((I was level 6 with 31,240 EXP and 1950 GP. I am going to rewrite some of the descriptions in this profile only because most of it was written while I was like lv1 or 2 and needs some refreshing.))

Basic Information:

Full name: Letho (Ruben) Ravenheart
Age: 25
Hair: short, dark brown, neatly trimmed hair and a thick beard and moustaches
Eyes: dark brown
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 240 lbs (mainly due to his muscle density, not their size)
Race: Daywalker


Not so long ago, while the lands of Savion still smoldered after the draconic flames and prince Ruben Letho only became an exile from his own kingdom, Letho could easily fit the archetype of the sullen mysterious wanderer. He wore black denim pants, shirts that varied from the dark hues of green to every possible shade of black, and a completely black leather trench coat in which he could successfully wrap his rather imposing bulky figure, shielding his visage with the shadow of the hood. His boots were light and worn, in accordance with the image he pertained, and he was often regarded with suspicious and less-then-welcoming looks. The bastard sword that stood secured on his back certainly failed to aid his rather uncharismatic disposition.

But things changed with the introduction of Myrhia in his life. Even though it took a lot of time for her to break through his stubbornness, little by little she managed to lighten him up. This didn’t reflect as much on his wardrobe as it did on his face that now started to lose the weary helplessness that it usually had. More and more often, especially while she was around, there was a smile to be seen amidst his thick beard, and even though once upon a time his frowned looked like something that was chiseled into stone, it became a less frequent visitor as of late. But this is a face reserved only for Myrhia and a handful of the closest friends. And they come few and far between.


Similar to his appearance, Letho’s personality tends to change given the situation. If the battle is raging around him or there is a need for a decision to be made in dire situations, Letho’s words are few, but wise and calculated. In such situations it’s very possible that even the closest of friends will be brushed aside rather harshly and strictly, with a frown and a firm powerful commanding voice. He seems almost emotionless in these situations, relentless and intrepid, ready to charge against whatever odds head-on. His courage, though sometimes bordering with madness, is not of the boisterous kind, making him pound his chest and speak everyone of the deeds done and deeds that should be done. Instead he’s the silent thunder, opting to be a doer instead of a talker.

During the more leisurely times, Letho usually wasn’t much different, if not a bit more bitter and pessimistic. However, once again, Myrhia seems to be a cure for that dark side of him, and even though he still tends to stick to his introverted nature, the inner monologues and the endless pondering are more and more turning into dialogues with his beloved. Still, even now there are times when he can be caught with his “thinking cap”, sitting with a distant dreamy look in his eyes as his mind rummages through the vast database of memories that often bring woe and grief.

Regardless if he’s in the middle of a strife or merely walking down the street, his actions always follow the Old Code. Even though he’s not officially a knight anymore, his following of the Code is almost religious. It became a way of life to him, not just a group of rules but a manner in which he was raised and trained for his entire life. The Code is a part of him, and though he can bend it from time to time, he will never break it.

Weapons and accessories:

Titanium Bastard Sword – This blade is Letho’s most trusted companion through most of his life and one of the few possessions that draw their roots back to the kingdom of Savion. Due to wear and tear of time, the one gallant and highly decorated hilt became rather unremarkable and there are no distinguishing features now that differ this sword from the rest that would stand on a rack. But none fit better in Letho’s hand then this titanium piece that downed more enemies that most people see in their entire lifetime. It was, after all, this blade that once upon a time, slain one of the most powerful dragons on the fields of Savion. Due his soldier-like nature and training, Letho always keeps it perfectly clean, oiled and sharpened, in the scabbard at his back. ((picture))

Titanium Dagger – At first this weapon was merely used for cutting binds and skinning wild animals, but with time Letho learned how to use it both in close quarters situations and as a ranged weapon. As all his weapons, it is always kept clean and sharpened, hanging around his waist. ((picture))

Dehlar Gunblade “Lawmaker” – This six feet titan amongst the weapons is something that Letho manufactured himself (with the help of a local Bazaar blacksmith). The base of this weapon is a single action 14mm hunting rifle with effective range of some 300 meters. The bullets for this weapon cost twice as much in the Bazaar. Also, because of the large caliber the weapon has a monster recoil, making it impossible for a person to fire the weapon unless he is thrice as strong as a normal human. Also, because of the tension and the high pressure that is caused by the firing a bullet so large, the weapon has the 25% chance of getting jammed (NOTE: This doesn’t mean every fourth shot is a dud, but rather a general failure rate. So the weapon can be fired 5 times in a row, but then it can jam twice in a row). If it’s jammed it cannot be used for the rest of the battle or three posts must pass in a quest. Also, after firing three rounds, each next round increases the failure rate by 5 percent because of the heating of the barrel. This weapon is approximately 6 feet long and its ebony wooden parts are decorated with silver (does not increase the weapons value).

