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Thread: (11) The Grander’s Order v (14) Blood Brothers

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  1. #1
    I'm Mr. White Christmas!
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    (11) The Grander’s Order v (14) Blood Brothers

    Round One starts at 12:00 AM EST on Sunday, April 30th and will last two weeks. Good luck!
    "The problem with escapism is that when you read or write a book, society is in the chair with you. You can't escape your history or your culture. So the idea that because fantasy books aren't about the real world, they therefore 'escape,' is ridiculous. Even the most surreal and bizarre fantasy can't help but reverberate around the reader's awareness of their own reality." -- China Miéville

    Former Regions Administrator, Former Salvar Writer

  2. #2
    EXP: 54,688, Level: 10
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    Raelyse's Avatar

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    This is where legends are made.

    That one sentence continued to repeat, over and over again from the moment that his cane first touched Lornius soil. Ever since he had signed found a partner and entered the competition, Raelyse had seldom enjoyed time to himself. Every waking moment was devoted to the Corporation Challenge. He could not stop researching the island, or thinking about whether he had made the right choice with his partner... every little thing was starting to filter into his mind. Even in the mornings when it came to do the things that he loved the most, like making sure his hair was perfectly aligned or trying to find the outfit that would make his subordinates look most poverty stricken, he could not get everything quite right. As such, he often had one or two hairs out of sync with the rest, a crime as disgusting as sodomy.

    When it did come to the occasion though, Raelyse came his closest to not caring for his appearance for once. The excitement flowed through his body like a drug, his body quivering at the very thought of a victory. Already, he could see himself thrusting his way through countless big names like nothing before striding onto Lornius’ largest stage and lifting the trophy high above his head, screaming in adulation as millions cheering him on. Then, he would have it made. Everyone in Althanas would have his name on their lips, everyone in Althanas would finally know of him and show him the respect that he so solely deserved. Although he supposed, Falcon Darkflight would get some as well, seeing as he was his partner. Still, Raelyse saw himself as the more important of the two. Though that meant nothing, because Raelyse felt he was even more important than the sun itself.

    His dream, however was quickly rocked back to reality when his carriage suddenly jerked to a halt. His seat thrust upwards, nearly throwing the prince off it. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he shouted at the top of his lungs. He quickly dashed out, kicking the door open before jumping onto the sandy ground below. A few trees decorated this area, but all their leaves were gone and this large expanse was about as close to a desert as Raelyse had ever seen.

    "Sorry, sir, it's just that this Lornius ground is kinda sandy and well, also the rocks are a lot bigger than what I'm used to and als-"

    Raelyse cut him off, an annoying habit, but one that quickly became threatening to his inferiors. "Enough of your stupid excuses! Just tell me, is this the place? Is this..." the prince turned his head and looked at the relatively small and quite run down building to his right. "Tuliran Chapel? Tell me now!"

    "Uhh, yes sir..." the driver, replied meekly.

    "Good, then fuck off. No tip for your reckless driving," the prince said, his smirk forming back on his lips before he turned around and made for the entrance of the chapel. His eyes examined the old building. The first thing that he noticed was the rather large crucifix that hung from the roof of the what was now a decrepit building. The wood that made up the chapel now looked as if it would break at any moment, while the equally aged door swung on its hinges, ajar. To the prince of Myrusia though, this place was perfect. He had researched Lornius extensively and when he heard news of the first round pairings, he searched for the place that would give him the biggest advantages over his opponents. And Tuliran Chapel… it stuck out like a sore thumb.

    When Raelyse walked in, he began to walk down the five foot wide aisle. The first thing that he noticed was the decrepit pews which looked even older than the wood that housed them. Each looked big enough to house about five people and there were about five rows of two columns in this rather small church. As a matter of fact, it was almost glaringly obvious that they were very neatly arranged and perfectly aligned in a rectangular shape. From the edge of the pews to the wall of the building, there was about ten feet on the sides and approximately the same length between the last pew and the entrance of the church. From the front pew, there was about another ten feet before a small staircase which led to a five foot tall podium, with a three foot tall crucifix in the centre. Raelyse made his way there, his cane tapping gently on the wooden planks below, testing to see whether they were stable. Some were and some were not.

    When he reached the top, the prince stood behind the podium, wiping the sweat from his forehead that this hot weather had caused. He eyed the walls of the church, where a glass painting of a maiden cradling a child was hung at either end. Behind the podium, there was a larger version of the ones on the walls and in front of that painting, there was a six foot tall crucifix decorated by the remnants of flowers. To the right and left of the raised platform, there were entrances to small rooms which Raelyse assumed were confessionals.

    "Where the fuck is Falcon?" the prince shouted again, beginning to grow impatient a few seconds after he had nothing to do, when he had explored the small surroundings. This place was strangely eerie, with everything from the podium to the crucifix to the pews, all perfectly aligned despite nature and time's wear and tear effect on the wood which made them up.

