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Thread: Even Ends Bring About Beginnings

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  1. #1

    Khariss Sevrath
    Hair Color
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    5'10" 205 lbs.
    Corrupt Merchant

    Even Ends Bring About Beginnings

    [Closed to Jack Stone]

    All men make mistakes. Smart men turn mistakes into opportunities.

    Khariss liked to think of himself as a smart man.

    Take the infamous business venture, for example: the Illicit Entrepreneurs. It had massive potential. He had planned to take over the Bazaar and impose his own tax on all of the goods sold there, and that was just the beginning. He hadn’t anticipated his men ditching the scheme, however. In the end, the Bazaar remained untouched, Khariss was run out of Radasanth and the Illicit Entrepreneurs diverted all of its attention from salvaging the situation, choosing instead to wage war against Rajani Aishwara’s Peregrine Group. That little vendetta ceased when Rajani seemingly disappeared. Khariss Sevrath gained two things from the entire ordeal. The first was a “Wanted” sign, complete with his name and description, posted to every available wall and tree in Radasanth.

    The second was a half-dozen sizable barrels of gunpowder, pilfered unnoticed from a mine in the mountains of Alerar.

    Any amount of gunpowder was rare outside of Alerar. But six barrels?

    It was this that made Khariss a smart man. The Illicit Entrepreneurs was a mistake, an undeniable failure. But from it, he seized an opportunity: he had a valuable commodity that, if sold in the right situation, would net him unfathomable profit. It was with this plan in mind that the quick-thinking merchant found himself bound for Raiaera and the port city of Anebrilith.

    The conditions were unexpected, although not altogether undesirable. Instead of sitting on the brink of war with Alerar as was the norm, they found themselves under siege by a new enemy: Xem'zûnd. Copies of the latest Radasanthian Reader were scattered all over the ship. From what Khariss could gather, Carnelost had already fallen and Anebrilith was likely to be the next target. In order to buy time, some “Bladesinger’s Guild” was attempting to destroy the bridges on the Elleduin River.

    Now, Khariss didn’t know what a Bladesinger was. He also wasn’t particularly remorseful of the loss of the outpost of Carnelost. He saw it as the loss of a market, and nothing more. Such knowledge and compassion was trivial. Here was an extremely great opportunity to have an entire country indebted to him. That was what mattered most to the man. They wanted to destroy bridges. There were few things in the world more capable of destroying things than explosives.

    An exultant smile split the man’s grizzled face. Perhaps this was the break he was waiting for. It was considerably more legal than he would have ever expected, but that was by no means a bad thing.

    Still grinning, Khariss gazed from the bow of the ship. The gray sea rose and fell all around him, and Anebrilith’s waterfront grew ever larger ahead. It was a matter of minutes now. He could feel the butterflies begin to flutter in his stomach. That was a feeling that he relished.

    It signified the beginning of something great.
    Last edited by Khariss Sevrath; 10-31-07 at 10:51 PM.

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