Almost the moment that the teddy bear leaped up into the air, Lorenor knew exactly what to expect. The fact that he'd grabbed his face didn't bother the ghoul as much as the fact that the little guy was now DISRESPECTING him in his own arena! The nerve of him! Seeing the aerial antics of the little runt, Lorenor quickly sprung into action.

Whatever moment's hesitation was soon gone as the ghoul reacted with all the agility his small frame could muster. He heard the little one reloading his damned crossbow and knew what was happening. Almost on instinct, really just to avoid getting hit by another one of those damned bolts, Lorenor swirled completely around on his heels.

Bringing John Mattis' sword up to bear, the ghoul swung at the half pint warrior almost at the exact apex of the other's leap. Lorenor intended to cut the tiny teddy bear in two even pieces knowing that such an injury wouldn't kill it. He'd be humiliated, but he certainly wouldn't die from it. Lorenor counted off the second to see if his counter strike connected with the teddy bear.

The cross bolt zinged through the air and indeed struck true. Lorenor winced in pain as yet another bruise developed on his abdomanilis region. He ignored the needle impact as best he could and just continued to work this battle until the Scara Brae Knights said it was all over. The crates underneath him were made out of particularly sturdy oak wood and thusly held against his weight. Lorenor didn't want to talk to the teddy bear after the previous insult, he simply wanted to end this battle as soon as he could.

Lorenor was tired. He was weary. Exhaustion was rearing its ugly head in the ghoul's heart and he did his best to keep going despite the terrible feeling in his gut.