    This agitation was only compounded when the sun rose to a perfectly annoying position, just at the right place so that the sunlight shone in an angle directly aimed at the prince's face, causing him to flinch instinctively. "Fucking priests," Raelyse swore, beginning to show his medley of emotions in the only way he knew how, by taking it out on whoever or whatever was most convenient.

    "Why didn't they patch up the damn roof?"

    Raelyse moved towards the right, just outside the entrance to one of the confessionals in the shade.

    "And where the fuck is Falcon?" the prince screamed again, this time louder and much angrier than before.

    You're good... but me, I'm magic.

  3. #3
    Falcon Darkflight's Avatar

    Bane Flaresto
    300+ (exact age unknown)
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    Commander of the SSD Stormbreaker

    The journey from Lyridia Port had been a long and tiring affair, even for Canen. From the second he had stepped from the gangplank of the galleon that had brought him to the infamous island of Lornius he had been hounded by masses of spectators and would-be fans of the Lornius Corporate Challenge tournament, eager to get even just a slight glimpse of this years competitors. The media circus would line up at the port edge for hours on end to witness the strongest of all of Althanas step from their vessels and raise their weapons to the sky, promising their legions of devotees ultimate victory. However, on this day, Canen's contribution to the hype was to quietly depart the port as an unknown, somebody who would not be recognised by a true fan of the tournament as somebody with the kind of talent to return the victor. He did not want the hassle of wasting his time answering endless streams of questions or speculating on the result of his upcoming fight with Nathaniel Sierra and Tarry "Grim" Whealer. However, it seemed some reporters were more tenacious in their devotion to grabbing an interview with an LCC contender.

    "Excuse me!..." Yelled a slender, middle aged reporter clutching a clipboard and a pencil. Canen, knowing that this fight was not one he was going to win, stopped dead in his tracks. He had walked through the port and out of Lyridia itself with this one man in full chase from start to finish, attempting to lose him in the dirt tracks neighboring the town with no success. Sighing heavily and shaking his head, he waited for the interrogation to start. "Ralf Wantanabe, Lornius Bulliten. You are Canen Darkflight representing one half of the Grander's Order, correct?" He asked politely yet loudly, perhaps to emphasise the importance of knowing who it was you were interviewing before actually doing so. The Nocturn simply nodded his head, and let out another sigh. He could tell by the position of the sun in the sky that he had only just enough time to reach the chapel Raelyse had instructed him to be at, and keeping the 'Prince' waiting would no doubt result in a dummy spitting competition. "Look, I don't have time for this..." Canen retorted before the journalist could get in another word. "Save your 'reports' for after the fight..."

    Canen would have been the first to admit that he was not used to the style of battle he was entering. His counterpart, Prince Raelyse, was an arrogant, self-centred, self-glorifying man-whore with no apparant sense of dignity or honour at all. The aura he gave off could repel men from a distance of five hundred yards, but attract women from a distance of one thousand. Although gone were the days where the Nocturn could depend on his brother Gideon for participating in such tournaments, Raelyse still showed one feature of his character which did interest Canen. His battle prowess. He remembered as he witnessed the arrogant one destroy one of his Ghost Hand Partisans with a simple cane strike to the chest, leaving the chest plate armour in fragments and the Nocturn's interest peaked. For all of his bad qualities the Prince could make up a thousand times over for this one trait, and this left a good feeling in the back of his mind about the upcoming encounter.

    Tuliran Chapel was a small, cosy but decrepit church about six miles inland from Lyridia Port. After an hour of travel from the outskirts of the city, Canen arrived to the sounds of screaming and cursing that eminated from within the crumbling building. Recognising the voice instantly, and with a slight grimace, he proceeded past the buckled fence of the outer premises and entered the rickety house of worship. The first thing he noticed was that his feet were pressing into the creaking wooden floorboards as he paced across the length of the inner sanctum, lined with perfectly carved wooden benches at symmetrical intervals. The supporting pillars that lined the main aisle at the same sort of intervals were fine examples of the masonic work a fellow craftsman had undertaken here, with detailed stone carvings of biblical creatures and mysterious Althanian caligraphy twisting and turning up the white marble strats in an almost awe-inspiring fashion. Canen's emerald eyes then locked onto the form of Prince Raelyse Saildan who looked frustrated and impatient as always, tapping the end of his cane on the floorboards in anxiety of his partner's arrival. He eyed the three foot crucifix to Raelyse's side, and latched on to what his battle partner had planned.

    "I see what you're doing here..." Canen stated with a hint of understanding in his tone. "Very, very clever...and, oh, the sun is shining too..."

    He was still awaiting a "Fuck off, Canen" to erupt from Raelyse's mouth, and patiently awaited the first insult. "Well, I am here now. Any sign of our opponents?"
    Man is the only creature that dares to light a fire and live with it. The reason? Because he alone has learned to put it out.