However, due to Letho's tendency to get into melee a whole lot, this weapow was merged with a massive dehlar blade that stretches below the rifle, from the gunpoint to the trigger. Needless to say, Letho is possibly the only person that can wield this weapon effectively. On the side of the massive dehlar blade there is an imprint that reads “Lawmaker”. Letho currently has 3 bullets for this weapon. ((picture))

Ulder and Cyper Composite Longbow – Though the merchant in Radasanth told Letho that this bow was made by the elves, Letho isn’t certain that that’s the whole story. The massive composite wood is not usual for the usually gallant elves and the fact that it takes almost inhuman strength to use this bow at full efficiency only adds to the superstition that some of the barbaric tribes of Salvar had their fingers in the creation of this bow. Either way, Letho doesn’t use it very often and neither does Myrhia because she can’t pull it all the way. Letho currently has five cyper arrows with steel tips.((picture until I find a better one))

Titanium Breastplate – This is another piece of Savion that keep sticking with Letho no matter what. The plate lost most of its royal decorations making it rather unremarkable. Letho usually wears it underneath his shirt. The sheen of the metal isn’t very helpful when you’re trying to make your way through the countryside unseen. Only a faint shape of a wolf howling on the moon can be seen on the chest of the plate. ((picture, though not the decorations on it))

Ganutlets – with Letho’s increase in strength, this piece of armor turned in a devastating bludgeon weapon. On top of that, Letho upgraded them with a set of talons that pop up at the squeeze of the fist. The two gauntlets are somewhat different though.

Left Gauntlet – this gauntlet is made out of dragonscale that Letho got after slaying a maddened dragon in Hadia. The gauntlet has an ability to block 25 percent of magical damage if the gauntlet is placed in front of the attack in time. This amount is upgradeable and depends on the level of the opponent. For every level below his, Letho gains an extra 5 percent of magic immunity. But for every level above his, he loses 10 percent of the immunity. The talon in this gauntlet is made out of dragon bone, though its strength is only as strong as dehlar. ((picture, without the colorful decoration))

Right Gauntlet – this gauntlet is much more plain and common looking, with the talon made out of damascus. ((picture))

Talons look alike and are curved inwards, making their jagged edges a powerful weapons in hand-to-hand combat. ((picture, Letho has one, not two, on each hand))

The Horn of the Chimera – Letho acquired this horn during one of his first adventures outside the kingdom of Savion. The horn is finely carved and decorated with the silver insignia of a wolf howling at a full moon, but has no abilities other then that it allows the blower to turn the attention onto himself on the battlefield. ((picture))

“Midnight Fidelity” – Midnight Fidelity is a completely black pegasus, tamed and quite fond of Myrhia.


Letho’s youth was very productive, at least in a sense of battle skills. He, as the future king of his kingdom, trained hard and long under the best masters of his father, king Agraus. His swordsmanship was once the greatest in the whole kingdom of Savion, and he picked up some good ranger skills as well. But many years have passed since he left his devastated kingdom and most of his skills were lost during his years of wandering. Ones that remained are the ones he needed the most for his wandering lonewolf life.

Master Parry – With all the swordfights the exiled prince was during his time in Althanas, it was only natural that he finally mastered the art of parrying the blows. His parries are now clinically precise and perfectly timed, enabling him to predict and intercept the incoming attacks with ease. Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean he is untouchable in a swordfight, especially if the opponent is highly skilled with a weapon.

Master Swordsman – Ever since Letho set foot in Althanas, his encounters and adventures were marked with battles and many foes fell to his blade. His style is mostly based on his tremendous physical power, but unlike most of the powerful people, there is some finesse in his moves as well. Not a lot, but enough to make his strikes impeccably precise without ever overextending himself or making dire mistakes.

