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Thread: Amateur Bounty Hunter, Caleb Sinsear

  1. #1
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    Caleb Sinsear
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    Amateur Bounty Hunter, Caleb Sinsear

    Name: Caleb Sinsear
    Nickname/Alias: Caleb, The Priestess’ Son (To those from his hometown)
    Age: 23
    Race: Human
    Height: 6’3”
    Weight: 195lbs
    Occupation: Amateur Bounty Hunter

    Personality: Caleb was raised to always be kind to others, so he still holds that trait deep down inside. But after his father attempted to take the lives of both Caleb and his mother, his cheery personality and trust towards others dwindled. After offering his services as a bounty hunter and working in that trade for a few months, Caleb began to prefer to work alone and away from others.

    Though he may be seen as bounty hunter scum to some, Caleb is an honest man just trying to get by and do things right for his mother, mainly driven by revenge for what had happened to him. Making friends with this man could be tough to do, unless you truly help him out in some way or another. Aside from that, he always is game for a good drink, and does not fray from sometimes flirting with local women.

    History: “Some twenty-three years ago, I was born in the capital city of Fallien to a Priestess named Rebecca and a wealthy man, Gregory. I don’t remember too much of it.. But I can’t complain. I was living the life for a kid my age. Got everything I wanted, lived in a nice house. But that did not last long...apparently Gregory was seeing some slut on the side. Even dishing out more cash to her than to mom and I. So we left the nice house and life of luxury for the road. I might have been 10 or 11 by then. Lucky for us, mom had a pretty nice reputation around the capital, even spreading as far at the coasts on the far North. Being the kind, young priestess that everyone loved had a hand in that. I don’t think there were many people that didn’t like my mom. So it was not hard for us to find a place to sleep and food to eat, and before long, we were back on our feet. That was when we met Leo. “

    “I didn’t know much about how it happened, but Leo and my mother started seeing each other more often after meeting at one of her sermons. He was a lot different than Gregory, especially since he did not mind spending time with me. Eventually, we were all living together, and Leo was beginning to seem more and more like a father to me. Showed me how to hunt and fight for myself.. Even taught me how to use a sword and fire a gun. Everything was starting to look good again.. but of course, that’s when things always went bad in my life. One morning, I woke up to the sound of people rummaging through our things, stealing whatever they could find. I quickly tried to call for Leo, but once the bandits heard me, they shut me up real quick. I got hit pretty bad on the head.. so a lot of that night is shady. All I remember is seeing my mother crying as the bandits took everything from around her.. and when I finally saw Leo, he was taking things as well. Going against her morals, my mother rushed the man, who pulled a knife on her, stabbing her in the side. She fell to the flow, shaking, as her blood poured out onto the sand. I began to cry and scream for help. For anyone. That was when Leo decided to deal with me. I saw the man storm towards me, the dagger dripping as he grabbed me by the hair. Then everything went black.”

    “I thought I was dead, to be honest. I thought waking up to the sound of my mother’s voice was me waking up on the other side, following right after her. But turned out we were both alive. My mother was lying on a bed made of hay, bandages wrapped around her wounds. She told me that people heard the noises and quickly came in to stop Leo and the others.. but most of them got away without being killed or captured. Mom told me that Leo turned out to be a no-good bandit who just used my mother for the little money she earned. This was the turning point in my life. When I turned twenty-three, I left my home in Astaka to learn how to better myself, and rid the lands of no good people like Leo. I set out for the coast, where I “borrowed” a boat and set out for other lands. And that pretty much brings me to where I am today… wandering around without a damn clue what I’m doing…”

    Appearance: Caleb has a light complexion, a line of freckles crossing the brim of his nose, though sometimes they cannot be distinguished from the dirt and sand that accumulates on his face. He has raggedy auburn hair with bangs that reach down to his eyes, yet he usually has his hair pushed back or to the sides. Caleb also sports a beard and mustache of the same color. He has a kind face, which sometimes leads to complications in his job and not being taken seriously. His skills with his blade, however, usually fix that.


    - Dagger Wielding: His trusty weapon of choice. Ever since he was taught how to use the weapon as a young man, Caleb keeps his knife on him at all times. He is trained in how to use it for survival as well as combat, even in throwing it accurately.
    - Amateur Marksmanship: Around the same time he was taught how to fight with a blade, Caleb was shown the basics of operating firearms; mostly pistols and hunting rifles. His skills with guns are not the most adept, but his marksmanship is much greater than someone picking up the weapon for the first time.
    - Tracking: Years of hunting with Leo and practicing his own bounty hunting skills, Caleb knows how to track his prey. From picking up footprints to finding clues, the man has an eye for spotting just what he is looking for.
    - Survival Skills: Before leaving home on his journey into lands unknown to him, Caleb took the time to read many books on how to survive out in the wild. He already knew how to hunt, but learning about the skills taught him how to create basic shelters with fire, survive harsh conditions, etc.


    -Haggling: 5% increase in GP earned in the thread


    - A simple combat knife with a jagged edge. Has seen more than enough battles, but still holds strong.

    -Caleb wears a dark brown turtleneck under a worn, beige, button-down shirt with the sleeves usually rolled up to his elbow. On his legs are brown slacks that fit snug to his legs with leather boots laced up to his calf. Over that, he usually wears a long brown duster, the bottom of the coat in tatters.

    -From one of the pockets of his jacket, connecting to one of the open button holes, is a chain to what looks like a pocket watch. On the other end of the chain, however, is a pendant given to him by his mother.

    -Caleb also usually carries a large pack on his back with various provisions needed for traveling (sleeping bag, water, rope, etc.)
    Last edited by Caleb; 01-20-16 at 11:23 AM.

  2. #2
    In The Eye of a Hurricane
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    Hello and welcome to the site!
    There is a darkness in you. In all of us, probably. Beasts we keep chained. Ordinary men have to keep the chains strong, for if we let the beast loose then society will turn upon us with fiery vengeance. Kings though...well, who is there to turn upon them? So the chains are made of straw. It is the curse of kings, Helikaon, that they can become monsters. And they invariably do.

    Rayleigh is pretty chill. ♥

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