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Thread: So round one is over.

  1. #31
    Isis Ixidar's Avatar

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    Endymion: Quality is a person to person thing really. I use the extra-day to send my post to Masika where she corrects my grammar and spelling problems to keep me from looking like an uneducated chimp. Overall though the content of my post remains the same. If I were to be in a situation where I could post rapidly without worrying about getting knocked for editing then I think I would still do fine. As for Masika I can't tell you how many times I had to send one of her(two) posts back to her just to get her actions up to a non-bullshit level.

    But on the whole I agree. I'd rather read something well written then a complete fight "lyke dis".

    Incomplete matches suck though. Especially if you're going back to read the threads like a story, which everyone on Althanas is supposed to have a super boner for. May I suggest some kind of knock-out/winning post from the team that comes out on top.

    As far as the whole communication thing goes, Saxon and I can only agree on one thing and thats that we didn't want to talk to eachother at all. The first meeting was amiable enough but as soon as our teams met on the IRC chatroom there was an endless torrent of bullshit.

    Arsene was about as friendly as you could expect him to be. Anyone whose met him will know I mean no insult when I say he's a douchebag. It became predictable that he would be rude to everyone in the chatroom and thats simply how he was.

    Things really broke down when Saxon spent all his time throwing rude jokes in our(particularly my) direction. Masika and I eventually decided that if Saxon couldn't talk without acting like a rude child then we simply wouldn't talk to him. That didn't stop him from taking out his aggression on everyone else he could find from Dan all the way down to Typheus though.

    Christoph: One month, three months, one week, a tournament needs a deadline. If not then you'll have everyone waiting for that one match where both paties take forever to post but guarantee you that they'll be finishing the match.

    BlackAndHolyShitYourNameIsLong: Real life can be a real bitch when your opponent is running around telling everyone that he'll skip you in the posting order just because you have to spend a day or two working.

    ^You know for money, for those of us who live on their own.
    Last edited by Isis Ixidar; 02-07-09 at 09:20 PM.

  2. #32
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    Taskmienster's Avatar

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    I will not allow another post that is in any way back and forth bickering. That's not what this thread is made for, and it will not be used that way.

    Isis and Saxon: Take the mature route and stop posting here. If you are only responding so that you can argue I will be either editing irrelevant information or warning you from this point on.

  3. #33
    So let's try moving this along. What did everyone think of their arenas?

    Going in, I got the impression that my arena was supposed to be a modern city (The prompt was something like "The rooftops of a large city at night."). However, since both my team and my opponent's teams were more fantasy-oriented, I decided to change that to a city built for and abandoned by giants. Having the first post really is nice for that, as I could describe the buildings in a beneficial way.

    But aside from that, the arena itself was rather cliche. Fighting on rooftops is fine, but there wasn't enough to really do with the environment. Granted, I'm sure we all could have found some innovative ways to work with what we had, provided both teams had been able to keep posting. But even then, there's only so much you can do with rooftops at night.

  4. #34
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    Christoph's Avatar

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    Ditto what Task said. I am confident that we can all remain prudently civil.

    Isis: I did already explain the reasons behind having deadlines, implying that I support them for obvious reasons of practicality. Three weeks can seem a little constrained, but any longer would have seen the tournament drag on forever. I obviously never argued against a deadline, so I'm not sure what you were going on about.

    Edit: Shadow, you ninja'd me. The arenas were fairly varied. Not all of them were amazing, but there’s nothing particularly wrong with that. Sometimes making something interesting out of a seemingly bland or cliché arena is the mark of creativity. It seems that you and your opponents took it an interesting direction, so kudos to you on that.
    Last edited by Christoph; 02-07-09 at 09:56 PM.

  5. #35
    Personally, I think it'd be interesting to construct two huge, elaborate arenas, and divide them up evenly between everyone in a round. It'd be a good read to see what other teams did with the same arena.

  6. #36

    Bottlebrush Deadkiller Squeakstalker (More to come)
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    I personally liked our arena, albeit that it was a bit bland and there wasnt many ways to descriptively look at the Snow. I know i tried my best, although just when we were mid battle, one of my opponent had refused to get in touch with me so i could talk about how my abilities would be affected by his and vice versa. Kasei, that was by no means an attempt to insult you, just that though i tried to get in touch with you and your partner, that you were unable to speak via any "Real Time" applications.

