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Thread: Taming a Dragon

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  1. #1
    EXP: 15,148, Level: 5
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    Sagequeen's Avatar

    Erissa Alanorah Tarsul-Caedron
    High Elf
    Hair Color
    Silver-tinged White
    Eye Color
    5'5", 105
    Finery tailor, Ixian Knight

    View Profile
    <"I told you,"> Erissa sighed, "<that it would not go well for you if you got in the way."> Lucious swayed woozily. The high elf grimaced as she got to her knees. Her rib and upper arm were broken, and much of her skin felt like it was on fire. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Her arm, which was an impossible angle, straightened as the bone connected and reformed. She gasped as her rib was healed, and sighed with relief as her porcelain skin began to regenerate, leaving not a single blemish. She turned her attention to the horse, and in a matter of moments, his wounds were closed. Lucious pranced around in the midday sun, rejuvinated and proud of himself.

    Nearly exhausted, Erissa shuffled to her satchel, which lay near the center of the meadow, and removed her waterskin. She cleaned her face of the blood as best she could, and then stared for a few moments at Neceran, who lay perfectly still in the grass.

    <"We must deal with her,"> she called to Lucious, and he trotted to his master. The elf was almost spent from the effort of healing, and she quietly removed the horse's saddle. The horse nickered at her, cocking his head. <"Yes, of course it would be easier to kill her. But I cannot. First, I am not a cold-blooded killer. Second, I liken killing a Draconian noble to kicking a hornets' nest. They keep to their own affairs, and I should like to keep it that way. No, I must deal with her in another way. Now, please help me move her to the edge of the woods, against that tree there.">

    Erissa gathered her strength, and the drakeling rose into the air. Neceran moaned, spooking Lucious, but the elf calmed him and lay the creature across his back. She rubbed the horse between his ears, and met his gaze with a look of sincere gratitude.

    <"To the tree,"> she said as she slung the saddle over her shoulder, and the two walked slowly across the small meadow. <"The smaller one there. It should do nicely."> Once more Erissa lifted the drakeling, floated her through the air, and set her gently with her back to the tree. The elf wedged the saddle across Neceran's chest and arms, and circled behind the tree. She heaved at the straps as she struggled with the drakeling's weight. With great effort, Erissa slipped the leather strap through the ring and fastened the girth as tightly as she could manage.

    It was just a matter of waiting until the Draconian came to. But Erissa was not in the mood to wait. She needed rest, and the sooner the better. She levelled her gaze at Neceran, and focused intently on her. "Your skin is burning. The acid is eating into your body. You can smell your own flesh cooking. You had better wake up." Neceran's eyes snapped open and she began screaming. Erissa rather enjoyed the payback.

    "What fire is this? I cannot be burned!" The drakeling quickly found her arms bound against her body by the saddle, and the sensation of burning faded. "Wh-what?" she stammered. Her struggles were futile.

    "Having a nightmare?" Erissa asked innocently. Neceran's eyes widened as she saw the elf.

    "How did you - I crushed you, covered you in... how?" the drakeling demanded.

    "Yes, you did. Ruined my leathers as well," the elf sighed. "It was time for a new set anyway, I suppose. But let us get down to business, Neceran."

    "You intend to kil me?"

    "That is a silly question," the elf said, raising an eyebrow. "Do you think I would have bothered to tie you to a tree when you were out cold on the ground? On the contrary, I am very much inclined to let you live."

    "Why?" Neceran hissed.

    "Because, I believe I can help you." Erissa let the words hang in the air for several moments. Destiny's Book had revealed an interesting twist she hoped to urge into reality.

    "I don't believe you," Neceran growled, and spat at her feet. The grass smoked and sizzled before it turned black.

    "Why?" asked Erissa. "I am an elf of my word."

    "Why would you help me?"

    "Frankly, I would rather not have to deal with you stalking me for the rest of your life, short as it may be."

    "What do you mean, short?" the drakeling growled.

    "When you attack one Ixian, it tends to upset the rest of them. Believe me, you do not want one crazy immortal on your tail, much less a brigade of them."

    "So you say, elf," Neceran said, "but once I have the book-"

    "You won't," Erissa said, exasperated. "You won't have it, ever! Did you forget you are currently strapped to a tree with a horse's saddle? Are you too dense to realize that I will always be two steps ahead of you? But I am giving you an opportunity, and if you refuse it-"

    "Do your worst, elf. Not even torture can break me," Neceran growled. "I am Neceran Zeiler, noble of the Wing-"

    "Torture you?" Erissa asked in disbelief. "Oh, good heavens, no. But you are being impossible, and I am too tired to try to reason with you further. I think I shall have a nap. You are free to sleep as well, if you are so inclined."

    "You... a nap?" Neceran screeched. "You shall have a nap, you ridiculous elf?"

    "Yes. I will try not to snore, but no promises." Erissa covered her mouth politely as she yawned.

    "Snore?" The drakeling's lips twitched and a vein began to bulge from her temple.

    "And I am sorry about this, truly," Erissa said with half a smile touching her lips. She stripped off her ruined jacket and mentally wrenched the drakeling's jaw upward. The elf tossed the jacket at the bound drakeling, and the arms opened in a hug and tied themselves around her scaly neck. "But you tend to drool, and without a bib, you might just burn through the saddle straps and kill me in my sleep."

    "You will rue the day you crossed me," Neceran said, death in her eyes.

    "Come now," Erissa smiled. "We could be such great friends. You could braid my hair, and I could paint your... talons. Did I mention I am a renowed tailor in these lands? I could make you such a lovely dress."

    "I hate you," the drakeling hissed.

    "Shhhh," Erissa rebuked as she threw herself down in the soft grass of the meadow, safely out of Neceran's spitting range. "It is time for the 'slumber' part of this party."
    Last edited by Sagequeen; 05-17-14 at 06:37 PM.
    Le onen guil hen, le velt farn a chuinad han - You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.

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