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Thread: No Mutant, Nuh Cry

  1. #1
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    No Mutant, Nuh Cry

    (Update in orange in honor of Black History Month)

    Name: Molotov

    Race: Mutated Human

    Appearance: While he looks exactly like a human, the one real difference is that the mutant has icy cold blue eyes, though they are often covered under the hood of his cloak. Molotov’s face has a series of peircings, including a lip, eyebrow and bullhorn. Lately, he has eschewed his traditional mohawk in favor of long dark black hair. It is rare to see him not smoking or drinking, and if it wasn’t for his peircings, he would generally be considered unremarkable, as he lacks any particularly noticeable features. Another recent development is the small gold streak that appears on the back of Molotov’s hand. It isn’t particularly noticeable, other than the fact that it glows slightly at times of heightened emotion.

    Attitude: Molotov has made a lot of mistakes in his past, and while he doesn’t particularly feel an impetus to make amends, he does feel guilty about everything he has done. While it would be a stretch to call him a hero, he has found that he does genuinely care about the welfare of others, with a few exceptions. Very selective in those he calls friends to the point where he has none, his only real remaining vices are tobacco, alcohol and women. He is naturally irreverent and doesn’t have any particular respect for authority, but is willing to ally himself with those with whom he can make a mutually beneficial partnership. However, despite the fact that he spent more than 15 years of his life in the prestigious Jamison Academy of Corone as a scholarship student, he has all but forgotten proper manners and customs, and given his irreverence, he is more likely to annoy some potential ally than he is to win them over to his side. His recent training in Shanleh has made him a bit more cautious, and willing to give respect where respect is due, but his friendship is not something that is likely. As Molotov himself would say, he’ll protect you, he just won’t like you. Increasingly, Molotov is interested in doing good work to make up for some of his most heinous crimes, though he still fears a part of his most negative self remains within him.

    History: Mike Insidious was born in a more remote part of Corone, where he studied the sciences until the age of 19, when a horrible accident in a chemistry lab converted his DNA so that now he was able to manipulate flames. The power he gained from his new found abilities corrupted him, and he went from a mild mannered lower middle class kid to an evil misanthropic mutant in a matter of a few days.

    Eventually, he killed a few people in his school, and ran away in fear of being caught. He took on the alias Molotov and completely changed his behavioral patterns, changing his hair into a Mohawk as his eyes naturally changed from a light brown to a cold icy blue. Here, he found himself work under a mysterious stranger, who was later killed by his son, leaving the mutant with nowhere to go.

    Eager for some sort of work, he now works as a mercenary, willing to go to the highest bidder. Willing to take on any sort of work the mutant has attracted very few friends, especially among those who he has unwittingly dealt a bad turn to, thanks to his actions. Among the people he’s angered included a Radasanthian noble who attempted to get him killed, though was foiled thanks to the interventions of Ziggurate Bandit, Maia and Damon Kaosi. Ungrateful, he severed ties with them soon after the adventure was over and now sought to get out of Radasanth where he’s a wanted man.

    The evil mutant headed for Berevar with absolutely no plan in mind, but to get out of Corone, and to make the nobles pay. Without a friend in the world, he found life there, until he found a colony of ostracized mutants, most with mutations far greater than his, who welcomed him in. Molotov soon became a bit of a celebrity among them, with his barbaric plans for what to do with the “normals,” that had ostracized a large portion of the mutant population. Molotov was also reunited with a friend from school, Jennie Stormer.

    Taking the army of mutant misfits from Berevar, Molotov has reached the finals of the Gisela tournament open, despite the fact that he made clear enemies with Jeremiah Frost, his second in command and the father of the mutant leader Molotov killed off. Thus, he was forced to retake up his work as a mercenary within Radasanth, going on a few inconsequential adventures and even enjoying a brief period as a lounge singer in Haidia. In the finals of the Gisela tournament, Molotov and Jeremiah were able to unite long enough to stave off the disunity of the dark trinity and a final attack from Max Dirks. Despite this, he has not received the island, a fact that he intends to look in to.

