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Thread: Gisela Open Rules and Regulations

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    Gisela Open Rules and Regulations

    The Gisela Open places armies of 1000 NPC's against one another in combat. This year's tournament promises to be the greatest yet as we introduce a completely new style of play. Instead of the typical army v army match ups of the previous Gisela's, the new tournament puts multiple armies against one another ALA the Clan War battles. Here are the rules for the tournament:


    Upon registration, players will detail EACH of the troops in their armies. This includes the type of troop (infantry, etc.), its weapon and armor, and any special abilities. Troop power levels are ¼ of the registration level of the player’s primary character rounded down to the nearest whole number. Level 0-3 characters shall have level 0 troops. A template (my entry from last year) will be posted in the registration thread to assist with the registration process. Posting an initial registration guarantees a player a position in the tournament, but all armies must be approved by either Atzar or myself much like characters in the RoG.

    In addition to the regular army, players are given 3 “hero” characters. These heroes are of equal level to the primary character and can be used in anyway a player wants. Obviously, the player’s primary character will be there too, in any role the player sees fit. The Registration Rules will be detailed further in the Registration thread.


    Registration for the Gisela Open is limited to 24 players. Multiple characters will not be allowed. This is to maintain activity rather than to give everyone who wants to participate an opportunity to do so. Additionally, multiple characters can be “heroes” as described below. If interest in the Gisela is high, the registration cap will be raised to 36 accordingly.


    The maximum number of troops allowed per army is 1000 not including "Heroes" (though less will be acceptable).


    The Gisela area in Corone will be broken down into multiple geographic sub-regions. With 24 players, the first “round” will consist of 6 sub-regions made into sub-forums of the Gisela forum on Althanas. In the first round, each sub-region will have 8 threads depicting locations within it. Four armies will be placed into each sub-region and given their own “home location” where their army begins at. "Home locations" will be randomly determined.

    The objective is to conquer each army in the sub-region to advance to the next “round.” Battles will be conducted ala typical clan war style, where troops may travel to multiple locations to defeat opposing troops and can continue moving to other locations if desired. LIQUID TIME WILL NOT EXIST FOR THIS TOURNAMENT. Thus troops can only be in one location at a time. Additionally, there are no other paths to locations other than the ones that will be mapped.


    In order for troops (either an individual, or a group) to move to a new location, they MUST wait an entire “turn” before they can appear in the next location. A “turn” means that everyone else in the group has posted once or that player has waited 2 full days before posting again (in the case of absences). This is to allow another player chance to respond to the movement. If a player who already has troops in the area responds to the movement, the player with the moving troops is instantly allowed into the location in lieu of the aforementioned “turn” requirements. For the purposes of continuity, each location thread ends half way between the two primary locations (this will allow people to battle on the paths between locations).

    Players will indicate what location troops are moving to as OOC notes in each thread. For example (Archers are going to Location A) in Location B, and (Archers have arrived from Location B) in Location A.


    If a troop dies in combat, that troop is dead for the remainder of the tournament and cannot be revived. Only heroes will be revived between “rounds.”


    Players are allowed to create alliances and do other creative things necessary to win. In the event of an alliance existing at the end of a “round”, players have an opportunity to assimilate all alliance members into their army up to a total of 1000 troops. Additionally, Players are allowed to assimilate all living non-retreat status non-alliance troops up to a total of 1000 troops. Players may opt for retreat status at the end of the round by indicating the same. In retreat status, those troops are considered lost. In the event that a player in retreat status wins the round, he will only be entitled to assimilate other troops in retreat status up to a total of 1000 troops. Players can infinitely retreat and attack within the time limits of the “round” provided they obey movement rules.

    Assimilation exists as a cure to the “physical loser” wins problem. Players are also NOT required to use assimilation.


    Each round will last until one army (or alliance of armies) is the clear victor in each sub-region, or until 3 weeks has passed.


    Each player will be judged by their performance each “round.” As in previous Gisela tournaments, the rubric will be slightly skewed towards strategy. In the Story category, continuity will be worth 15 points. In the Character category, action will be worth 15 points. There will be no wildcard score. Typical wildcard elements will be determined within the individual categories.

    Per usual, the player with the highest score advances to the next “round.”

    EXP is based on the typical EXP formula (utilizing the highest leveled participant) and all EXP is doubled for posting more than 5 times per round.


    The next “round” will have 3 armies per sub-region (there will be 2 total sub-regions) and the final “round” will have 2 armies in the last sub-region. There will always be 8 locations per sub-region, adding to the difficultly of the tournament as it progresses.

    Note that this number will be expanded by 1 army and 2 locations in each sub-region if 36 participants are allowed.


    First Place- 6000 EXP | 10,000 GP in one of three ways: a clan HQ w/ sub-forum and HQ bonuses; an Althanas material named after the player’s primary character that is worth 10,000 GP if sold and is exclusive to that character (higher tier strength); or an opportunity to create and run their very own subforum that is unrelated to a clan HQ (after discussing the terms of the forum with the region administrator).

    Second Place- 3000 EXP | 5000 GP

    Third Place- 1500 EXP | 2500 GP

    Please note, the third place winner will be the third highest scoring player at the end of the second round.


    Gambling will be hosted. Piston’s Pleasure Palace (my reward for winning the 2nd Gisela) will be opened. It will have simple IC threads (that will get you rewards) as places for people to post between turns in the tournament. It will have exclusive participants areas, and non-participant areas.

    Those are the rules. Please read them slowly, as a quick glance will surely confuse most. The new Gisela will run very much like Risk or Star Wars: Battlefront. Only the dedicated need to pursue the glory that awaits the winner. Please post all questions as a reply to this thread. Registration will begin on July 7th, 2007 at 12 AM CST.
    Last edited by Max Dirks; 07-05-07 at 05:47 PM.
    Althanas Operations Administrator

    Dirks GP amount: 2949

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