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View Full Version : Verbal Spar

01-24-2018, 04:51 PM
Salutations Althanas, I would like to inveigle everyone to a Verbal Spar.
The rules are as follows:

Use the most unconventional or largest words you know or can unearth in a dictionary.
You can only change the topic when the former topic is terminated.
Bold the words that you are utilizing for this tournament of acuity.
Unquestionably no Politics. Matters of state must not be broached due to not wanting squabbles to emerge in this thread.

So, without further adieu, may the Verbal Spar commence!

Someone else may appoint the first topic as I am impuissant to envisage a topic to confabulate about.

01-24-2018, 05:59 PM
I hereby commence this thread.

The domesticated feline species derives from Ancient Egypt - unless my investigation online is counterfactual. There are a multitudinous percentage of cat aficionados worldwide.

02-22-2018, 06:37 AM
Cats were apotheosized by the Egyptians when Bast transubstantiated into Bastet - truculent warrior goddess of the sun who suddenly burgeoned cat features, and eventually Greeks transmogrified her into a moon goddess.