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  4. #4
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    grim137's Avatar

    Xanbata Grim

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    “Why the fuck do I keep coming to these things, I’m already great enough as it is, why should I give a rat’s ass if a bunch of moronic primitives know it? I could have avoided all this and just given my new apprentice another task,” thought the blind livelike vampire bitterly as he exited the boat that had delivered him to Lornius and the site of the legendary tournament, the great Lornius Corporation Challenge.

    As Tarry headed bitterly into the unpleasant combination of stinking, moron fans, hot sun, and humid sea air he knew the answer to his question. It was because deep down in side, in a place that pride would never allow him to admit even existed, he did care if the rest of Althanas knew how great he was. Three times he had entered a tournament and three times he had failed to claim the victory that the arrogant vampire felt should have been his. The first time was the Magus in which he was forced to leave due to reasons that seemed to evade his memory, the second was in the Adventurer's Crown and his lost was likely a result of his continually pissing off those damned monks, and the third and most embarrassing lost thus far was in the recent Serenti Invitational, a tournament in which he had actually beaten his opponent, a kid named Tobias Battalion, but the judges had decided to eliminate him anyways.

    As the blind and slightly infamous vampire pushed his way through the busy and increasingly stupid and annoying crowd of fans he made sure to keep his fangs revealed and in plain sight. Gone were the days when Tarry would hide the things out of shame for what he had become. Now it was almost the opposite, he felt he was actually superior, more so than he already was, to the rest of Althanas for being a vampire. Besides in this particular case having a pair of large fangs seemed to work as a sort of bug repellent against the crowd and served to keep the fans and the even more moronic press away from him (much to the vampire’s pleasure).

    The arrogant vampire hadn’t even bothered to research his opponents, because quite frankly he felt it didn’t matter. There were very few people who could match him in battle and Tarry was fairly sure he already knew who all of them were. Even if by some by some miracle, the gods decided to have a sense of humor and pair him with one such person in the first round (Tarry felt the likeliness of a whole team of two people each being stronger than him individually was impossible even for the gods to make happen) it was unlikely that they could possibly beat him, especially after the embarrassment he had suffered in past tournaments, such a thing as losing in the first round twice in a row couldn’t possibly happen.

    After what felt like hours of walking thanks to the crowd and heat combination (though it reality it was only minutes) the blood sucking assassin came to his designated area for battle that had been hand picked by one of his two, soon to be deceased, opponents. The site of it made Tarry even more confident because it showed and cemented in his mind just how stupid and ignorant his opponents were.

    “I wonder if these morons believe every goddamned fairy tale they hear about vampires? Guess they’ll be in for a surprised when I don’t explode or burst into flames as soon as I set foot upon the ground here. This match was over before it even began,” thought the livelike vampire with a sinister smile on his face.

    Slowly and deliberately he began to make his way towards the area, ignoring all the various spirits that infested the place. Thanks to his spirit sense he could sense the ghosts as well as he could the living though most of them were your standard poltergeists that usually in habited sacred places of major importance to somebody. Even though he could see that the spirits, who must have formally been priests or choir boys or something, clearly didn’t want corrupted individual such as him self anywhere near the holy grounds of the great church, he put little thought into their presence. Most spirits were harmless and useless by nature, much like their living counter parts on Althanas.

    Slowly the vampire made his way through the open doors, keeping his mind firmly on his spirit sense, which already detected his two living opponents. With a smile he slammed the door shut, sending letting the loud bang, which echoed through the holy building and sent all sorts of pigeons and bats fluttering wieldy about the rafters in high arching ceiling, announce his presence.
    Last edited by grim137; 05-02-06 at 03:25 PM.

  5. #5
    Redeemer's Avatar

    Nathaniel Sierra
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    5'4" / 107 lbs.

    The sun beat down upon my body as I crossed the desert, dunes of sand making each step more unsure. My scarf, wrapped tightly around my head, felt more like an embalmment than any sort of protection from the daylight. With obscured vision, I winched and squinted my way through each step, intent on reaching the arena in time. My partner, the vampire Tarry Whealer, was awaiting me there, as we agreed. The thick smell of salt wafted into my nostrils, sickening me to the bone. Memories of just how I had come to smell like that flowed into my mind freely, unwanted as they were.

    'Bastard of a captain. His disgusting, filthy hands clawing at my body, eyes aflame with lust. Scratching at his eyes had been my only choice, and for my actions, I was damned. Cast asunder from the vessel, thrown into the sea, I was lucky I was only a few hundred yards off shore. My body floated like a bloated corpse, until it finally heaved against the beach. The last time I play the cabin boy. I had made the right choice...' I said it more to convince myself, I doubted my actions, and still do. That arduous journey could have been avoided entirely had I allowed the captain to have his way. Still, I laid down the terms, I was in control, and I enjoyed it that way.

    But now, I had a larger task at hand. The Lornius Corporation Challenge, a new era in my life. An exciting tournament, where people from all over known althanas gathered to compete for fame and riches. Which lead me to wonder why I was there, in the midst of the desolate landscape. Greed, vanity, two sins I never openly sought. So why then, was I there.