Rage – is a little something that remains hidden in the depth of Letho’s subconsciousness, and only comes out when he’s greatly aggravated or in near death situations. It’s a heritage of the time when he pursued his pointless revenge. It raises his strength and speed greatly, but Letho practically looses the control of his actions and can hurt even those that are not his foes if enraged enough. His muscles grow to an unhealthy size, his eyes turn bloody red and he has a faint dark read aura around his transformed body. During the Rage, the more damage he takes, the stronger his attacks become, but less precise and focused on one enemy. With all the battles and near death situations he encountered Letho slowly started to get this ability under control. He can now gain all the benefits of this skill without causing any harm to his friends for a limited time of 3 minutes. With every moment beyond that he starts to lose control of this power until he completely loses control 5 minutes after he started to use it. He still has to be greatly aggravated to bring out this skill so he can’t call upon it every time he wishes it. However once he is, his strength is now five times that of his usual power and he is twice as fast, but still less precise and focused on a single enemy. Once he uses it he has to rest for six hours before using it again.

Nature knowledge – A little piece of his ranging skills that remain from his training mostly turned into knowledge of how to stay alive and not starve from death in wilderness. Though he is in a new land now, many plants and animals are the same as in his homeland and he has a good chance of catching an animal or finding a suitable herb.

Healing – With all the perils and injuries he and Myrhia encountered, Letho, whether he wanted it or not, elevated this skill to a significant height. He is now able to heal pretty much any serious non-lethal wound. Though he is not aware of it, those healed by him witness there is something magical in his touch that eases the pain and helps the healing process. Still, he can only heal these wounds with herbs and bandages, rendering the skill useless in battle. With his healing skills perfected, Letho was unaware that, though there was no more knowledge he ought to seek in order to improve himself, his skills continued to grow on their own. The magical touch of his hands was slowly becoming more and more apparent and though he is still unaware of its existence, it shows itself every time he uses his healing skills. It alone can now douse the pain completely and bring comfort to the wounded, making his treating of the wound nearly completely painless. This, however, has no effect on him and he can only use it on others.

Brawler – Never really studying the art of hand to hand combat Letho never had a specific style while fighting unarmed. However, during the numerous battles that he encountered, he developed his own fighting style. It focuses mostly on his prime attribute, strength, and even though Letho can pull out most of the simpler kicks and can do a good one-two combo with his hands, he is more apt to tackle his opponent, throw him onto the ground or pulverize him with a single punch. This kind of a fighting style severely lacks finesse, but is dangerous in close ranges since Letho can pack quite a punch and take his share of them.

Righteous Might - This power was awaken in Letho during assassination of Carlton Mueller, when Letho was facing seven evil Scara Brae royal guards. Following the same principles as his "Rage", "Righteous Might" gives Letho a great increase in strength and agility, but it allows him the control and focus on his enemies. His muscles once again grow in size, but this time his eyes are completely white and there is an ivory aura around him. Encountering many foes during his wandering through Althanas, this skill became practically indispensable to Letho and he uses it whenever Myrhia and he are in great danger. Because of the often usage of it, he was able to tap into even more power that empowered him even further. When he is using this skill, it now makes him six times stronger and twice as fast as usual for the duration of five minutes. On top of that, while before his power grew with every foe he struck down, now it grows with the damage he inflicts whether on a single foe or a number of them.

Basic spear proficiency – during his training with Myrhia he didn’t only train her in the art of spear fighting, but he managed to recall the lessons his teachers taught him and now he can wield a spear slightly better then Myrhia. His skill is about at a level of a lv.2 fighter skilled in the usage of the spear.

Weapon throwing – Though during his training as a Savion prince he never really learned much about this form of warfare, during his perils in the brave new world Letho found extreme usage of throwing weapons at his opponents. Whether it was his heavy sword, Myrhia’s spear or a dagger, he now excels in throwing pretty much any kind of weapon. However, due to the nature of the weapons he thrown most of the time (his heavy sword or his dagger) his aim is good only at shorter ranges, though even at longer distances he is far better then an average human.

