“I’ve got you this time runt!” spat harsh words edged with plenty of drink.

The air was filled with the roar of excitement as the first mate sat down opposite Talen. The man had a barrel chest and thick log-like arms. A native of Salavar at some point, he had soaked in so much salt over the years that his skin was a leathery tan more akin to Fallien. The only hint of his icy-cold heritage was the hair that had navigated from the top of his head to his chest and proud tufts poked out of his shirt.

Talen was nearly completely overshadowed by the giant of the man opposite him. This was the fourth time the first mate had challenged the diminutive warrior. The first time was meant as a joke, but had quickly turned sour after being easily defeated. The initial roars of excitement died to a tense hush as sailor and child lifted arms. In a normal competition both men would clasp hands, but with the child’s so much smaller it was simply swallowed by the hamfisted firstmate.

“Another 20 gold?” Asked Talen.

The youth’s face was etched with a wiry smile and framed by the mess of long dark hair. His skin was a sickly pale and drastically different to that of the sailor. Only his blue eyes carried a hint of colour.

“I have to ask of course, because at this rate I might be able to pay off the debt for this trip through winnings alone,” said Talen. In truth the cost for the voyage was far in excess of the small gambling sum. The spectacle was enough to keep the crew engaged while they ancored. In their current state only a small number needed to remain on deck, the rest burned through their rum allowance and waited for the seas to calm.

Another sailor grabbed their hands and pressed tight. It was at his release that the two surged with strength. The first mate was strong, stronger than nearly everyone on the ship. Talen however, he was much stronger. The youth slowly moved the firstmate’s arm back amid the torrent of curses and howls.

“Out!” Cried the sailor acting as referee as the firstmate’s hand touched the table.

“Arrrgh! Dammit boy not again!”

The firstmate dropped the coins on the table and slapped Talen on the shoulder. The youth spread the grin on his face and laughed in return.

“You’ve got some talent there boy!” roared the firstmate, “heck of a job well done!”

“You were much stronger that time,” lied Talen, “I had to really push to get you down.”

The off-duty crew resumed their drinking. Some played cards, others flipped coins or read. Despite the roll of the ship amid the waves, all seemed comfortable and at ease.

I can’t wait to kill these bastards.