When the girl left the room, Shenjara suddenly felt...less. She didn't care as much as when the girl was there, as though the girl was eliciting those feelings which she had forgotten for so long. Her mind was suddenly clear and focused, albeit shaky because of Arajnehs permanent chaotic drive. What was I here for again? As though to shatter the brief sense of self-control, Uh..being a bitch? Wake up, no-brain! You were here to shut me up, remember?

She suddenly remembered and let Arajnehs snide comment slide; she would save it as ammunition for later. She sat at the table, which probably made of oak and had a banzai tree in the center. "Yes, we are here on the recommendation of a former associate of mine who said you would be able to help me. I'll go ahead and get straight to it because otherwise the problem will rear her ugly little head." Taking a sip of the tea she'd just been served, she paused and told the girl thank you. The smell of the tea seemed to block out the pheromones because the girl's presence wasn't affecting her like before.

"It would seem I am no longer in control of my mind. It is being held hostage by someone else: someone who is very hostile towards me, and I cannot rid myself of her. She has been reeking havoc on my mind for months now. It wasn't much trouble to begin with, but she's been becoming more and more vicious. I haven't slept in days and I've rarely had a moment of happiness or inspiration in two weeks." She took a break here to sip her tea some more and allow the information to sink in. She took a deep breath before continuing, "As I was saying, she's been destroying me as a person. My two companions will hardly even look at me, let alone talk to me anymore; I've snapped at them and been cynical and condescending almost every day because of this. I'm honestly surprised they are still within a city of me."

And if I have MY way, they won't want to be anywhere on the same continent when I'm done with you. Oh wait, I never will be done! Arajnehs cackled horridly inside her mind. Shenjara continued to ignore her. "This is the part where you come in. According to my associate, you have an ancient book that teaches the practice of complete meditation. It is said that with this book, a person can control both their mind and body with full strength and hold. I would be willing to do whatever you ask of me to get this book." Shenjara took another sip, savoring the flavor which was a little bitter but pleasant anyways. She felt it go down her throat and rest inside her stomach where it made her whole body feel at ease. Her muscles relaxed, her mind eased, and her heart slowed a little. It's a good tea...no matter what YOU may say, Araj.