Carl never did return from his talk with the captain. Kurayami just shrugged and continued to work towards finishing up the reassembly of the first engine. He had gotten all the parts for both engines inscribed and set out in the order they would need to be put in during assembly with those that went in first closest to him and the other parts further away. To most onlookers this would be highly confusing, but Kurayami knew the placement of each part by memory so as he moved along each row all he had to do was make sure that nothing was left whether that be a single retaining screw or an entire cylinder. Then he would know it was safe to move up to the next row of parts and continue the rebuilding process.

After most of the day he was finishing putting the valve covers back in place. The push rods and valves had taken a long time to get properly placed and making sure that neither they nor the cylinder heads would be pushed up against the sides was a bit of a time consuming task, but worth it since it would cut down on wear overall. With the valve covers securely in place and a test run of the engine, everything sounded perfect, so he moved on to working on the inscriptions for the power source. Again this was going to take a long time to make sure everything was done correctly. Hopefully not quite as long as the engine had, but it was still complex enough to require the utmost care. In fact Kurayami would argue that this required even more care since if this went haywire the whole ship was going to fall out of the sky.

It was not a difficult process as the engine had been but the inscriptions still had to be on point. One minor screw up and you start sending power back into the unit and creating a loop that could only end in a rather nasty explosion. One fueled by arcane power, and that was not an explosion he wanted to be around. Granted, he didn't really want to be around any explosion of any sort, but especially not one that threw around shards of metal and arcane power. That just sounded like a really bad time waiting to happen. The inner casing of the power source was fine, not showing hardly any wear, so he moved on from there and began to focus on the other portions of the generator.

It looked to be that all the parts that controlled and directed the flow of the power could do with replacement. After all, the sheer amount of arcane power that flowed through the generator was immense. He had heard numbers thrown around once or twice, but never took the time to learn exactly how much it was. Though he supposed that could also be part of the issue with the models he was working on when it came to them stalling out. If such things ended up being the fix that he needed then there was the chance of slowly scaling everything up to a workable size to where he could make a power plant with enough thrust to propel a small aircraft. If he could manage a small aircraft then maybe use two engines for speed and to keep going if one were damaged.

It looked like the runes that were multiplying the flow of the power were wearing away slightly, so those would need to be re-inscribed at a deeper level so that they would last longer. The ones that redirected heat were even more worn down given that they were working as hard as the others, but the sheer amount of heat energy that was transferred into the heat sinks was far greater than most recognized. The neoprene insulation was holding up well in most places but there were some sheets that were worn down around the heat dissipation piping near the generator. That was another thing to replace but it would take very little time in the end. He continued the process of etching the runes into the piping that would redirect and multiply the power that was generated which took the most time.