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Thread: Fai Tannir

  1. #1
    EXP: 525, Level: 1
    Level completed: 27%, EXP required for next level: 1,475
    Level completed: 27%,
    EXP required for next level: 1,475

    Fai Tannir
    Human (?)
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    Fai Tannir

    Name: Fai Tannir
    Age: 20
    Race: Human (?)
    Hair Color: Red (formerly gray)
    Eye Color: Red (formerly gray)
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 115 lbs.

    ~ History ~
    For the early parts of her life, Fai lived a fairly ordinary life, residing with her mother in a small hut in the slums in the south end of Radasanth. Her mother worked hard to provide for the two of them and, fortunately for her, Fai proved to be a rather behaved child, more inclined to go off and play by herself than get under her mother's foot. Unfortunately, when Fai was around five years old, her mother became ill and was polite enough to rather promptly pass away, saving the little girl from having to learn any useful skills, such as healing. This did, however, leave poor Fai all by herself in the world. When this was discovered, she was taken to a small orphanage, where she was lucky enough to be treated decently, though food was always difficult to come by.

    Now, a curious reader may wonder: Where was her father? Fai had asked the same question of her mother once. Her mother answered that he was gone. Fai had asked again. Her mother answered that he was dead. Fai had stopped asking.

    A couple of years passed before an elderly man came to the orphanage, seeking to adopt a child. He met with many of the children, passing over each one until he came upon Fai, who he decided to take in soon after meeting her. After the paperwork was taken cared of, the elderly man whisked Fai away to his humble adobe a fair distance away from the capital city of Coronè.

    As a courtesy to the reader, it is necessary to clarify that, though Fai's new guardian is referred to as "elderly", it would be difficult to pinpoint exactly what his age was. In fact, aside from the wrinkles all over his skin and the snow-white color of his long mustache and beard (he was quite bald), it would have been difficult to believe that he was all that old in the first place. He had a fine posture and good muscle tone, suggesting that he had done his fair share of physical labor in his youth. His voice, though occasionally filled with weariness, remained strong and easy to hear. All in all, he was a very healthy old man, assuming he was actually old.

    Fai, by this time seven or eight years, considered none of this and was merely glad that she had been adopted and no longer had occasion to feel hungry. She was a little less glad once she began having to take lessons from her guardian, but she proved to be an agreeable, if unenthusiastic, student.

    Before Fai's arrival, the old man had clearly led a solitary lifestyle. A cow, a mule, and a few chickens were his sole companions before the girl's arrival. A cart and monthly trips to Radasanth sufficed to supply anything else that they found lacking. It was a rare occasion for a traveler to pass by and actual visitors were even fewer, so Fai had few chances to meet new people. This hardly disturbed the young girl, however, for she was, as mentioned, happy merely to have a place to call home again.

    One benefit of her education was that Fai was able to take advantage of her guardian's library. The library was sufficiently large enough to show that the old man was a very learned man. The majority of books were related to magic and, though most of them were too complicated for the young girl, Fai did manage to find some that she could read slowly in her free time. She even attempted some of the magic described in the books -- with her guardian's permission, of course -- but as nothing came out of it, she eventually stopped bothering and just read about it.

    When Fai was about fourteen years of age, her guardian decided to slowly begin training her in the art of combat, just in case the need would arise. Since the young girl had proved so inept at magic, it was only natural that they decided to train her in some physical form of combat. Much as she might have liked to train with some sort of weapon beyond the humble staff, the elderly man would hear nothing of it, allowing no other weapons on his land. Fai made no complaints and trained in hand-to-hand combat and the use of the staff with the old man, who proved surprisingly capable despite his age.

    At the age of twenty, while eating dinner, Fai was confused to hear her guardian apologize. She has no memory of what happened next as she promptly fell unconscious.

    When she had awoken, she found her arms, legs, and, as she would discover later, her back covered in strange tattoos. They appeared to be glyphs, though to what end, she could not tell. She also noticed that she was in a room that she had never been in before. A couple of minutes passed while she groggily tried to decide as to whether she should begin panicking or not before the old man came in. He explained that until thirteen years ago -- that is, when he had adopted her -- he had been looking for someone to be part of an experiment that he had been devising. He explained that the glyphs were wards to prevent certain entities from other planes from escaping into this plane and wreaking havoc. He explained that he had drugged her food as he figured it would be less complicated than simply asking her and how he was very sorry and hoped that she would not be all too angry with him.

    In that boringly agreeable manner of hers, Fai made no complaints and merely asked how long she had been unconscious.

    The elderly man stated that it was the next night and that he was very sorry that she had not had a chance to eat on account of her being unconscious.

    And what exactly was this experiment, Fai did wonder.

    Simply to see if it was possible to bind a djinn from an elemental plane to a person and see what the results were, was the elderly man's reply.

    And what was the next part of the experiment?

    Why, everything else had been prepared. All that was to be done was the actual summoning ritual.

    And so, after a quick dinner, that is what Fai and her guardian went to do. The young lady waited and listened as the elderly man uttered the incantation, using some language she did not understand. She wondered if it would be troublesome if she went to get a book to read while the old man was doing his work.

