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Thread: September Guided Quest B: All the Queen's Horses

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  1. #1
    EXP: 590, Level: 1
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    Level completed: 30%,
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    Elthas_Belthasar's Avatar

    Elthas Belthasar
    Appears in his early youth.(Immortal)
    Forest Elf
    Hair Color
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    6'3"/200 lbs.
    Adventurer Folks.

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    "Fucking elementals!" Elthas cursed. He was angry by that point. We'll never know why this has gone down the way it has. Fire was spreading everywhere by then. But his quick eyes spotted the way out. A single window that he and Barnabas could jump through. Grabbing the cloak that was on the floor, he guarded himself with the cloth. It was a well made cloak, probably enchanted. This is the only trophy of this wicked night's events. Crap and that idiot, the ninja, went out and killed guards over this bullshit. Elthas thought to himself and danced towards the window. Luckily, he wore gloves. It was a simple action of simply smashing the window out, and jumping through the window, smoke and all. Elthas had only then realized how much smoke he had actually inhaled. He cursed repeatedly, standing outside of the shack and hoping that his friend would follow him soon. Elthas needed to check on the horses. Damn! I have to know! Elthas, a professional, didn't want to see the horses harmed if he could save them too. But first, he went into a fit of coughing.

    Blood poured out of his mouth from his scorched innards, and he was thankful for his Elven physiology.

    Elthas cleaned his mouth off, carefully rubbing the blood away and hoping his friend found another way out. The scene outside was just as gruesome as the scene inside. The two horses that he had helped secure, were now dead, horribly burnt and mutilated. They were located at the front side of the shack were fire blazed everywhere. Somehow, the girl had burned the horses and probably syphoned the life out of them. The thought made Elthas angrier. He rarely lost his cool, but that time, he couldn't help himself. We got fucked. Elthas thought to himself. All I wanted was information on that hit, we both got blood on our hands. Elthas looked at the burning corpses of the horses for a long moment, from a somewhat safe distance. The ground felt hot, and the air was difficult to breathe in. They have to know of the fire by now. There is no way this place is safe for us... Elthas was glad he had switched his cloak, and had been certain that nobody had spotted him.

    Deciding what was best for him, Elthas put the cloak he had just acquired and put it into his backpack. Then, he took one of the last remaining smoke bombs, tossed it against the ground, and ran full speed into Scara Brae wilderness. He wouldn't dare show himself in Scara Brae after that debacle, Scara Brae was not Syndicate territory. I don't want to leave those kids behind, but we got fucked. And I want to know why. His eyes, spotted the trail of that the elemental left behind. He would follow that and attempt to redeem himself. Also, parts of the trees and grounds where the trail went were badly scorched. That's where I go. Elthas thought to himself, and ran at best speed in the direction of the elemental residue. I am going to find the one responsible, even if this kills me. Elthas thought to himself as he decided the best bet was to split up from the other two. He didn't know if his friend made it out of the shack alive, but at that point...he didn't care.

    Elthas was following the elemental residue, trails of orange and reds, and wove his way into the forest surrounding the shack. At best speed, Elthas would probably catch up to the creature in due course. He saw something ahead...
    Last edited by Elthas_Belthasar; 09-26-12 at 10:31 PM.

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