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Thread: Gravigra Blade: A hero awakens...

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    Gravigra Blade: A hero awakens...

    Seth Rahl, "Gravigra"

    He looks to be nineteen or so, but he is really over five hundred years old. However, since he's been in a coma for over 400 of them, he's only really had about a hundred years of experience, making him a child in comparison to angels and devils and those like him.

    Harmonae Cambion--When an angel and a devil have sex and give birth to a child, the result is a Cambion of special heritage. A crossbreed of angels and devils, this is a very rare race due to the uncommon circumstances that they were created by. Only a few are known to exist and they are rumored to possess extraordinary powers and abilities. In this case, the mother's influence is dominant when it comes to personality and abilities: i.e., if the mother was an angel then the child would be more angelic than demonic.


    Maritial Status:


    182 lbs~~Variable.

    Hair Color:

    Eye Color:
    Golden yellow, glows blue at times.

    Wanderer. Wherever the road takes him, he will follow.

    Even though he classifies himself as a "dark, brooding loner", Seth is actually quite friendly once you get to know him and get past the gruff demeanor and the vicious visage he puts on. He is easy to make friends with, although he isn't afraid to speak his mind at all. This often leads to people looking down on him for being so blunt and tactless, but he says that he has never been one to try and decieve others and he isn't going to start anytime soon. In battle he doesn't change his demeanor much, but he turns vulgar and vicious when confronted with an actual challenge.
    Seth has his own set of morals, and he is very unpredictable when it comes to those kinds of decicions. He may walk away from a pregnant lady laying dying on the ground one moment only to save a murderess from certain death the next, or vice versa. When questioned about his motives, he simply replies, "I do what I want, when I want. Life's no fun any other way." ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral

    There are some who call Seth a demon or a devil, for upon looking on his visage they either flee in terror or draw their weapons. For on his face is a demonic mask of sorts, with bone teeth that seem to be pulled back into an enternal grin. The eye holes reveal golden eyes sorrounded by black, and the mask is decorated with blood red stripes. As Seth speaks the mask moves as well, and it changeshis voice so that it echoes and makes it sound as if he was speaking in two voices, an unreal quality that many have considered creepy. A shock of spiky red/orage hair adorns his head, although surprisingly it is very soft and wavy. He can take off the mask, but he rarely does. When he does, however, he reveals a youthful face with bright golden eyes and a kind smile.
    His outfit consists of a black martial artist top (or gi) tucked into a pair of black, baggy pants, perfect for quick movement. Sorrounding this under outfit he wears a black sleeved cloak with a red inside, making it reverible from a black cloak to a red cloak. Sorrounding his waist is a white sash, and he seems to treasure this sash more than anything. It is thick and often drifts in the wind.

    Items And Equipment:

    -Refined Black Steel Katana:
    A 4 foot long black akashiman blade, there is nothing special about it except it has been refined to rarely dull and has a keener edge.

    -1 Travelers Sack:
    The basic necessity for any adventurer, the dimensions are that it is 2 feet high and 1.5 feet wide.

    -3 Medical Kits:
    Small boxes containing enough supplies to care of average wounds. Note: These are quest items only.

    -5 Rejuvenation Potions:
    restores stamina/energy back to full or close to near it with a swig. The perfect item for long adventures, each bottle contains enough potion for 2 swigs. Note: These are quest items only.

    -**Mask of the Devil**:
    A fearsome looking mask that is seemed to be made out of demon bone, this item cannot be sold, broken, lost or stolen. If anything happens to it where it is caused to become seperated with Seth, within hours it will mysteriously appear in a random place on him, like his pocket or traveler's bag. The mask also works as a face guard as well, and blocks average attacks. It doesn't, however, block the force behind the blow.

    -**Sash of Angels**:
    An item given to him by his father, it seems to be a simple white sash. It cannot be sold.