The Gift of Chodan – with the royal blood coursing through his veins, Letho has discovered his mystic connection with his deity, Chodan, and through that connection the wolf god offered his aid to the proud warrior in the form of two dire wolves. These feral beasts with silver fur and two six inch canines hanging from their upper yaw, answer only to Letho through telepathic connection, and he can listen to their thoughts just as they can listen to his own. The wolves are embodiment of two great warriors, Orud and Ylime, and their eyes burn with eternal red flames. The two wolves differ; Orud being the male has superior strength, while Ylime as female has superior agility. Their bodies are summoned from the eternal plane to which they return if they are unsummoned or killed. They share all the vulnerabilities of the normal wolves save one; they know no fear. Physically, the wolves are superior to the mundane beasts of the same kind in every aspect, starting from their size since they reach up to Letho’s waist when standing on all four. Their physical attributes are twice that of a normal wolf (which actually isn’t a lot since wolves aren’t the most powerful beings ever). For quest purposes Letho can summon them for as long as he wishes, but once he unsummons them or if they are destroyed an hour must pass before he can summon them again. For battle purposes he can summon the beasts once per battle for fifteen minutes and he cannot summon them again if they are killed, the time passes or he unsummons them.

((OOC: Keep in mind there is a catch placed by a mod that says that if a person I am questing with disapproves the infinite summon lasting time during the quest, the summon only lasts just as long as it does in the battle))

The Blood of Chodan – Consuming the blood of one of the Chodanites, Letho was given the ability to change into what is known in Savion as the Cursed Form (Tayotihua’s Form being the Holy Form that represented Chodan in his natural shape). However, in most documents it is described as a War Form since the power in that form is immense and next to unstoppable. In his War Form Letho resembles the shape of a werewolf, though his muscles grow to a size no werewolf could ever even imagine. During the transformation all the hair on Letho’s body is perfectly silver, almost as if every thread was dipped into liquid silver and left to dry. Unlike Tayotihua’s transformation in which she loses her armor, the accessories that Letho carries during the transformation meld into his skin and bodily features, growing into his body. However this does not include weapons, since the only weapon Letho is able to use in his War Form is his claws and fangs. Keep in mind that unlike werewolves, Letho doesn’t need the moon in order to transform, but rather can transform at any time. He can use this ability only once a day and once he changes back his body is almost completely drained. The transformation can last for as long as he wishes in quests (12 hours max, given the fact that other participants agree to this contemplation, if not then the battle limits stand) and only for five minutes in battles. It takes Letho about 10 seconds to transform from human to his War Form and though he is defenseless during this time, the roar that he lets out most people find as terrifying and frightening. In his War Form Letho’s physical attributes grow to amazing height, making him eight times stronger and faster then usual. However, this power comes with a cost, since in his War Form his nature is extremely volatile and there is a good possibility that both friend and foe become a victim of his attacks (except Myrhia and Tayotihua which are the only ones that need not fear his bestial rage). On top of everything, in his War Form Letho is granted the limited power of regeneration that is able to heal minor wounds and turn medium wound into minor ones (if medium wound is turned into minor, then the minor wound cannot heal)


Letho’s prime attribute was always sheer brutal strength and with the amount of perils and fights, it now reached new heights, making his ten times as strong as a normal human. Beside the exceptional strength, his stamina and dexterity are also slightly higher that that of a normal human. Once a prince of Savion, Letho was educated by the wisest mentors and therefore his wisdom is high as well, allowing him to assess the situations and provide the best course of action. His intelligence goes hand in hand with his wisdom, but both are more or less mostly linked to his battle prowess. In short, he’s not a dumbass, but not as smart as your next door wizard.


Far in the west, beyond the calm sea of Maer, stands Audelas, the Seven Isles. For hundreds of years the seven kingdoms of Audelas lived in an alliance forged by Letho I. some four hundred years ago. Swords were sheathed and past disputes were buried in the name of progress and prosperity. Alliance was kept mostly through the blood bond, where the sons and daughters of the numerous royal families married each other, reassuring the existence of the alliance with each new marriage. It was thus for hundreds of years and prince Ruben Letho was bound to become just another chain in the link, just another statistic and a name in the history books.

Born to Agraus and Ferathiel, the king and queen of the kingdom of Savion, Ruben was bound for great things from the moment he exited his mother’s womb. His early years were rather uneventful, endless banquets at his mother’s side and endless speeches that echoed through the stone halls in his father’s powerful voice. But memories of those times, when he was just a toddler that struggled to walk and sit straight, were vague at best. No wonder since they didn’t last long.