    'Tarry' My new master, sired only recently by him. He was an arrogant prick if ever there was, but his vile mannerisms were nothing when compared to his beauty. I felt like a schoolboy, giddy and gleeful at the very sight of him. His slightest interest in me gave a world of pleasure, filled the brim with fantasies. I was doing it for him, and him alone. It felt good to be watched over, and an ally would be greatly appreciated in my search for my brother. Whatever hypocrisies the 'vampire overlords' could think of were overshadowed by a fleeting few memories of him in the town where we had met. 'His shirtless torso, drenched in the midday sun and sweat. Like a dre...'

    Sharp pain hit my ankle, a powerful prick penetrating deep within the flesh. I looked down, glaring as best I could through the light of day. Hissing, loud and growing distant as it moved away, an evanescence of snake-like form. That is when the pain began. White hot fire burned within my calf and foot in seconds, my vision blurred even more. I felt woozy, distorted, ill. But, just as I thought I would collapse, I saw my salvation. Straight ahead was the place I was looking for. '[/I]Tuliran Chapel..'[/I]

    Like a drunkard I staggered, my leg feeling more awkward by the second. Each unsteady footing brought me closer to a fall, the sun above only adding to my torment. It felt like hours, but at least, I reached the demented revenant of a church. Gaudy crosses, dried cracked wood, it disgusted me with it's half-hearted attempts to show glory. Slowly, with anguished steps, I walked up and into the chapel, where my partner already stood, gloating like the ass he was.

    "Have I arrived late for the party?" I showed no attempt to hide my limp, my pain. 'My handicap'
    Last edited by Redeemer; 05-01-06 at 03:52 PM.
    Hey god, why are you doing this to me?
    Am I not living up to what I’m supposed to be?
    Why am I seething with this animosity?
    Hey god, I think you owe me a great big apology

    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie

    Hey god, I really don’t know what you mean.
    Seems like salvation comes only in our dreams.
    I feel my hatred grow all the more extreme.
    Hey god, can this world really be as sad as it seems
    - Terrible Lie Nine Inch Nails

  6. #6
    EXP: 54,688, Level: 10
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    Raelyse's Avatar

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    If there was anything, anything at all that made the prince of Myrusia happy, it was the respect of others that he felt that he so strongly, so richly deserved. And now that, Falcon Darkflight, his second in command in their clan had arrived, it would only be a short amount of time, before that said amount of respect would be promptly received. Now that his subordinate was here though, Raelyse knew that he would have to maintain a certain aura of respect around this man. He had to make sure that every movement he made was worthy of the man who made them, for even the tiniest mistake would knock him off his pedestal, where he had been sitting pretty for some time. At least, he assumed that such a pedestal existed.

    Raelyse quickly thought up an action that would be appropriate for this time, an action that would demonstrate his superiority. Having made so many of these actions in the past, it came as natural as a click of the fingers. Or, rather a clap of the hands. The prince started to bring his hands together loudly, by bringing his higher left hand to his right which held onto his majestic cane.

    "Well done, Falcon, well done," the prince said, a smirk forming on his face as he spoke. Sarcasm tainted his voice, but by now, it would be strange if Canen had not gotten used to it by now. "Nice and early, just like we agreed."

    His tone slowly turned from mocking to one of annoyance, though just like he always did, his composure was maintained throughout while his message was firmly communicated. "What did I say about timing? It's important. You want to be second in command? You want to succeed? Well you're not going to..." The prince then begun to raise his voice slightly and start to stand taller, his eyes focused on the man before him. "..If you're five fucking minutes too late everyday, are you?"

    In reality, this did not really mean that much to Raelyse and to be honest, he did not really care that he was just a little bit too late. He was just bored to be honest. And as he glanced around his surroundings, remembering what his opponents were, he had the strong feeling that he was going to be bored for a long time yet.

    It was to be about another five minutes of awkward silence during which the prince then decided to move off, walking towards the large crucifix in the back and admire the glass painting just a few feet above it. It was beautiful, but before the prince had a chance to gawk and see whether priestesses were really chaste, he heard the loud slamming of the aged church door. His body instantly turned around, his right hand lifting his cane straight off the ground and slamming it on the ground below. The wood was weak like the rest of the church and buckled meekly underneath the pressure. Even though the whole plank did not snap, the bottom of the cane still thrust through the soft wood.

    "Are you kidding me?" Raelyse said, mockingly. He began to laugh, softly at first then louder and louder. He brought his head up, lifted his left hand upwards and pointed at the man who stood just in front of the door. "This... You... This... Are..." he said in between laughs. "I can't believe you're our opponents!" At that, he cocked his head back and let out a loud, hearty five second long laugh. When he recovered, he could not wipe the smirk from his face.

    "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I've only seen such a blindfold on children playing not undead mummy cum vampires!" The prince was unable to control himself at his own wit, laughing loudly again. He found the bandage that his opponent wrapped around his eyes to be quite humorous. "Are you sure you're a vampire? I thought you're all supposed to wear cloaks and have big fangs and actually look like you have at least..." The prince looked down at his sophisticated clothing, then back up at the man who had just entered. "... a bit of class! You've been alive for centuries! No wonder you won’t die, they won't let you into the Antifirmament with clothes like that!"

