After that brief detour into traitorous waters, the good ship Renegade returns. Huzzah! I mean... ARR!!! Captain Paul, and First Mates (in no particular order) Jason and Ailsa will be discussing a topic provided by the one true sassomancer, Michelle. (No, Andy. You can't also be the sassomancer. You get ONE title.)

The topic will be abilities. Specifically, what are the pros and cons of acquiring them in threads versus the spontaneous appearance of abilities in level ups like you just filled your freakin' exp bar and *ding* you learned fire breath. Did you know fire magic before? Did you at least eat something extra spicy? Doesn't matter! Because you leveled uuuuu....

I may have editorialized that a bit. Anyway, give us questions! Only then will we allow your women and children to go free! ARR!!!