As soon as he was able to hold a short sword in his hands, Ruben Letho fell under the tutelage of some of the kingdom’s best mentors and instructors. Swordplay, tactics, lore, history, weapons analysis, everything was poured into this young runt that barely reached his teen years. But the most important of it all were the mannerisms of a true knight, the Old Code. It was a rule, after all, that the future king of the kingdom, the first man in the entire land, should be the First Knight of it as well. The strongest, the wisest... The best. With the royal blood in his veins this didn’t come as too much of a burden to Ruben Letho and he excelled in every task that was set before him. He was a king in the making.

And then a single winter day shattered the perfect imagery. Prince Ruben Letho and his father King Agraus were returning from a visit to the coastal town of Freiloth. The snow storm became too strong and violent for them to proceed to the city of Savionm whipping the horses harder then the whip of the carriage driver. They barely made it to the outskirts of the small village of Ciamar when their horses collapsed and they could go no further. Luckily, the local inn was nearby and as the night drew closer, the inn received the finest guests it will ever have; the king, the prince and all of their Royal Guard.

On that day Ruben Letho met Kristiniel, the daughter of the innkeeper, and the most beautiful creature he ever set his eyes upon. But the cruel morning came so quickly and they left the little village of Ciamar and continued to their hometown. However, Ruben couldn’t get Kristiniel out of his head, and he continued to visit her secretly, under a mask of a word traveler, even when he was presented with his future wife.

Soon his 21st birthday came, bringing his test of maturity in tow together with one of the greatest fighters in Savion, lord Hydon. When he faced and overcame lord Hydont all the kings of the seven kingdoms presented unique gifts for the future king. King of the Tigan kingdom gave him a sword made from a very rare and strange metal that was found deep in their rich mountains. King of the Zay kingdom, the kingdom that had the richest supply of gems and gold, presented him with a breastplate that could easily rival any piece of armor of the very kings. And the most importantly, the king of the Cenyth kingdom presented lady Trirea, Ruben’s future wife and Savion queen. Ruben accepted these gifts, yet his mind was always only on Kristiniel. And he made his decision; he chose love.

His father disowned him and he left the great city with nothing but his clothes (and a couple of gold pieces with compliments of his best friend Bann). He soon did what he wanted to do and married the beautiful Kristiniel. A year has passed, Ruben managed to get a job as a ranger, and Kristiniel was bearing the fruit of their undying love in her womb. But the tales of destiny are cold and unforgiving and the time of happiness has soon become nothing but a memory.

Dram, the ancient enemy of all citizens of Audelas came over the wild waters of Ocaer sea and invaded the Seven Isles with unimaginable power, accompanied by the most powerful creatures in the world, the dragons. Audelas was divided, Ruben’s rejection of Trirea split the kings and the alliances were broken, there was nothing to stop the onslaught. One by one the islands fell to the Dram until at last they came to the kingdom of Savion.

Ruben was devastated by the news of falling kingdoms and thought that his decision divided the kings and weakened the Audelas for invasion. He left Kristiniel and went to war, fighting on every battlefield, hoping to redeem himself and bring peace back to the Kingdoms, but little did he know that even united, they would have no chance to stop the invaders. Dram were well aware of their weaknesses and their strengths and with the power of the dragons there could be no victory.

Finally, the war came to Savion Kingdom and very soon the enemy overwhelmed the whole isle and came to the greatest fortress in the land, the Castle of the Wolf in the city of Savion. Ruben and a couple of his fellow rangers gathered all the people in a nearby area and hid them in the ruins of Osentia which was once a great fortress, but after it’s destruction it was never rebuilt. It lay deep inside the forest and the enemy had no knowledge of its existence. There they were safe, but the enemy was at the gate of Savion and Ruben decided to ride out with his fellow soldiers to help the city of Savion and maybe somehow break the siege.

But shortly after they rode out a dragon came over the great Southern mountains and noticed the movement within the ruins. He flew over the ruins twice and set it on fire, sealing all the exits to the woods. Those who survived the fire were trapped, but the worst was yet to come. Over the mountain a legion of Dram came. They were the last reinforcements that were called to help the siege of Savion and it was a mere luck (or rather lack thereof) that their route led across the Southern mountains. They poured down from the mountain side and into the unguarded back of the ruins (the mountains were considered impossible to pass on foot, so the Osentia fortress was built into the mountain). Bright light of the dragon flames rose high into the night and once Ruben saw the blast he knew it was wrong to leave Osentia.

