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View Full Version : Gisela Update

01-19-2018, 09:23 AM
I am trying to get to the Army approvals. I apologize for the wait. As for the delay, I have about 30 minutes at lunch and 2 hours at home each day of "free time". The lady and I had a fight and she believes our relationship is jeopardized by our lack of interaction between day and night shifts, and all my hobbies/chores. I had planned to make a blitz this weekend, but making sure our relationship is healthy takes precedence.

Sunday's agenda is largely up in the air and I may have some time to get out approvals then.

Thanks for your patience and I hope to get the battles underway as soon as possible!

If anyone is waiting for approvals, you can do me a favor and take a look at Shinsou's army and my feedback on Philomel's army. If you might think your army is too strong or could be set up for nerfs, please take the initiative to set your army more in line.

Thank you!