    There was really no need for her to be concerned about being bored, however, as she began to feel her heart beat more quickly and her body temperature rise. She swayed a little and the smell of smoke filled her nostrils before she, for the second time in as many days, fell unconscious.

    This time when she awoke, she found herself in the same room. It was quite a mess. Scorch marks marred the walls and floor and some paper had been burnt and there was the charred body of the old man lying on the floor. The room also smelled terrible.

    Fai looked at the body with some degree of sadness, for the old man really had been a fairly good person. After a moment, she felt her face twitch and she thought how silly it was seeing his corpse on the floor. The thought passed and she was baffled and somewhat surprised that she would think such a thing. Thinking that she must be awfully tired, she decided to figure out what to do on the morrow and went to bed.

    When she returned to room the next day, everything was as it had been, though the body had disappeared leaving only a small pile of ashes in its place. Since she no longer had to take care of that, she went and cleaned everything else up as best she could before heading down to make herself from breakfast. She wondered why the water felt weird as it washed over her hands.

    A sudden rage filled her entire being and she felt an urge to hit something. She punched a wall. A crack formed on it, though the wall continued to stand there. Not satisfied with the inanimate object's response, she went outside. Fai wondered briefly if she should punch the donkey, but suddenly thought of a certain arena that the old man had never allowed her to go to before. Taking a moment to reenter the house to make sure she looked decent, during which she was slightly surprised to see that her eye and hair color had suddenly become red, she and the donkey headed to Radasanth to see the Citadel.

    That had been a couple of months ago. Now, with not much else to do, she often likes to go to the Citadel to alleviate her urge to fight.

    ~ Personality ~
    In stark contrast to before she had been bound to the djinn, Fai is brash and headstrong, more interested in solving problems physically than through charisma or logic. Generally fearless, as such fools tend to be, her bull-headedness causes her to get in trouble quite easily. Fortunately, her pugnacious nature does seem to have its limit and she usually manages to satisfy her most of her desires to fight at the arena, preventing her from wreaking havoc in civilized society.

    On top of her preference for physical action, Fai is exceptionally talkative, favoring insults and taunts and any other words that may incite others while fighting. In more normal situations, she is capable of speaking normally, though she is often coarse and childish. Getting her to stop talking once she has started can prove difficult at times.

    Contrary to what may be expected, Fai is actually quite intelligent, having spent a good portion of her younger years reading. Due to the nature of most of the books in her adoptive guardian's library, she is relatively well-versed on magic, despite being incapable of using it herself.

    ~ Appearance ~
    Fai possesses red hair of a shade that brings to mind the color of fire, with slight tinges of black at the ends. She keeps it short and, since she cuts it herself, it looks rather chaotic. Her eyes are a bright red and, under certain lighting, seem to glow. She generally has a bored or dissatisfied expression on her face, which usually becomes an enthusiastic grin when she spies a chance to do something she will enjoy.

    On her skin are the distinctive tattoos that keep the djinn from escaping into the world. They are inked in black, which contrasts starkly with her white skin. The tattoos cover the back of her hands, the rest of her arms, her back, and her legs from her lower thighs down to her ankles. Her body is limber and slim, as if all the fat has been burned away, leaving only muscle, organs, and everything else to fill her skin.

    Unaffected by temperature, Fai pays little attention to what she wears. She generally goes around in a sleeveless, white linen shirt and denim pants that reach down to her knees. Callused feet belie her habit of walking around barefeet. She has no interest in jewelry and thus wears no accessories.

    ~ Skills ~
    • Languages - Tradespeak
    • Literacy - Competent
    • Magical Ability - None - Fai has absolutely no inherent magical potential. This extends to being unable to activate any enchantment tied to an object, though already active passive enchantments will continue to run unhindered (e.g., the magical equivalent of a cyanide pill would have no effect on her, but an amulet that had the passive property of poisoning its wearer would slowly kill her). She can still be affected by magic cast upon her from others.
    • Hand-to-Hand Combat - Above Average
    • Staff Combat - Average
    • Thalassophobia - Fear of the ocean or other large bodies of water. Consequently, she is also unable to swim.
    • Big Eater - She eats a lot.

    ~ Abilities ~
    • Djinn's Blaze - Channels fire from the Plane of Fire. Currently, Fai is only able to manifest the flames so long as they are in direct contact with herself. This can be done either externally or internally. Only one type can be manifested at any one time.
      When done externally, Fai causes an area of her body to become wreathed in flames. The maximum affected area is about the surface area of a hand up to her shoulder. While visually impressive, the fire actually radiates very little heat and causes no more than a mild tenderness even on the most sensitive of skin, regardless of how long contact with it is.
      When done internally, Fai drastically raises the temperature in a limited area of her body, approximately the volume of one of her hands. The affected area glows a faint red. She can, by direct contact, cause most flammable objects to ignite in a matter of seconds. Due to the hydrophobic nature of her fire, however, its effectiveness quickly falls as it comes into contact with an object that is either significantly wet or is in direct contact with something that is (e.g., people and the weapons they wield, most animals). In this case, it inflicts no more than a light burn upon contact, regardless of duration.
    • Physical Djinnhancements - Holding a djinn within her body has enhanced Fai's physical capabilities, making her potentially 2.5 times as strong and twice as agile as a normal human. Her training, however, has not been thorough enough for her to understand how to properly maximize this advantage, and thus she effectively is only 1.5 times as strong and agile as a normal human.
    • Resistance - Heat - Fai is unaffected by temperature, whether cold or hot. While fire will still burn her, its affect is slightly weakened, requiring slightly longer contact to inflict the same amount of damage to her.