He and his soldiers rode in and a great battle occurred and many died in the fiery hell of Osentia. The Dram were defeated and the dragon left for Savion, but the devastation was terrible and few were left alive. Unfortunately, amongst them wasn’t Kristiniel, who fought bravely with little skills she had, and received a mortal wound to her stomach. She died on Letho’s hands while the fire was still burning all around them, saying the sentence that etched into Letho’s mind forever: “Don’t forget me, Letho.”.

Beside her stood four slain enemies and a sword Letho gave her for protection and a lock of her hair, cut by one of her enemy’s blows. He kissed her softly, took a lock of her hair and placed it into his pocket, but he didn’t mourn her, because insane rage filled every ounce of his being. He left her body to the flames and jumped onto his horse. “I’ll see you soon, Kristiniel, I’ll see you soon.” he said as he rode towards Savion all alone.

He emerged from the forest to see an incredible sight; the hill on which the city of Savion stood was surrounded by a river of enemies that tried to invade Savion, which was entirely in flames, since the dragons never ceased to fly around its great towers. He jumped off his horse and gave out a battlecry that sounded like a roar of some wounded beast that filled the air and not even the dragon roar couldn’t be heard. The Dram stood in amazement, turning around to see what sort of beast has been summoned to defeat them.

There stood Letho, with his arms spread and it seemed there is a bright red aura around him, making him easy to spot from any part of the field. Fear filled the Dram ranks and many of them fled, and the dragons realized what they have done. The strongest and most powerful of the wyrms charged at Letho and in the battle that ensued, Letho slew the mighty dragon, making the rest of the wyrms flee the battle. The legend says that they became the guardians of Audales in the later days, trying to redeem themselves for the injustice they brought upon the people of the kingdom. Letho charged the Dram ranks all alone, and from the highest tower his father was looking at his son, and how the enemies tremble before him and fear him. And he was once again proud of him. He rode out with a small squad of his men to help Letho reach the city gates and there on the battlefield the father and the son met again.

“Why have you come father!?” Letho asked while the enemies kept falling to his blade.

“Come son, we’ll be safe inside the walls. The dragons have fled. We can win.” Agraus said to his son.

“My war is already lost, father. All I now crave for is death.” Letho said to his father and the words surprised Agraus so much that he left his guard for just a second and one of the Dram chieftains thrust his spear through his chest.

“NO!!!” Letho yelled and thrust his sword deep inside the chieftain’s belly and throwing him on the ground. He turned to his father who reached out towards him with his dying hand, which distracted Letho and made him overlook the incoming arrow that struck his side. He fell on his knees and his eyes went to imaginary point that nobody saw but him.

“I am returning to you, Kristiniel.” He said and collapsed on the ground beside his father.

He was awaken by a strong kick in the back and a foul laughter of the Dram. He opened his eyes to see that he is in fact on a boat, bellow deck and all alone, except for the guard who brought him some kind of meal.

“Enough!” the loud voice said and pointed the exit to the guard who immediately obeyed.
“That is no way to treat a prince.” He said once the guard left. “We may be barbarian folk, but we are not animals. I arranged for you to have your own quarters, and you should be thankful, since most of the other prisoners further below will probably die during the trip.”

Ruben heard none of his words. His hand went to his neck and he found that there is nothing there.

“You are looking for your things, yes? I placed them into the armory and once they are sorted out you will get them back, save the weapons, of course…” But just then a loud crunching sound was heard and the whole boat shook. They ran into a shallow part of the sea, due to the fact that it was night and they had no dragons to guide them. The guard fell down and Letho used all of his strength to jump onto him and break his neck. He took his sword and went to free the others, but it was too late and the lower decks were already flooded. By mere luck he ran onto the armor and found his things, all neatly tucked away in a wooden box in the far corner of the room. He threw all of his stuff in a bag and ran for his life for the higher decks. The guards already left the boat and he easily escaped the drowning and made his way to the shores of this new, unknown land. He gave up the name Ruben name and took his ranger name instead, Ravenheart.

Letho wandered the land of Athlanas for four years now and during his wandering he met many foes, a half of dozen allies and two people he could title “friends”. Their names were Karel and Tayotihua and they fought, bled and nearly died together on their quest. Never in his life has Letho felt such a strong bond with his comrades and they were the only ones that had Letho’s full trust and allegiance. He shared many things with them, many things about his dark history and surprisingly found understanding and compassion in them, especially in the forest elf called Tayotihua that grown close to his dark heart. During one such adventure with Karel, Letho encountered a slave girl and her name was...