    Eventually, Molotov learned that the nobles of Gisela had strong armed the pirates into giving the island to anyone but the Misfits, for fear of what Molotov would do with them. The mutant immediately began to protest in Gisela along with his army, but eventually he realized the futility of it. Giving up, he intentionally led his army into a slaughter against Lord Cavendish so that they would not turn on him after he failed to deliver on his promise of the island. Jennie finally died of her mutation without Molotov there to see her, and after a standoff against Jeremiah Frost, Molotov killed his right hand man and then left for Haidia again.

    After committing multiple murders there, Molotov got himself into a battle against Archillite Eladas and was arrested by members of the Demon Army and thrown into the labyrinth along with a Lucafiavate. Eventually, Molotov found that the labyrinth he was placed into was merely a sham in order to obtain his complicity in a pair of deadly missions, though the mutant ended up feeling so guilty about what he was supposed to do on the first mission he ended up failing in order to protect a young woman named Myrrhia. After the battle, he decided that he needed to rethink his life and returned to Corone.

    In Corone he was met by Clarion Jamison, another of his former lieutenants in Gisela, and was locked in a battle against the man in order to save a young woman. However, to his surprise, after the battle he found that the woman he’d saved was none other than Mara Jade, a shape shifting mutant who had likely been working in league with Clarion. She hit Molotov with a tonfa, leaving him lying on the ground as if to send a message that she intended to fully make his life from there on out a living hell. Additionally, to add insult to injury, she stole all his weapons, the staff he had received from his serpentine employer in Haidia, his large sword and the knife that he’d owned his entire life. However, Molotov knew that it wouldn’t be the last he saw of the shape shifter, though he had no idea when they would meet next.

    Armed with only a few clues in the form of crumpled up notes left in the saddle bag of an Asperi, Molotov knew he couldn’t afford to spend his time worrying about a shapeshifter who could have been anywhere and instead turned his focus to the Adventurer’s Crown.

    In the first round, his team of the Snow and the Flakes was sent to find an Ice Shield. Partnered with a pair even odder than him, Edgar and Snow, Molotov prepared to leave on an adventure to Salvar, only to be left behind and meet a kendergoyle who would become the fourth member of their team. With the help of Bree, a demonite friend of Snow’s who by regulations could not be included as an official member of their team, Molotov and the kendergoyle were reunited with the rest of the group. Their first round ended up to be oddly eventful, mostly by matters of the eccentricities of the group, but it put them in a good situation for the second round.

    Since he and the rest of his adventurers’ crown group managed to take the Ice Sheild from Ashiakin, Molotov has thought it best to lay low in Shanleh. There he worked on his martial arts prowess and mutagens.

    His return to the known Althanas has had a mixed reaction. Though Molotov successfully won the preliminary cage of the Cell, he failed to place in the finals when he was injected with a mutagen and arrested by the Corone police. Additionally, the mutant has been successful in capturing long time rival Mara Jade though incapable of help fend off Vainta from a group of dwarves. As a result of some of his new dabblings in science, Molotov has found that he has less to fear with using his fire abilities just so long as he also uses his water abilities as well.
    However, Molotov has a new mutation in his body that is potentially even more dangerous. He had been exposed to it by Mara Jade after competing in a Cell, an action by her that he believes may have cost him the competition. The mutation is a super powered electric mutation that Molotov has begun to examine more closely. At the moment, all Molotov knows is that he feels urges to use it every time his adrenaline starts pumping. Also, because he remembers what happened to Jennie, he is reluctant to use it.

    In more positive news, Molotov met a young lady by the name of Karuka Tida, who he fould particularly charming. She gave him a flute, which he may one day learn how to play should the mood strike him.

    In Dheathain, Molotov met an interesting young woman by the name of Tetsoma Kyosku. The two of them agreed to rekindle an old faction on Althanas known as the Bandit Brotherhood. It will hopefully go over well, despite the mutant’s natural penchants for drinking too much and swearing at people who are trying to help him. However, Molotov is sincere about the attempt to create a new Brotherhood, and feels that his vices can be overcome, especially if he allows Kyosku to do most of the talking.