    That being said, both teams made a few wrongful assumptions regarding the arena and indeed our opponents looks. And i would also have liked to have had another post or two before the fight to work out some more reason why our team was indeed there.... But overall I enjoyed this, and for my first tourney and my frst writers "symposium" leaves me in awe and wonder, and it has forced me to improve the quality of my writing on my other Websites, namely Battletech-Mercenares, the freeform site i came from.
    God is not on the side of the big battalions, but of the best rogues! - Mage, Warforged Warmage, Battle of Brindol

  7. #37

    Jericho of Crossingtree
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    Loved our arena. Loved it. Very shiny. Yeah, it was a bit bland--you can only slip on smooth stone and dodge lightning bolts so many times before it gets old--so we got...creative. Bwaha. And it was so much fun. It's too bad the round ran out before we got to do more with it. But for what we had, it rocked (especially, after I suggested and wrote in the arena twist, watching Sy and Grin run with it in an absolutely epic way!).

    All in all, I enjoyed Round 1. Yeah, there were some rough spots with inter-team communication, but we worked through it, and Kryos and I had a blast fleshing out our characters. ToC = win so far.
    Last edited by Jericho; 02-08-09 at 06:06 AM.
    When the night is at its darkest, look upon the eastern sky. The Light is on its way. ((ToC Profile))

  8. #38
    Grin's Avatar

    Wallace "Grin" Marcam
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    Can't say I enjoyed very much of first round, to be honest. Regardless of the result, Syaoran and I are retiring. Firstly we lost about four or five days due to our opponents not being able to post when we had agreed for them to have the first two posts (Even if we hadn't, Sya and I would have put in a single post each and then had to wait. Really no difference to us) which was crippling not only in how much time we had left to complete the fight but also psychologically, since we were pumped to get started, then stalled.

    Then there was the actual posting. I felt I had to 'dribble on' about stuff just to meet requirements and that's normally not how I do things. I do not weigh down my posts with unnecessary detail and I rarely bother with internal monologue. This is not entirely because I'm lazy but also because I personally hate internal monologues and can't stand tedious over-description of things or really bad metaphors.

    This is not intended as an attack on our opposing team but I struggled to get through their posts. Several times I had to stop once or twice while reading them to do something else because I got bored. That's not to say their posts were boring, they just didn't interest me, personally. Lord Of The Rings did that to me too. Never finished it either. I got about two hundred pages in and decided I was wasting my time.

    So for me Round One- my first and last- was boring, disappointing, stressful and a waste of my time. I don't care about the results. I hope Jericho and Kryos get through on their own merits.

  9. #39
    @Flames: I always want to type/say Yngwe. He's a pretty prominent Metal guitarist, and puts on an awesome live show.

    My brain doesn't work properly, so having six storylines floating around simultaneously isn't too odd. Especially since I really have nothing else to think about at work. It's just how I operate.
    I'm not afraid of loving my enemies. Turning the other cheek. Blessing those that would curse me. I honestly want peace with you. But when you come against my country. When you come against my family, You try to destroy my people. I can't just stand by. There's no way that I can stand by. This time, I will not stand by.
    I am coming, and if I come, then pain is coming with me.
    I'm coming, and pain will be with me.

    - Game On

  10. #40
    Well, I think our arena was pretty cool. Maybe something of a disadvantage, considering Wings mostly used water, but yeah. It turned out quite cool.

    I must say, most of my posting quality was thanks to Beaver. He did his best to salvage my posts as far as it was possible. Seriously, you wouldn't want to know what I produce sometimes.

    Yeah, it was a bit weird. Emilio isn't the type to go on a killing spree for no reason, and it felt awkward to fight people while actively trying to keep them alive. In-character, possibly, but still awkward.

    The deadline was a bit buggish, though. We were really drawing the battle to an end, maybe one more post to finish it off, but the limit prevented us. Can't be helped, I guess. It'd be worse without it.
    Real men dual-wield shotguns.

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