As the continent mod of Alerar, I am going to be working on improving some things that need improvement in the region. In particular, I would like to create three advanced guides, one describing the palace at Valsath d'Isto in greater detail, and one talking about the army and one talking about the political and economic situation of Kachuk.

Let me be clear on one thing though, this information is meant more for people who would like to have quests where they are deeply involved in the politics of Alerar. If you are a traveler passing by, you don't need to know any of this. If you'd like to attack a military base, you don't need to know any of this information either. A judge is not supposed to quiz you at the end on how much you know about the region. Quick short guides like the ones Thoracis have already written will be put in place in the regions where they are not.

The thing is, I know many people have used Alerar in some capacity over the years, so I would like to include things that people have already done in the region into these guides. You will be credited for the work you have put in to them, and by telling me your information, you will make your own stories more interactive. I strongly encourage anyone who would like to participate in this to participate.

NOTE- Any information you'd like to add about other parts of Alerar would also be welcome.