A battle suddenly began. The duo was waylaid by a group of something out of one of the ancient history books Lorenor often saw back in the town of Ithermoss. The ghoul remembered reading about a group of people called goblins and was actually surprised when he saw them standing before him in the flesh. "Goblins.." Lorenor whispered the crude term. In reality the little green buggers were something else. Something far more sinister.

Feeling a burst of archaic energy, Lorenor shot a gaze towards Alex's person as he saw the next moment in time. His memory froze and the world seemed to slow down as she shot the rock attack towards a group of the goblins immediately in front of her. The mystically conjured boulder slammed straight away into one of the goblins and completely crushed it. Lorenor flinched when he saw such a powerful display of magics. Once again he saw the potential of dollar signs for keeping the girl around. She would be very useful to his personal monetary gains even if Alex didn't quite see it yet. Lorenor saw the potential there. He saw that she'd been slammed back as a result of some invisible recoil that afflicted her body.

Lorenor moved immediately in between her fallen person and the goblins, leaping forward with his weapon drawn. Lorenor expertly drew John Mattis' sword from its scabbard and prepared to fend off the group of goblins that were before him. They were short, that would be a problem considering his own height. Lorenor only stood two heads above the little guys and was built small like they were. Lorenor's own muscle structure was that of a lean physique rather than a muscle-bound freak of nature.

The first group of goblins immediately made their way to attack the ghoul. They cackled and called to one another in a strange language consisting of gutterral calls and clicks from the stomach. Lorenor found it at once disgusting and beautiful. The ghoul swung out powerfully with his sword and managed to catch the first two goblins completely off guard. Quick incisions to the gut were made as entrails fell to the ground. The little creatures screamed in agony cursing the ghoul's existence. The others observed the small warrior's attack and prepared their weapons. Danger was in their eyes as they hungered for Lorenor and Alex's blood. Lorenor was all that stood between them and Alex. One of the tiny warriors swung towards the ghoul and he swung with a counter attempt. Their two swords met comically at the center of an arched movement. The ghoul heard the clang of steel and frowned at the level of skill the goblin had with his weapon. The other goblins prepared to swarm Lorenor. I'm not having this... They'd already taken down three of the goblins but many more remained...it was impossible to know their numbers. Something about them prevented Lorenor from getting a fix on the exact numbers of the goblin ambush party. There could be hundreds out there and they would never know it until it was too late...

And so the battle began.