    All this time, while the prince had been indulging himself, he had been carefully planning behind his back. His right hand, which held his cane was slowly shifted slightly behind him. His palm opened up slowly and during the moments when he laughed, he focused, invoking his magical powers. Raelyse felt the water vapor in the air behind his back, he consolidated it, then twisted it into the shape that he desired. Behind him, two small spears made completely out of ice began to form. Each was about three inches wide and two feet long. They were completely hidden by the prince's frame and the angle and position at which the prince was standing ensured that Falcon could easily see what Raelyse was plotting. The heat of the day and the climate would have melted any ice today, but not the prince's. With his motivation at its peak, his powers were at their best and even on a bad day, his ice would not melt, unless struck by a fire magic. And since no such magic was present today, those spears remained, one above the other behind the prince's torso, levitating off the ground through another one of his talents.

    Before the prince had a chance to make another chide remark, he saw the other half of his opponent's team arrive. "Oh, looks like you copied me then," the prince mocked, his words now in between laughs again. "... and brought your BITCH BOY!"

    He then started to relax a bit, widening his legs a bit. "The problem is... yours looks like he just had his first wet dream while mine," Raelyse said, smiling. " much," the prince quickly glanced at his partner before returning his gaze to his opponent, hoping that Falcon had similarly planned a surprise attack for their opponents. "more..."

    The icicles began to move under the prince's command, the higher one now behind his left shoulder while the lower one was just behind his groin. "... talented." At that, Raelyse thrust his left hand forward suddenly, opening his palm as if he held a goblet in it. "But I agree with you, having subordinates is so useful. You can make them do everything. It makes living life as easy as..."

    "One." The icicle spears revealed themselves to the vampires, the higher one appearing above his left shoulder while the lower one shifted to the right, revealing itself just next to the prince's right knee.

    "Two." Raelyse turned his hand clockwise and following that movement, the spears began to spin fast and violently, even emitting a soft sound as they did so.

    "Three." The prince, in one fluid motion, brought his left elbow back, clenching his fist before thrusting it forward with strength, instantly sending the two icicles careening forward at pace.

    Each one had the target of each of the vampires. Raelyse smirked. Even if he could not kill them with holy magic, there was no way they could be immune to his special brand of impaling magic.

    You're good... but me, I'm magic.

  7. #7
    Falcon Darkflight's Avatar

    Bane Flaresto
    300+ (exact age unknown)
    Basillisk (biologically modified human)
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    Brown with black tips
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    Commander of the SSD Stormbreaker

    Canen had known Raelyse far too long to take a rise to his sarcasm and glorification techniques. Instead, he smirked, knowing full well that this would serve as an excellent mask over the real ability the two of them could muster together as a coherent fighting force to be reckoned with. Although it seemed from first glance that he was simply nothing more than a gap filler for his superior officer, someone who was there to "fill in" the empty space for which Raelyse was probably planning to upstage in order to claim a larger portion of the glory, there was an underlying mutual respect and bond which gave them an edge. A powerful, hidden edge. The facade would serve them well in a tournament such as the fabled Lornius Corporate Challenge.

    He had quickly latched on to what Raelyse was doing, and chose to follow the same example. Whilst the arrogant Prince of Myrusia had been jaunting and insulting in order to cover his surpise attack, Canen had stood silently beside him with a sly grin, preparing his own plan. He held his right palm behind his back and clawed the fingers inwards towards his palm. A quiet humming sound pulsated through the air as a small orb of dark matter formed beneath the fingers and thumb of the Nocturn's pale hand, a jet black geletine like material latticed with loops and bolts of lilac electrical sparks, and softened as the sphere of negative energy's growth halted at the size of a baseball. Through the stained glass effegies of the various saints and spiritual figureheads of the chapel, a hundred small pillars of sunlight crashed through and flooded the pedestal on which Raelyse and Canen were atop, and it felt like a message from god himself. Perhaps an omen.

    "I'd say the both of them look equally like a bitch..." the ever confident Nocturn said, his lips curling up at the sides to indicate the torment he was attempting to bathe his somewhat gruesome opponents in. He shot a sideways glance at his counterpart to observe how far on he was with his own plan, and noticed the levitating spears of ice behind the Prince's body. "The only question is, Raelyse, which one of them likes to give it and which one likes to take it? I think the fairy over there likes to give it to the bandage-bondage boy..."

    In reality, Canen would have refrained from indulging in insulting his opponents in such a manner, but today he felt so focused and so sharp that it just added to the tense and exciting atmosphere of the encounter. Whilst he knew Raelyse was probably just bored and in his own little world somewhere in his head, watching himself eternally loop past his bedroom mirror naked to admire his beautifully crafted body that even the gods themselves couldn't mould upon, he still enjoyed the level of offense that the Prince could cause a person. He was also partially taken aback by the Prince's acknoweldgement of his supposed 'talent', but knew that any glorification he would recieve from him today would be later eradicated post-first round when Raelyse's brain kicked into 'arrogant mode' and flicked the flea like form of the Nocturn back into the void of obscurity.

