Sylvia sat slumped over in an alleyway, her head between her legs. There was nothing that could be worse than her life. She had tried to make many friends recently, but all of them either died got seriously wounded do to her curse. She needed a friend, a dependable, and preferably extremely lucky or indestructible friend. She needed a friend who wouldn't be affected by her curse.

The alleyway was littered with dust and trash. Sylvia stood up and walked away from the alley, unable to stand her hunger, or the smell, any longer. As she left the town, the archway over the town gate fell behind her, crushing one of the guards. This was exactly why she never stayed in the same town for long. Her curse affected everyone she ever cared about, as well as a few random people, in order to affect her.

When Sylvia looked back at the crashing noise, in order to see if the curse injured or killed the guard, someone ran straight into her, knocking her on her butt.

"Watch where you are going" The man said to her. He then looked at the town sign and shook his head.

"Crap, wrong town again. I'm supposed to be in Allinea, not Tallim. I've got a meeting there in 45 minutes. You got any clue where it is?"

Sylvia did know where the town of Allinea was. In fact, she had just come from there before she came here. for anyone other than her, it was a 15 minute walk from Tallim. Problem was, her curse would likely turn it into a 40 minute walk. Still, that was within the man's time restraints, so she shyly nodded.

"Will you please take me there?" The man asked.

Sylvia thought about saying yes, but shook her head no. If she tried, something bad would happen to the man for sure.

The man got real angry, real fast, not understanding that Sylvia was trying to protect him and pulled a knife on her.

"Take me there, woman."

Sylvia finally looked the man up and down. He looked drunk, which would explain his rash actions and the reason he was lost.

He was a white male, about 6'2" he had blue eyes, black hair, and the garbs of a soldier of Allinea. Yup, he had to be drunk if he was unable to find his own town.

After realizing he was about to sully the knife with her blood, Sylvia finally nodded.

"Fine, fine. I'll take you there." Maybe some people did deserve to be affected by her curse.