slipped off his rugged adventurers’ boots and put his small feet into the silky leather cradles that were called Feather Boots. A snug fit. Not to mention, very fashionable. He wished he had that purple cloak to match the boots. He chuckled to himself at the thought, "Many thanks, friend." He responded calmly, trying not to act so happy and jovial. They were indeed a fancy gift.

    "No problem. But this means that you must do it." With a slight twist of tongue, Etre'si had practically tricked Val into meeting this mystery woman. It wasn't even clever, either... Val was blinded by lust, the want for the things he offered in return.

    "... Right now?" He asked quietly. He had decided to accept the mission in the end, before it turned into an ultimatum. Etre'si nodded.

    "If you plan on reaching your destination in time, I suggest you do leave right now. I pray for your safety, friend!" Godix responded. Val bowed for final thanks for the boots after staring at his friend incredulously for a moment, then spun around and walked towards the dark hall, and laughed as he saw a dead Draconian being dragged across the floor towards Etre'si's wing, smearing a bloody trail across the stone floor... Strange? He had a bloody knife stuck into his forehead. Val'Rysn quickly bent down and plucked it out of his brain before they took the body wherever they were taking it, and shoved it into its leather home. Then, with a look back at Etre'si who gave him a nod, he continued walking into the lightless hall that led out, leaving the stale air behind. It was so weird and abrupt, leaving right away without a proper farewell. Val wasn't even sure if he wanted to do it, might even think about wandering off once he left - He only said he'd do it so he could leave the infested crypt before another raid came in. Nonetheless, his old friend had believed him, Etre'si was sitting on his throne with a smile of content...

    ... He was planning something. Something far more then a simple "meeting."


    Val's story continues here

    Boots of the Feather: These fashionable boots are imbued with an enchantment that makes the wearer "as light as a feather." Allowing them to walk along surfaces such as snow, swamp, or anything of the like and not sink into the depths. Very useful.

    Hand Crossbow: This is a simple hand crossbow, made from oak wood and steel, just small enough to fit snugly tucked in his belt and a small quicker of bolts would fit right next to it. Sadly, he hasn't acquired any crossbow bolts for it, yet.
    Last edited by Master Val'Rysn; 09-26-07 at 04:02 PM.
    "Why subject my beautiful body to pain and suffering to be strong when I can just be stronger from reading a book?" - Val'Rysn

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