    Fire Manipulation: (0, 6) This ability allows Molotov to manipulate fire to do his bidding. He can increase the size of a flame by five times its normal amount.

    Water Manipulation: (3) Allows the mutant to manipulate already existing water to do his bidding. He can increase the amount of water to twice its original amount. In the interest of fairness, a substance must be 90% water for Molotov to be able to manipulate it. Basically no uber cheap controlling other characters because of this.

    Ice Shard: (3, 5) Creates a large shard of ice that Molotov can control via telekinesis. The shard is no longer than 5 feet in height, and two feet in diameter at its widest point.

    Advanced Chemistry: (0, 7) The mutant gained a basic knowledge of chemistry from his formal education, but this has been enhanced by the work he has done in his laboratory in Shanleh to the point where he can be considered an advanced student.

    Kiss of Cold: (3) Molotov breathes out ice that could potentially freeze an opponent’s face.

    Rain Torrents: (3) Molotov can create rain that comes down as hard as a thunderstorm for a radius of thirty feet.

    Psyche Test: (3, 6) This ability allows Molotov to find ways to both manipulate the psyche of his opponents, but also to get a better read on people’s general behavior. In his earlier days he used this ability just to play mind games, but now he attempts to use it also to seek out those who might need his help. It also makes him a bit more attuned to telling if someone is lying or not. Molotov can also attempt to alter an opponent’s thoughts by transmitting heat from his eyes to those of the opponent.

    Bedlam: (4) This ability allows Molotov to control blood and other bodily fluids in his own body perpetually in order to keep himself in good condition. This is a passive ability, though it has an active variation, by which if Molotov is to put any fluid of his own body into the open wound of another, he can use it for healing processes immediately. For himself, it gives him an increased stamina, constitution and vigor, as well as the ability to naturally heal small cuts in a short amount of time. Blood loss is something he can stop immediately. He can also heal all non fatal wounds given time (severe ones can take up to a month), though he is incapable of doing anything with regards to amputations. For others, it can do little more than to temporarily stave off death, though eventually Molotov would have to get his patient to a genuine healer.

    Brain Tap: (5, 7) If Molotov makes contact with an opponent via a wide translucent beam, he can alter the fluids within the skulls of an opponent. By doing this he can create fever, raising the temperature of the water in their brains via alteration of intermolecular spacing (it should be noted here that he is not adding any energy to the system but is merely by converting enthalpy.) At the most, he can currently create mild delirium, though he can do efficiently, within thirty seconds of eye contact.

    Tesla Strike: (6) This ability is currently unknown to Molotov, but at a point of complete and utter confusion, the mutant will finds his hands have magnetized and created a current of electricity between them. This current can be charged and used as a projectile weapon, making a bolt that is severe enough to shock a person to death if hit in the center of their chest.

    The Last One: (7) Molotov has found that the combinations of mutagens within his body has created a unique combination that has made it almost impossible for him to be harmed severely. Though he cannot regrow any body part, short of decapitation, having his heart pierced or having major organs severed from his body, Molotov will not die. Poisons are also completely ineffective, though particularly strong poisons can incapacitate him while they work their way out of his system. Additionally, Molotov ages very slowly, so that it would take roughly ten years for him to actually age a year.

    Mutant’s Inferno: (8) This ability allows Molotov to create eight concentric circles of flame around his body. He is placed in the middle, and though he is blocked from having the heat reach him, anyone touching from the other side would practically have their hand burned just by a single touch. Weapons with specific heats of delhar or less will melt almost instantly as well if they touch these flames. The flames extend three feet in every direction from Molotov’s body, and he cannot project them any further. There are gaps in the flame which he can be seen through, and they can be pierced fairly easily by an arrow, bullet or bolt, provided they are made of quality material.


    Plynt Spiked Bracelets: These have 4 inch spikes on them and are worn on both hands. Used as his primary weapon in melee combat, a situation he tries to avoid. One was given to Karuka Tida as a gift.