    He began to laugh as he brought his right palm up in synchronisation with his superior, pointing the now levitating black orb firstly at Tarry Whealer, the gruesome man who had entered in such 'dramatic' fashion. "I'm going to send you and your pitiful fairy boy into the depths of oblivion" he said, locking his eyes on the disgusting form of his enemy. "...and after I have cast your broken body into the void of death beyond death, I will use your demise as a tasliman. Others who dare to turn up to attempt to destroy us will suffer a similar fate..." At that, Canen realised how much he was starting to sound like his superior. Was he becoming as brash, as arrogant as his partner? If he was, he couldn't deny he was enjoying his escape from everyday affairs, his release from his usuallly dark and silent persona. Perhaps this was indeed a new era for the Nocturn.

    The two small spears crafted from Raelyse's magically augmentated ice hovered to his left, and using it as a metronome for his own attack, the Nocturn waited patiently for the opportune moment. The orb was still aimed at the unfazed Tarry and his nancy boy teammate Nathanial, and the ice lances began to move to the Prince's command.

    "Why waste such a beautiful day. Let's get a little sunshine in here, shall we?" Canen said with a hint of sarcastic delight in his voice, slamming his palm forward. The orb screamed with a high pitched pulse and Tarry looked prepared to tackle it, but before it struck him it suddenly veered off course and struck the fragile ceiling above the two vampires, crashing through the rotten timber and slate with an almighty bang. As the dark orb dissolved into thin air, a large amount of dust and debris collapsed from the roof and the gaping hole that entailed allowed a thick pillar of sunlight to pour through and flood a large portion of the chapel floor. The flooding light spread over the two vampires as Raelyse's magically crafted ice projectiles hurtled towards them at a terrifying speed...
    Last edited by Falcon Darkflight; 05-01-06 at 06:24 AM. Reason: Spelling and grammar corrections.
    Man is the only creature that dares to light a fire and live with it. The reason? Because he alone has learned to put it out.

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  8. #8
    EXP: 25,487, Level: 6
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    Xanbata Grim

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    ((Ki shield was a pre approved ability I got after hitting level 4, because of the crash I lost the link, if you would like full description of what it does PM me.))

    The blind vampire ignored the words of his injured apprentice in favor of listening to the words of his opponents, which brought upon his face a smile of arrogance that seemed to be ever increasing in size. Though nobody would likely realize it the words of The Grander’s Order were actually helping a lot more than one would think though not in the expected way. Instead of demoralizing the blind vampire the harsh words that questioned his skills and sexuality actually did the opposite; they built up his confidence and his arrogance. Every harsh word and every biting insult cemented in Tarry’s mind the complete and utter idiocy his opponents showed. After just one or two sentences, if that, the vampire felt as if the he could kill both of them with out breaking a sweat.

    The resulting attacks that quickly followed did very little to remove much of Tarry’s massive cockiness from his mind. As the powerful blast of energy surged at him the blind vampire instinctively brought his right hand up to defend himself. Soon the archaic tattoos on the back of his hands, arms and shoulders began to glow as he started to channel deadly ki (spirit) energy through them. In a split second a small circular shield of blue ki, about a foot in diameter, erupted to life upon the back of his hand, but it turned out the shield would not be used to block the blast. Instead at the command of its master the Nocturnian’s blast swerved and smashed the ceiling behind The Blood Brothers as it fulfilled its creator's so called “ingenious” plan.

    Of course thanks to the other, and particularly stupid, half of The Grander’s Order, the shield would not go to waste. The speeding spike of ice stopped and shattered dead in its tracks as it collided with Tarry’s magical shield. The shield in response to completing its job of protecting its creator quickly sizzled out and was gone from existence.

    By now Tarry noticed the bright sunlight across the back of his unprotected head and neck and when he did he realized what the Nocturnian’s plan had been and very audible laughter from the blind vampire soon followed.

    “Apprentice,” said the blind vampire as he turned his attention briefly to Nathaniel “do your best not to get killed, I’ll be done with these morons in a few seconds,” proclaimed the increasingly arrogant and cocksure livelike vampire.

    “Now lets see, you seem to be the guy who wears the pants in your little relationship, I think you’ll die first,” said Tarry as he turned his attention back to his opponents.

    With a cocky smile that gave both his opponents a great view of his fangs the blind vampire kicked off the ground and rushed forward towards the ice-throwing leader of The Grander’s Order. Both of Tarry's hands quickly moved to the hilt of the sword at his side making it look almost painfully obvious that the vampire was going to draw his blade. In just a few seconds at the most the vampire closed the distance between him and his sharp-tongued target to about a foot between them. Yet the vampire didn’t draw his blade like he hoped would be expected, instead he took both hand off the blade aimed both palms at Raelyse.

