Amari watched as Jake started to juggle the rocks, her tri coloured eyes focused on the mesmerising movement. She hadn't seen such a feat before and it was almost like magic, course, she knew that wasn't it. Amari opened her mouth as if to question him on it, but stopped herself, her mouth pressed into a thin line and she steeled herself further away from him.

Jake prattled on about horses, mentioning lineages and the like. Things that Amari didn't know about nor choose to seek an understanding in, she merely commented on his remark. "imagine it? Jake, I've lived it." Amari realised how crude her comment must have sounded and quickly attempted to poorly sugarcoat it. "I mean, living on the streets and all - it wasn't that bad." She wasn't sure why she was bothering trying to make him feel better. He seemed to be doing well enough on his own without her interference.

"I don't have friends." Amari said simply, unmoved by the dismal admittance, her thoughts briefly rested on Fenn, but the fae boy was nothing more than a man child who had all too easily left her in hopes of 'fixing her' not considering her own will and desires in the matter. Amari's expression soured. "They get in the way."

"I think you're wrong, you just haven't met the right ones yet." Jake said in an optimistic reply.

Amari tilted her head as she mulled over his words. "I don't think that's the case." She mused. "I've met plenty of 'nice' people, but they've either met an unfortunate end or fucked right off when shit got difficult. That's the thing about humanity Jake, it's inherently selfish and I'm no different."

Jake suddenly stood and Amari had to take a few steps back, her foot landed on the edge of the boulder and she teetered to and fro to get a better footing once more. Amari shot Jake an annoyed look which he returned with a smile as he offered to teach her the bow.

"I'm not very adept with weapons." Amari said cautiously.

"It's ok! I'll teach you." Jake said as he reached behind his back and unclipped the bow. He handed it to Amari, "It'll pass the time, right?"

Amari hesitated before grasping the bow. "Right..." She said in an apprehensive tone, she wasn't sure how well she'd fare with a bow and arrow. "I've always relied on using myself as a weapon, something like this is foreign to me."