Quote Originally Posted by Ataraxis View Post
I thoguht it was dwarvish, but then realized that didn't make any sense!

Yaha! ToL madness. What a riot, that place. In any case, hi, and welcome!

Et, au fait, moi aussi je parle le français. Content de faire ta connaissance, et j'espère que l'on pourra écrire ensemble, un de ces jours! Je sais de quoi tu es capable, de ce que j'ai pu lire l* bas, alors je sais que tu est très talentueuse ;D

So yes, I would like that haschich by the docks, tomorrow at noon. Good? Great! Glad to do business with ya!
Gyah...I hated my last French teacher, so I forgot a lot. I mostly use the language to confuse people, and yell at people, and I speak it better than write it.

Still...c'est une grande plaisir, et je voudrais bien d'ecrire avec vous.

Yeah...I'm too lazy to check spelling or put in accents. Lol.