    Once again spirit energy began to course through the livelike vampire’s powerful body as his sinister plan came to light. Soon a large, destructive beam of ki energy exploded from the vampire’s hands like a shot from a cannon and went relentlessly towards the body of its unfortunate target.

    The message Tarry was trying to send by using his most powerful attack was clear to all but the dumbest of people and that message was “Don’t give me worthless opponents”.
    Last edited by grim137; 05-02-06 at 03:29 PM.

  9. #9
    Redeemer's Avatar

    Nathaniel Sierra
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    5'4" / 107 lbs.

    'What inane jackassery...' I was laid speechless, unable to think of any other words that could describe the completely tactless actions of my opponents. It seemed like centuries, their gloating and boasting went on and on. After every insult, every jest at my questionable tastes, I wanted more and more to jam something down the silver haired man's throat, not doubting it would be the first time. He overcompensated, it was easy enough for me to see. But even with that in mind, I still wanted to end his life, or even my own, just to escape the verbal torment. However, a quick look at Tarry was all I needed to bite my tongue, as literal as I had to take it. It seemed he had found a match for his ego, perhaps someone who even surpassed it. And yet during the entire ordeal, he kept a smile on his face. I took it as a sign, that everything would turn out alright in the end.

    Even as the narcissist went on, his partner jumped in now and again to throw his quips in. His jet black hair amiss reminded me of my own crop, and his pale skin could even be mistaken for vampiric. However, that is where our similarities ended. 'Never in my life would I be such an ass. Who the hell talks in the midst of battle? Who do these two think they are? I am glad they are both dressed well, prefect suits to bury them in.' I could help my malice towards the two. And as I imagined their filth ridden corpse being consumed by vermin, a sudden attack caught me off guard. A black ball of oblivion flew towards Tarry, and I was tempted to jump in front, if nothing else than to impress him. Luckily, my mental debating ended there as the spell flew up towards the rafters, smashing the roof and raining debris upon my body. A large beam, at least a foot long, hit me hard on the shoulder. The sheer force was tremendous as I collapsed to the ground, my tainted leg pulsing with the same white hot fire as it had earlier.

    A sleek, whoosh should flew over my head as I heard a sharp stab into the wooden wall behind. There, sticking straight out of the plank, was a frozen chuck of ice, shaped like a small spear. 'I will give one thing to my opponents, that is original.' My attentions turned back to my leg, which now throbbed and pulsed with the poison held within. Suddenly, even as my ally began rushed forth in an arrogant charge, I realized that perhaps my handicap was not all it appeared. 'Perhaps..just maybe..' I tried to rise, but to no avail. I could feel the venom swelling the area of the wound, pulsating with every heartbeat. I would have to remedy this, and I knew just how. Nearby my foot lay a sharpened, jagged piece of pine that had fallen from the rafters. It was rotting, covered in splinters, but it would have to do for my plans. Quickly, I lifted my pant leg and jabbed the spike harshly in my flesh. A muffled scream escaped my lips, the pain almost too much to beat. And as I slowly removed the crude weapon, a stream of fresh blood. I cupped my hands, collecting as much of the liquid as I could, and rose with all the strength I could muster. It was shakey, and many droplets of my salty, red water leaked out, but enough remained. A grin grew across my face, malicious thoughts bursting in my mind. I limped with everything I had, even as my partner began his arrogant charge forth. Slowly my pace quickened and I soon began a full trot in my injured state. The pain was nearly blinding, the added sunlight only adding to the aguish. But, there was on thing I could see. The dark haired man's piercing green eyes, starring right at me.

    'The last thing you will see, whelp..' With my might, backed by hatred and a petty need for vengeance against his small grievances, I hurled my cupped blood towards his face, towards his eyes. Even if the poison was no longer there, at least it would provide a new distraction, a chance to change tactics.
    Hey god, why are you doing this to me?
    Am I not living up to what I’m supposed to be?
    Why am I seething with this animosity?
    Hey god, I think you owe me a great big apology

    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie
    Terrible lie

    Hey god, I really don’t know what you mean.
    Seems like salvation comes only in our dreams.
    I feel my hatred grow all the more extreme.
    Hey god, can this world really be as sad as it seems
    - Terrible Lie Nine Inch Nails

  10. #10
    EXP: 54,688, Level: 10
    Level completed: 7%, EXP required for next level: 10,312
    Level completed: 7%,
    EXP required for next level: 10,312
    Raelyse's Avatar

    A Mere Man
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    Somewhere beyond our plane of existence, V'dralla the Fair of the Elder Thayne turned her head, if only briefly, and focused her attention on a small, decrepit building. Like all of her stature, her interest is fleeting and within a few moments, it was gone again. But the fact that a mortal had grabbed her awareness, regardless of how long it was held, was impressive. For a goddess that was known for her narcissism, the fact that she had sensed such a strong sense of overconfidence had to mean something significant. Whether it was combined from up to four individuals or whether it was focused on one silver haired Myrusian prince did not really matter, the fact was that this battle reeked of self-belief.