    ~ Disabilities ~
    • Hydrophobia - Though unaffected by temperature, Fai is susceptible to water. The more humid the environment is, the more lethargic she becomes and the less effective and less cheery she is overall. A light rain annoys her and drops her strength to 1.25 times, while heavier rain causes her to become downright irritable and essentially locks her out from the benefits the djinn provides her, reducing her to a normal human. Just being wet while in an environment of normal humidity, however, fails to do anything to her beyond making her grumpy. This also increases her vulnerability to attacks with water or ice effects.
    • Ward Awareness - Despite her passion for fighting and physical violence, a part of Fai is forced to keep herself in check so that the wards tattooed to her are not marred significantly. The man that had originally put them there had done a very precise job, so that minor alterations like shallow cuts are not too much of a problem; however, something like a large gash across the tattoos carries the risk of the djinn freeing itself and wreaking havoc in the world of Althanas unless the wound is fixed quickly.

    ~ Equipment ~

    When she needs to travel away from home or Radasanth, Fai usually brings:
    • Burlap knapsack - mostly contains food, though it typically also holds some dry wood and a change of clothes
    • Satchel - Contains books, usually about basic magic theory or history

    ~ Familiars ~
    • A djinn of Fire - Relative to the other denizens of the Plane of Fire, the djinn is weak, capable only of manipulating the fire from its own plane in simple ways. Nonetheless, the djinns of Fire as a whole are physically strong and fast and generally work as laborers in the Plane, though they tend to be fairly lazy.
      Pulled away from its own plane, this particular djinn would love nothing more than escape from the wards and burn things until it likely died of persistent contact with moisture. Fortunately, Fai manages to keep it from doing so. Usually.
      • Rage of the Flames - Normally, Fai must maintain a certain amount of self-control to keep the djinn bonded to her in check. This means that, though she can allow her passion or anger to flare, she must be cautious that she does not allow it to do so too strongly or too long. It also means that she must limit how long she manifests her Djinn's Blaze ability. When she fails to do so, the djinn gains dominance over her body. While the djinn is in control, her strength and agility are increased to 1.75 times a normal human. Her stamina falls to 0.5 times a normal person's, however, meaning that she tires more easily. The internal version of her Djinn's Blaze is strengthened enough that she can cause moderate burns. Her resistance to fire increases, as does her susceptibility to water.
        Unlike the first instance, Fai is able to maintain consciousness and is aware of what the djinn does, though she has no control of her body. Because both body and mind reject the djinn possessing Fai, the possession generally does not last long. After about ten minutes (for quests. Maximum two posts for battle, probably because whatever enchantments the monks have on the Citadel are not partial to wanton destructive forces), the djinn is temporarily completely rejected from Fai's body and sent back to its Plane. Its sudden disappearance causes Fai's body temperature to fall drastically, far below the normal, causing her to begin to suffer the effects of severe hypothermia. Fortunately, after a few minutes (usually around five), the djinn is slowly drawn back from its Plane, slowly warming her back up to normal. Once more reminded of the danger, Fai is unlikely to let her guard down again anytime soon.
    Last edited by Firebrand; 01-08-13 at 12:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Non Timebo Mala
    EXP: 126,303, Level: 15
    Level completed: 46%, EXP required for next level: 8,697
    Level completed: 46%,
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    Letho's Avatar

    Letho Ravenheart
    Hair Color
    Dark brown, turning gray
    Eye Color
    Dark brown
    6'0''/240 lbs
    Corone Ranger

    Two things.

    Resistance should only give her slight resistance to fire now, so it should take "...slightly longer to inflict the same amount of damage..."

    Rage of the Flames - the problem is that one post rarely equalls ten minutes, especially in battles. I'll let you keep the ten minutes limit for quests, but in battles two posts is the maximum I can allow for now.
    "Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity."

    William Butler Yeats - The Second Coming

  3. #3
    EXP: 525, Level: 1
    Level completed: 27%, EXP required for next level: 1,475
    Level completed: 27%,
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    Fai Tannir
    Human (?)
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    Right-o! Changes made! Anything else?

  4. #4
    Non Timebo Mala
    EXP: 126,303, Level: 15
    Level completed: 46%, EXP required for next level: 8,697
    Level completed: 46%,
    EXP required for next level: 8,697
    Letho's Avatar

    Letho Ravenheart
    Hair Color
    Dark brown, turning gray
    Eye Color
    Dark brown
    6'0''/240 lbs
    Corone Ranger

    Nope, that's it.

    You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.
    "Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity."

    William Butler Yeats - The Second Coming

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