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Thread: Ravenheart Academy

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  1. #3
    EXP: 172,649, Level: 18
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    Breaker's Avatar

    Joshua Breaker Cronen
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    Demigod (human)
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    6 feet / 202 lbs.

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    MIssion Board

    This post contains classic mission board style story prompts which players may claim by posting in this thread.

    Raid the Empire - Not yet claimed.
    The Corone Armed Forces have besieged Concordia, cutting the freedom fighters off from many essential supplies. It is high time the oppressors felt the sting of the rebellion. Take a dozen fighters from the Underwood Watch (or gather your own crew) and perform a raid on an Empire encampment, stealing whatever food, weapons, or medical supplies you can. Be as secretive as possible, and bring the spoils to a ranking officer of the Watch before concluding your thread.

    Rewards: Score x 10 GP (each) plus a small share of the spoils, pending judge discretion. A high score may lead to a ranking position on the Watch if desired.

    Requirements: Minimum 2 participants

    Demonspawn Skirmishes - Warm Blood - Claimed by Hysteria.
    The gathering of vampires and werewolves in Concordia is growing, and the threat of an attack on Underwood looms as the demonspawn territory increases. Although the size of the force is still too small to launch a full scale assault on Underwood, the town council wishes to discourage the idea soundly, and limit the expansion of these bloodthirsty beings as much as possible. Take a dozen soldiers from the Watch (or recruit your own party) and act as a harrying force; pick off any small parties of vampires or werewolves you see. Drive the demonspawn back to their caves using fear, but be careful not to engage their company directly.

    Rewards: One eklan stake received at the beginning of the quest and 20 GP for every creature killed, plus chance at promotion in the Watch if a decent score is obtained.

    The Arrest - Claimed by Les Misérables
    A ranking officer from the Corone Armed Forces has arrived with a delegation of twelve soldiers, bearing papers of passage signed by the acting Marshal of the Rangers. It seems there is a young woman somewhere in Underwood who is taking refuge against more than the civil war. Accompany the officer and his soldiers at all times while they are in Underwood. Ensure they do not spy out any of the stronghold's secrets, or cause mischief with the Watch. However, the young woman they seek has been accused of murder by the Empire with several witnesses pointing the finger. Find the woman, or find a way to get rid of the Imperials, but remember they have come in peace and any aggression toward them could leave to the Empire launching an all-out attack on Underwood.

    Reward: For satisfying the Officer's demands and convincing his patrol to leave Underwood, the Council will pay Score x Post Count in GP.
    Requirements: The maximum value for "post count" in the reward equation will be 15 even if a player posts more than 15 times.

    Haida Stirs - Shaking the Stirred - Claimed by Taelar with Jack Frost and Azrael
    In recent weeks reports of attacks by werewolves and vampires have increased in Concordia, and the nightmarish creatures seem to be expanding their territory closer to Underwood. A single Ranger scouted the afflicted area and returned with a hand drawn map of an abandoned quarry and iron mine. According to the Ranger's report, the quarry appears to be both the stronghold and the source of the wicked beasts, it's old tunnels winding down to Haida itself. Your mission, should you accept it, is to acquire more details as to the size and nature of the Demonspawn force, and slow the expansion of their territory by any means necessary.

    Requirements: Minimum 2 participants
    Rewards: One eklan stake each from the Rangers' armoury, received at the beginning of the quest. 20 GP for every Vampire or Werewolf killed plus a bonus for information which could lead to a tactical strike against the Demonspawn.

    New Life on Althanas - A search for new life - Claimed by Ganlon Martel and blackdog1
    There are some ruins in Concordia several leagues west of Underwood that are said to host a plethora of previously unidentified plant life. Rumours circulate that among these new species is one with untold potential for healing tonics and potions. This may just be an old farmer's tale, but several apothecaries and druids in Underwood are offering hearty rewards for sizable samples of the fabled plant.

    Reward for score below 58: 200 gold OR a vial of potion which can heal a minor wound in 1 post.
    Reward for score 58 or higher: 300 gold OR a vial of potion which can heal a minor wound instantly.
    Reward for score 63 or higher: 400 gold OR a vial of potion which heals a major wound in one post.

