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Thread: Choose Your Battleground

  1. #1
    EXP: 1,500, Level: 1
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    Hailwing Of The Citadel's Avatar


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    Choose Your Battleground

    Name: None
    Nickname/Alias: Hailwing
    Age: N/A
    Race: Humanoid/Statue Creature
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 220 lbs

    Hailwing currently has a straightforward attitude when it comes to battle. He exists to fight. He has no prerogative, purpose, or life outside of doing so. He is bound by certain rules when engaging in battle, such as not gaining an early advantage through trickery and not constructing arenas that explicitly suit him. He is capable of conversation and goes at the pace of his opponents when beginning to fight.

    Hailwing was created by the Ai'Brone to exist as a servant to the Citadel. For many years he has stood as a stone statue near the entrance of the construct - by request of one of the Citadel monks, he will animate and enter an arena to do battle with an opponent. Throughout his existence, Hailwing has mostly been used as a sparring partner for aspiring adventurers and soldiers, but has also done battle with people at the behest of others.

    He was named by adventurers who happened to gaze upon him during a storm, where it appeared that mist was wafting up from his imposing frame. Incidentally, he happens to have an association with ice. Later he was given a plaque at his feet, where the name is imprinted.


    Statue: Hailwing is composed of grey stone and stands with his arms folded, just past the primary entrance of the Citadel alongside other, similar constructs. His face is human-like and stares straight ahead, with weapons on his back in between two small wings.

    Humanoid: Hailwing is not much different. His skin is pinkish like a human's, with scales on specific joints such as his elbows and knees that are different to make out without close scrutiny. He has yellowed eyes, not white, but the irises are clearly darker and his pupils are a normal, round black. He has two wings on his back about the span of two feet which cannot be used to do anything in battle.

    To clarify, Hailfang cannot change between statue and animate creature at his own whim and cannot do so during a battle, at all.


    Knowledge of Battle: Hailwing has a lot of knowledge about fighting techniques, magical implements and evocation, enchantments and other war-based knowhow. However he has very little practical experience and is thus not capable of performing the vast majority of what he's aware of.

    Knowledge of Others: Hailwing knows about the various races of Althanas, and some from worlds beyond, but nothing more than what is common knowledge for scholars.

    Polearm Proficiency: Primarily using a glaive in battle, Hailwing is about as capable as an experienced soldier.

    Strength and Speed: Built for battle, Hailwing is about as strong and fast as a human in very good physical condition.


    Mist Aura: A perpetual cold surrounds him at all times. It does not always manifest as visible mist, unless he wills it to. Currently this is just an uncomfortable chill for those who are extremely close to Hailwing.

    Heavy Rain: Hailwing can create fist-sized balls of ice which he can then throw or use for another purpose. The ice is normal, hard balls of ice. He can make three before he is incapable of making more.

    Glaive: He has an iron glaive that is about six feet long.
    Vambrace: He has a leather vambrace with an iron plate on it, which he uses to block weak attacks or deflect.
    Last edited by Hailwing Of The Citadel; 10-27-15 at 08:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Wide eyed & bushy tailed
    EXP: 59,008, Level: 10
    Level completed: 46%, EXP required for next level: 5,992
    Level completed: 46%,
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    Hysteria's Avatar

    Remedy Blue

    Well, this seems pretty straight forward.

    The obvious questions, if he is made of stone, does he have the same resistance to force? I am assuming not, but I thought I should check

  3. #3
    EXP: 1,500, Level: 1
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    Level completed: 75%,
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    Hailwing Of The Citadel's Avatar


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    Nah, he's got normal human-like skin and resistance!

  4. #4
    Wide eyed & bushy tailed
    EXP: 59,008, Level: 10
    Level completed: 46%, EXP required for next level: 5,992
    Level completed: 46%,
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    Hysteria's Avatar

    Remedy Blue

    Perfect. Go smash some heads


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