    The prince of Myrusia was in perfect view to watch his icicle weapons careen into the shield of his opponent, shattering into a million pieces, thousands of shards of ice scattering across the floor. Without his attention on them, they would surely melt in a few seconds in this heat. And they did not deserve that attention anymore than Raelyse deserved that of a goddess, as both of them had more important things to attend to than their discarded creations. For the prince, he watched as his opponent charged forward towards him, his fingers reaching for his sword. Raelyse threw his silver hair into the air, shifted his stance slightly backwards and strangely, began to sing. His opponent took a few seconds to close the distance. More than enough time for the prince to remember his days in Istien University and invoke the Symphony of Selu'Beria, especially after he had been taunted, giving him ample warning.

    The song was short, though by no means did Raelyse skip any parts. The melody was of middle pitch and quite harmonious and while all the elven lyrics were foreign to the prince, they created an effect that was all too familiar. A split second after the prince had sung the triggering note, a blue translucent spherical barrier materialized, surrounding the prince and the area within a three foot radius of him. It was quite a beauty to behold and as the prince spent the few free moments that he had within it, he understood why it was nicknamed "An Ode to the Hermit." It was almost claustrophobic to be enclosed within this force field.

    Perhaps if the bandaged vampire had continued his attack instead of halting, he would have been able to strike before the prince's barrier formed. But instead, he decided to use a magical attack which slowed him down just a little bit. The element of surprise was still there though, but the time it took for the vampire to charge his attack ensured that Raelyse was ready to anticipate the coming attack and even find the time to widen his smirk, making it much bigger than that of his enemy's. The attack streamed forward, the beam cutting through the air, aimed straight at the prince's torso. He had complete confidence in his ability and that of the powers of Istien University and perhaps, that worked to his disadvantage.

    The ki beam clashed directly head on with the prince's barrier, the two magical powers contending for a few moments with none seeming to gain the upper hand. The difference was that while the vampire was trying, the Myrusian was standing there, adjusting his cane on the ground below while his left hand was brought up to cover his yawn. This rest period only lasted a few seconds though, because the ki beam broke through the force field, though most of the energy had been absorbed by it. The attack struck Raelyse chest on, catching him more by surprise than anything else. His shield now vaporized, the prince brought his arms to protect his ribs, ironically after he had been hit. His whole body slid half a foot backwards, though he managed to avoid falling down.

    "Oh, now you've really pissed me off," the prince said, his stance still angled towards the ground. He brought his body upwards, revealing that the same smirk still populated the same part of his face that it always did. "I was planning to maybe cut you up a bit, maybe do the same to your boyfriend's pants so you wouldn't have to later, and then throw you in the confessional. But unfortunately, you decided to play things the hard way..."

    What the prince did during that little speech was quite despicable. It was underhanded, it was dirty but the prince did not care. He wanted to win and he would do anything for that. From the time that the Symphony of Selu'Beria began to the moment that he ended his speech; the prince focused his energy on the melted water from the failed icicle spear attack that was now melted on the church floor. Raelyse had levitated the water off the ground, then frozen it and shaped it to its original icicle spear form. He had done this after the other vampire had moved as fast as he could towards Falcon. Then, as the prince spoke to his enemy, he gathered more water vapor from the air surrounding his newly formed weapon.

    Thanks to his enemy's weakened attack, Raelyse had gained more magical strength by absorbing what remained of the assault through the power of the magical stones imbued on his back. This would amplify his powers for a short time, but also briefly remove the curse that afflicted his right leg and restricted its use. However, the prince wasn't ready just yet to reveal this fact to his opponent, just like he had feigned injury from the ki beam to temporarily gain a few precious seconds.

    With his briefly improved magical prowess, the prince of Myrusia made his icicle weapon twice as big as it was before, half a foot wide and four feet long. The massive weapon levitated four and a half feet above the ground, ready five words before the prince had finished his speech.

    "Well, I can play hard too," he finished, with the word ‘hard’ heralding the prince's second attempt to impale his opponent. This time, he did not border spinning it, unless it struck its target. The hulk of a weapon traversed the two feet towards its target in between one and one and a half seconds, moving in between the pews at pace, aiming to impale the vampire in the chest.

    Raelyse could not help glancing over at Falcon, who had probably engaged in fighting with his opponent. The prince moved about half a foot to his right in one step, just as he commanded the icicle to move. In case his opponent tried managed to avoid it, he had to make sure that he was not struck by his own weapon. Just to be safe, he moved another one and a half feet as it reached the area where his opponent was likely to be.

    Falcon had known his commander for long enough to know that the prince loved to fight dirty even if he was capable of the clean variation. In fact, the prince hoped that his subordinate had the intelligence and the guile to ensure that Raelyse still held the upper hand.

    There was no explicit rule stating that stabbing someone in the back was not allowed. And even if there was, Raelyse was sure there was some exception for the undead.

    You're good... but me, I'm magic.

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