Mac tried to avoid being burned. The blast of fire was rather large and was very hot, a surprise to Mac that such heat could be created from so young a lass. He would have to be careful not to upset her if he ever actually had a conversation her.

She knocked the bandits out with three fearsome blows, large knots forming on their heads from the impacts. If they ever woke up again, they would have some horrible headaches. As it was however, he was still tied up, and the girl was pretty much spent. She even looked like she couldn't move anymore. She wouldn't be untying him anytime soon. There goes one chance o' gettin' outta here...maybe another one will come along soon...

He squirmed a little, trying to get out of the ropes that held him, but he was unable to move, and instead gave himself a small burn from the chafing ropes.Ach...the lass is out fer th' count...I'm stuck 'ere a bit longer i' seems. Gonna have ta make do fer now. If he could have twiddled his thumbs at that moment, he most certainly would have.

For about 4 minutes, everything was calm. Then, Mac was startled by the sudden, if hardly audible, tip-tapping of boots on stone. A slightly hunched-over shadow darkened the cave wall. Mac was scared in all honesty, even if it was just a shadow...who knows who it could have been?