    Cyper Nightstick: A nightstick Molotov acquired from a police officer in Knife's Edge during the Adventurers Crown. Also known as a billy club.

    Flaming Adze: As a result of Molotov relinquishing the path of anger, he inadvertently transferred the symbiotes that helped him with it into this weapon. Now the adze posesses a latent fire ability to it, so that if it is hit against anything that might cause a spark of friction, the entire stone part will errupt in flames. It is made of damascus ore (a bit weaker and heavier than damascus) and eklan.

    Revolver: Molotov carries a revolver with eighteen bullets.


    Sunglasses and clothes: Normal items all made of tier one material.

    Cigarettes: Molotov has a pack of smokes with him that he bought at the old RHEP. He owns a whole freaking carton, and a specialized lighter.

    Glass equipment: The mutant owns enough supplies to make 100 lbs of glass.

    Roll of Magnesium, Butane Lighter, and ten pounds table salt

    Imitation Gold Piercings: Bought at the Bazaar

    Dragon Wing Cloak: Made of the leathery wing of Azarngath the wise after the dragon had inadvertently killed himself, this cloak was gifted to Molotov by Prince Aidos of Haidia. It is impervious to fire.

    Hair Dye: Molotov has the colors of yellow, electric blue, dark blue, bright red, kelly green, flourecent green and grey. Bought at the Bazaar.

    Tooth Powder: Keeps teeth clean. Bought at the Bazaar.

    Gold necklace: Given to Molotov by the King of Haidia in exchange for escorting the prince Aidos.

    Wood Flute: A wood flute given to Molotov by Karuka Tida.

    Familiar: A large Asperi by the name of Cocktail
    Name: Cocktail

    Race: Asperi

    Appearance: Cocktail looks like most stallions, black in color and quite strong. His eyes, even when he receives a considerable amount of sleep, almost always look blood shot, and his mane is often messy. Still, the Asperi is relatively impressive looking, even more so by the fact that he is quite large for a steed.

    Attitude: Doesn’t like most people. So far, the only person he responds to is Molotov, and he shows a considerable amount of loyalty to the mutant. In terms of brain capacity, Cocktail is smarter than the average horse, but by no means contains the knowledge of a unicorn or a more sentient beast. Cocktail is incapable of using language, or even mathematics. However, the Asperi is very willful, and can be quite adamant when it comes to those who he doesn’t care much more.

    History: Born Percy, the Asperi was bought cheap by Mara Jade because of his general belligerence. However, the flying horse found a certain bond with an vigilante called Molotov. Renamed Cocktail, the horse developed a bond with the mutant because, ironically, Molotov had been the first person who was kind to him.

    Flight: Cocktail can fly at heights up to fifteen feet above the ground, for up to thirty minutes.

    Stamina: Cocktail has the stamina to keep moving for up to twelve hours if on a long journey. He can’t always gallop, but he can maintain a light canter for that long.

    Loyalty: Cocktail will stay with Molotov as long as the mutant wishes him to. If sent away, Cocktail will go to wherever he was instructed and will wait up to a month for his rider, provided that there is no threat to his safety.


    Delhar Horse Shoes: As long as Molotov has known the Asperi, Cocktail has possessed horse shoes made of delhar.


    Dragon hide Saddle: A standard saddle, fit for any rider. It has a special belt on it, to strap in a rider so that no one would fall while the powerful horse is in air.

    Saddle bags: There is room in these to store enough rations for two weeks, in addition to basic living supplies, like a folded up canvas tent. At the moment, they are empty, however, save for a few notes that had been carelessly left behind by Mara Jade.

    Tack: All the necessary equipment to ride a horse. It is mostly made of common hide and steel, except for a delhar bridle.
    Molotov is not a sports entertainer.

    The Paper Molotov Saga
    -as told by Mara Jade
    [1]The Beginning of the Fall. [2]The Chimera. [3]On Broken Hearts. [4]Leftover Emotion. [5]Minnows.

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