    Rebuild the Barricade - Claimed by T(S)oothsayer -
    The Rangers are losing ground, fighting the vast forces of the Empire on the north, south, and eastern borders of Concordia. According to the latest reports losses in the north are greatest, and the Captain of the Watch has ordered fifty of his finest foot soldiers to bolster the weakening front. Accompany this contingent on the first phase of this mission, then use your ingenuity to recruit new fighters to the cause of freedom. Scour Concordia, journey to Akashima, or enter Radasanth incognito and search for the spark of rebellion. Whatever the means, whatever the cost, Underwood calls for more experienced fighters.

    Rewards: A powerful weapon / minor enchanted item, with tier/enchantment relative to thread score and judge discretion.
    Requirements: In order to qualify for reward a Player must have at least 10 posts to their name in the thread.

    Hunt the Rat - Claimed by Poison.
    Whispers amongst the upper echelon suggest there may be a spy hired by the Empire hiding out somewhere in Underwood, feeding the oppressors information on Corone's stronghold of freedom. Mayor Aldebrand has finally decided to get to the bottom of the rumours, and is looking to hire a uniquely skilled individual to discreetly investigate, and report back to him with the spy's name and whereabouts. Stealth and subtlety will be key in this mission, which may be played as written or as a spy vs spy, with one player acting as the protagonist and the other the antagonist (rat).

    Reward: 200 GP for completion of the thread.
    For scoring 68 or above Alebrand will award each member of the thread with a choice of the following:
    a steel/yew Akashiman repeating crossbow capable of holding 8 shots OR
    an upgrade for a medium sized weapon or piece of armour to mythril OR
    a book or tome full of valuable information from Underwood's archives


    Original content by Nayeli.

    Goblin Diplomacy - Claimed by mezz09
    The goblin (or Innari in their tongue) tribes around Underwood are getting unruly. They claim that they've been given no respect by the humans or elves, and that their lands are being infringed on. There are even rumours that a raid into the town is being planned! Find out what's going on and stop the situation from escalating any further...or if you'd rather, join one side or the other and go to war!

    Reward: 400 GP / Possibility of unlocking quest chain, depending on the score of the thread.

    Baker's Dozen - Claimed by Troubled-Crow
    Jackson the baker has reported his wares to be, for want of a better word, ‘missing.’ Somebody in the town is stealing his buns right from under his nose! Could it be nymphs, goblins, or something more sinister? You’ve been hired by the local constabulary and Jackson himself to get to the bottom of this granary conundrum. Your only lead is a hand print left in the flour in the mill, and a trail of crumbs leading to a crack in a wall on a small residential building nearby.

    Reward: There is a reward of 200 gold coins if you solve the case; the constabulary have requested a human culprit be brought in alive, by any means necessary, but the hide or head or whatever beast or kin will suffice. If you manage to recover the stolen buns, Jackson has expressed he will make you the nicest cake imaginable!

    Burning Desire - Claimed by Garwocket
    In the dead of night a loud bang and the sound of a crowd gathering on one of the houses on the main square wake you up. As you approach, you see that a house-front is smothered in roaring flames and people are screaming and crying in a semi-circle around it. Suddenly, a figure leaps from the flames and darts off through the crowd; the arsonist is hoping to escape…make chase, and confront him through the dark streets before he gets away!

    Reward: Traditional battle xp and gold. Not all battles are about direct action, so this should introduce you to the mechanics of the Rubric’s ‘Action’ score, and a reward will be given by the villagers should whomsoever is the pursuer manage to take down the criminal. If you manage to escape Mr Criminal, you may claim a small trinket, stolen from the house.

    Meeting Place - Claimed by Melancor
    In the Peaceful Promenade, hopes and dreams are quashed and new beginnings written. There is nothing to see here, except perhaps a friendly face and polite conversation. Who you meet, how many you meet, if you meet, it will all happen in the best tavern in town!

    Reward: Completing this mission will give you a X2% XP modifier to all subsequent threads completed from the Underwood Mission board or instigated on your own merit in this forum. The modifier will not apply to any moderators that write with you.
    Last edited by Breaker; 05-05-11 at 09:25 AM.
    ... They fell to him as prey to bluefin
    for the Jya's warriors knew not how to swim...

    I wrote a book! ~ Most Suave Character 2010

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