    Gravity Control(Level 0):
    Seth can defy gravity with his ability to control it and bend it to his will. However, at this time, he has a long way to go before he's going to be causing any devastating damage or effects. Also, he can only use one skill at time, meaning that he cannot go around speeding then suddenly switching and increasing his weight to increase his power at the last moment. He does not have that kind of control. Gravity control is seperated into four categories:

    ~Self Gravity~:
    Controls the gravity around Seth's own body and affects things like weight, speed, and power. (Skill Level: Average) He's had some practice with this kind of control and has the basics down pat, but still has some room to grow.

    Skills known:

    Decrease Weight:
    Decreases the weight upon Seth, allowing him to sacrifice attack power for speed. (Stats: Strength--.5 %, Speed--1.5%) This affects both movement speed and attack speed.

    Increase Weight:
    The reverse of D.Weight, it increases gravity upon Seth, slowing him down but increasing his strength. (Stats: Strength--1.5%, speed--.5%) As in above, it affects both movement speed and attack speed.

    Before he was able to use this ability like a bird and glide through the air, but now his "flight" has turned to a simple form of levitation, allowing him to hover off the ground about 4-5 feet. This can be used as a method to avoid low attacks or catch himself if falling, a safeguard. This is done by adjusting his gravity in the air, so he cannot use any other gravity techniques while doing so and fighting is restricted to simple attacks.

    ~Item Gravity~:
    Controls the gravity around objects, which affects their weight or even can be used as a form of telekenieses. (Skill Level: Low) While he's tried out some of this type, its gonna be awhile before he can say he's mastered the basics.


    Lift Light Object:
    He can lift a light object, say the size of beer bottle or coffee mug, and control it using gravity, thus imitating a form of telekenesis. If he were to throw that object, however, it would be at half the strength and half the speed at which it would normally be thrown.

    ~Gravity Upon Others~:
    As it says, it affects the gravity upon others, which is bassically just like when he uses Gravity Control on himself. However, unlike with himself, he may or may not fail, depending on the opponent's level of resistance.(Skill Level: Nil) He hasn't even touched this type, and can't summon an ounce of gravity using it.

    Skills: None known.

    ~Kinetic Gravity~:
    Affects gravity in general, making use for special effects and devastating attacks. However, this is the hardest to master, and takes lots of patience. (Skill Level: Very Low) He tried working with Kinetic gravity awhile back, and managed to do something, but that was about it. He has no clue really how to utilize Kinetic gravity and often only uses it when he goes beserk or loses control of his emotions.


    Increases the gravity on a small spot of area(3' by 3') to create a small crater in the ground. If an opponent was standing there they would be damaged by the imploding gravity, although at this time it would only be slightly. I.E. It would feel like getting punched on the top of the head. NOTE: Seth cannot use this move conciously.

    Other Abilities/Skills:

    One-handed Sword Proficiency:
    He has had some training in using a one handed blade, but he has really focused on his gravity training and has gotten rusty over the years of not using his skills. Thus he is slightly below average, prefering to use his unconventional tactics and unpredictability to confuse his opponents, leaving them open to strike.

    Aura Sense:
    A in-born ability set within all cambions, Seth is able to "see" the auras around not only living beings but in everything. Using this, he can often judge what people are like or see past some deceptions. He uses it so much that it has become more of an unconcious ability rather than active, like his Gravity Control.

    Supernatural Speak:
    A tongue very similar to Tradespeak or Common amonst regular beings, this tongue is used amongst supernatural beings like demons and angels and ghosts when they wish to converse secretly. Seth is fluent in it.

    Seth was born of the love between a rogue angel and a succubus concubine, who had offered herself up as a prize in order to stop the feud going on between Angels and Devils at that time. He never knew his parents, though, for almost as soon as he was born he was sent off to Althanas, as he was considered an abomination amongst not only the angels but the devils as well. He wandered Althanas for several years, growing older and stronger, before one day he was sent into a coma by a powerful wizard who had heard of his heritage and feared for the town's safety. Thus Seth slept below the ground, forgotten by those who lived above, until one day his eyes opened, and he freed himself from the grave they had dug him.

    Seth Rahl was back.

    Last edited by Blitzkrieg; 12-03-07 at 10:17 PM.
    Don't push your luck, boy.

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