Amari’s defiant attitude only threw fuel on the fire. As she walked away, he glared at Advencia as she weakly reached toward Amari. His boot pinned her hand to the floor and his vice grip snagged a handful of hair.

“I hope you learned something,” he hissed. “Next time you try to kill her or wrong me, I’ll keep you imprisoned until you shrivel and die.”

With a slap, she fell to the ground. Advencia let out a soft whimper of pain as Lye pivoted on her hand toward his room and left the small succubus to the cold darkness of the main hall. When Lye entered his quarters, he slammed the door behind him. In here, the radiant warmth of the hearth lapped against his hardened features.

“What was that?” he roared, pointing toward the grand hall. “Now you’re stepping against me?”

Amari sat on the side of the bed, her body tense. “I don’t believe that mark should ever be used.” She met his gaze with her own. “I’d follow you to my death, but I will not see that mark used on a comrade.” She took a deep breath, and repeated herself. “Did you want to know everything, or not?”

“It’s quite useful,” Lye seethed. “Despite me knowing first hand how it feels.” He fondly recalled Amari carving it into his own flesh no more than hours after a debilitating fight with Elthas. The lack of vision in his left eye proved a constant reminder.

“I want all of the details,” Lye continued. “Enough time has been wasted.”

“I know a fast, efficient way.” Amari said as she pushed herself off the bed and breached the gap between them. She reached out and placed her fingers against his temples, and before he had the chance to push her away he was reliving key moments through her eyes.

He saw flashes of memories… he saw how Philomel and Shinsou cornered Amari. He felt the confusion and heartache she felt when she found out he was not after her head, but only wished for her wellbeing.

Lye was forced to feel the heated moment when Shinsou kissed her, and again, her confusion. Lye felt Amari’s loyalty waver, only slightly. As Amari longed to see Ulroke, he felt it. He knew her resolve and drive to continue to find out what she was, and to better the Crimson Hand.

Lye even felt the pain of being digested alive as Amari pulled the crystal sword from the basilisks gullet. He felt her pride for the Crimson Hand as she gushed about how he’d react. He noticed the sour look on Noel’s face as Amari spoke fondly of him.

Amari had brutally slain a child in cold blood and Lye saw first hand how hard she had fought against Vincent. He felt her frustration and desperation as she tried to reason with him before being thrown into Dheathain. She had wandered the continent, finding an odd cave of crystals which made her nauseous.

Unwittingly, Amari even shared with him her feelings right before turning up at the Inner Sanctum, turbulent feelings of longing and desire, mixed with the unknown element of Shinsou, and even then, the desire to see Lichensith Ulroke smile in earnest.

Amari broke away suddenly, sweat dripping from her forehead. “Fuck…” She swore, forgetting how much it had taken out of her, her knees buckled and she fell to the floor. The assassin held his head, mind throbbing with the overload of sensory data. He staggered to the opposite side of the bed and leaned against the empty onyx basin.

“I believe,” he managed with a groan. “I believe an apology is in order.”