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Thread: Zodiac Chronicles: "Lanterns"

  1. #1
    EXP: 72,114, Level: 11
    Level completed: 60%, EXP required for next level: 4,886
    Level completed: 60%,
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    Christoph's Avatar

    Elijah Belov
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    6' / 175 pounds
    Former chef, aimless wanderer, Pagoda Master, and self-professed Salvic Rebel Leader ™.

    Zodiac Chronicles: "Lanterns"

    ((Closed to TwinCast.))


    Year 1815, Spring

    Occult scrawling covered the rooftop, a dizzying maelstrom of chalk lit by the stars. The Radasanth harbor warehouse overlooked the ocean. Built of brown bricks and timber, it was a stout and plainly rectangular and empty. Two years past, the building came under new ownership. Since then, no freight has moved in or out. The entire structure assumed a new role as the work and training space for its new owner: the former Pagoda master Elijah Belov.

    Known as an eccentric sorcerer and part-time gladiator, Elijah earned a small reputation in the Citadel back in 1807, but gained true notoriety after Salvar's civil war. Those who remembered the bright-eyed, boyish Belov from before scarcely recognized the grim, cynical man who returned to Corone in 1812. He took the Citadel and Dajas Pagoda by storm, displaying new power and ferocity, dispatching foes with bored proficiency. Whatever he had endured in Salvar, it made him strong, yet left him hard, with sharp edges.

    His skills made him famous, and his fame made him rich. Students sought him for training, nobles hired him to solve problems. To many, he was to be envied. A wealthy young man whose natural talents could provide a life of comfort and leisure. To the eyes of man, he led exactly that. And he could have. Coin, respect, status, all at the price of leaving his home behind. That price, in the end, was too steep. Besides, more was at play than mere homesickness.

    Belov paced from one end of the roof to the other, carefully placing each foot to avoid smudging the countless chalk lines. He glanced down, then up, then down, making slight adjustments. The night was clear, the sky a veil of glittering stars. A hundred constellations formed the firmament. Elijah's interest focused on nine signs so ancient that few living astronomers knew them. They formed a forgotten zodiac from the dawn of time – before the Tap, when the Old Gods walked Creation. Dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and others, they marked the heavens with the power of what some scholars called the “high beasts”, powerful creatures of divine lineage. The nine signs, Elijah believed, held some of the last remnants of the old gods' power, and perhaps the last hope to fight the slow unraveling of the world – an unraveling he believed would soon begin anew in Salvar. He now needed allies to help wield this power.

    The stars were nearly aligned. He focused his power, channeling magical energies through the chalk scribbles. Elijah had friends and former associates he could call on to wield the signs, and a couple others he knew by reputation alone. However, even if he tracked them all down and convinced each one to join him, it would leave a few signs vacant. Thus, he turned to astrology – not his strongest discipline, but nothing he couldn't manage with some research. The same old magic written into the firmament, he reasoned, could help guide him to someone suited to wield it.

    The heavens were aligned. Chalk lines glittered with starlight as magic coursed through them. Elijah tiptoed to the roof's center, to a bowl of pure water he'd prepared. He peered into its shimmering surface. Sure enough, an image began to form. Amidst a field of stars and mist, a castle appeared. Not just any castle. All in Corone knew it, and though Elijah had only glimpsed it in passing once, he recognized it instantly. It was the castle of the Ixian Knights.

  2. #2
    EXP: 9,794, Level: 4
    Level completed: 16%, EXP required for next level: 4,206
    Level completed: 16%,
    EXP required for next level: 4,206
    TwinCast's Avatar

    Aislinn Orlouge
    Hair Color
    Fire Red
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    Ice Blue

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    The castle had seen better days. Even with its twice yearly check, the castle had begun to deteriorate. It was sad in a way, as that castle had seen them through some of the worst nights. Aislinn Orlouge always saw it as a homecoming when she returned. In many ways this was more of a home than Pierce's apothecarium, and more comfortable.

    Signs the castle had seen guests tracked with the words of Braig Erikson, second in command to General Taka. The former caravan guard had spoken of the meeting with Red, the right-hand woman to Licensith Ulroke. Taka has fallen in love with the woman and followed her to Salvar, to help her. This act was all right as the Ixian Knights were no longer necessary at the time. Things had changed, and now that was no longer true. Taka leaving caused a problem when he failed to return promptly from Salvar.

    The Winds of Magic, her patron had warned her that times would be dark ahead. Aislinn was not fond of letting all her efforts go to waste, and began to rally what men she could, but even then it was hit or miss. Some of the old assets returned, others informed her she was seeking aid where there was none. Taka would have known who would still answer the call to banner. It slowed down the process substantially to deal with each element on its own, and so the Witch turned to her magic. With something belonging to the Ronin she could find him in Salvar, but then she would need an army to reach him.

    Her tread carried her into the courtyard when the Witch groaned, “It is never easy with you Taka…”

    The target dummies were mostly rotted, the stones showing signs of wear from the ages. Much like the knights that had once graced its halls, it had aged horribly. Wear and tear showed the unkempt nature of the keep. One day they could reclaim the Castle, but today was not that day. Instead, she was left to look upon the slowly decaying castle.

    She heard footsteps moving with a sense of purpose going down the halls. Moving to follow them she spied a man wandering the halls before she called out, "I would not do that if I were you, you might set off one of the protections of the Castle. I dare say you risk your life wandering so carelessly."
    Last edited by TwinCast; 06-17-17 at 11:56 PM.
    Got no reason got no shame
    Got no family I can blame
    Just don't let me disappear
    I'mm tell you everything...

    ~ Secrets - One Republic

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