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The Huntsman
03-21-2018, 04:48 PM
Anyone up for a thread? I'm easing back into writing again.


Nev, blood alchemist. Wiggly wiggly woo.

Erik, Dark Souls themed Undead. Eats Souls. Nom Nom.

Hunter, Bloodborne inspired drow dude. Carve and tear.

Mikhail, metal daemon. Get spiked.

Henry, happy-go-lucky bard. Fiddly-diddly-dee.

Ronnel, persona-styled internal summoner.

03-21-2018, 05:56 PM
I'll write with you!!!! :D

The Huntsman
03-21-2018, 08:57 PM
Madam. We have stuff going.

03-21-2018, 09:44 PM
I'd be honoured if you'll have me, Nevin.

Which of your many characters would you like to have cross paths with Yvonne? Your less combat-oriented characters I'd suggest, would more likely meet and greet. Perhaps Nevin, Mikhail or Henry would mesh well but by no means is it beyond me to interact with any of them.

Which tickles ya fancy then, good sir?

03-22-2018, 02:45 AM
I have no idea what you mean. But we haven't ever written together Nevin. At all.

*Heavy sarcasm drips from her lips like a rich wine*

The Huntsman
03-22-2018, 07:34 AM
Hmhm. Well, if we were looking at who would interact well with her: Nevin would likely be right out, at this point. He's fully embraced and announced his blood magic and magical Alchemy, so her phobia would have her running for the hills. Or the caverns beneath, as the case may be. Mikhail might work, as he doesn't make a big deal about his inhuman nature, so the fact that he's a walking hunk of metals might go unnoticed. Hunter might mesh decently, as he's from Alerar himself so would understand her magic aversion, even if he doesn't quite share it himself. Erik would be problematic, because while he doesn't go about bragging of his magic, he also doesn't hide it in the least. Henry would be a good fit - he doesn't even realize he has any magic himself, think it is skill with his fiddle that causes things to happen.

And Phi: :P.

03-22-2018, 10:01 AM
You have a point there. Nevin would be too magically inclined for Yvonne at the moment. Perhaps one day in the distant future, after she's spent some time in therapy.

I can picture Yvonne meeting Mikhail sooner if Vixen was to converse about him with her. Truth be told I'm not certain how a Vixen-Yvonne interaction is going to go yet and whether they have that kind of rapport. Mikhail seems to be a character that could create a great deal of internal strife and confusion in my half-dwarf. On the one hand the suffering he endures would compel her to befriend and attempt to help him, even though he'd probably try to push her away with his demeanor. On the other hand his metal shape-shifting would be quite the conundrum for her to mull over. It's magical manipulation and that's frightening, but it's metal-craft and that speaks to her dwarven blood. I foresee character development...

The Huntsman and Yvonne have some common ground, come from relatively the same part of the world. I can't picture them willingly crossing paths, but a co-operative born of necessity would work. Example: One of Yvonne's business ventures collides with monster troubles and she hires him to straighten it out for her. Dark elves she prefers to sidestep, especially strong and tenacious dark elves that she can't easily influence. They make her feel inferior and standoffish. Nonetheless it could make for a thread with a brooding, serious tone.

Henry is an obvious, easy win. Maybe too easy if you're looking for a challenge. We could make a thread with the orphanage Henry grew up in as the setting. I bet that hasn't been done. Bring the lute, make some music, surrounded by curious children. We'll do it for them kids.

The Huntsman
03-22-2018, 12:11 PM
Poor Henry is too easy apparently, no one wants to write with him lol. And Mikhail is still a work in progress in terms of how his personality works out, I'll say that. Hunter would not care about her being a druegar, she wants him to kill things/guard a business venture and that's enough for him. Nevin would definitely be too Magick for her, even if his primary trade is alchemical potions.

So! Mikhail, or Henry? I can write either. In terms of what's been done with them Henry has like, one thread, where he met a dhampir girl. And some bandits.

03-22-2018, 02:55 PM
Yo Nevin I'm game for rping with you ALWAYS. Let's get more stuff going bro. I am game for whatever anyway!!!

03-22-2018, 08:29 PM
I actually think we should put all three options on the to-do list and tick them off one at a time. Let's begin with a Henry-Yvonne thread at the orphanage (as I want to see how Yvonne interacts with children).

As my other threads develop more I'm confident good reasons will arise that will make meeting Mikhail and Hunter more believable. I love being able to point to reasons for why events happen. It gives weight to the words people say and the actions they make when a chain of events unfolds because of them. Aftereffects, consequences and reactions are some of my favourite things.

The Huntsman
03-23-2018, 10:32 AM
Cause and effect are good. Alright so! Henry needs to make a trip back 'home', or at least to the town where home was. I can do that. And I'll get to make the other kids. Hehe. Heheheehe. Alright. I'll get an opening post up for that later today. Look for a post from "The Rambler".

03-27-2018, 04:17 AM
Is everything hunky dory dude?

03-27-2018, 05:25 AM
Link me, can't for the life of me remember what it was called. Also, up for more threads!

The Rambler
04-16-2018, 01:09 PM
Sorry about the gap there Yvonne! Life jumped me in a dark alley. I'm starting up a post now, but I need to ask if you have a preference on where it's posted. (Corone, Stonevale, etc.)

Uh, Arden. I don't think we have any threads going at the moment, unless you mean Herbal Magick? The Gisela thread got finished I thought. Or did you want to start a new one?

04-16-2018, 06:08 PM
Welcome back mate. Glad all is good. Thought the gremlins might have got you.

I don't mind at all. Wherever your orphanage is situated that's where it should be. :)

04-16-2018, 07:10 PM
You say that like I actually gave his orphanage a location.... ^^; This isn't Hunter or Mikhail who I gave absurd backstories for hahaha. Ok, probably stonevale it is then.

The Rambler
04-17-2018, 07:43 PM
There we are Yvonne, Music and Stone is the thread name.

04-17-2018, 09:15 PM
Awesome post, lovely details and a night-market in a small village? So cool! I want to move there, not too busy but sounds like things are always happening. So cool.

I'm a tad over half way through my vignette. I'll finish that up and then see about an equally awesome post for yourself mister.

04-17-2018, 09:22 PM
Hey, Nev. Know it's been a while, but I'd love to finish Igni with you if you're up to it.

The Rambler
04-18-2018, 12:45 PM
Of course. I'll roll over to it and refresh myself, should have a post up tonight unless something comes up.

The Rambler
04-28-2018, 06:51 PM
Yvonne - 'bubba' was a nickname for Henry, not another person added to that madhouse lol. Yvonne is sitting next to Henry and Theo, and across from Matilda.

04-28-2018, 07:23 PM
Oh! That's my mistake. I got a little confused, haha. There are so many lovelies.

It's an easy edit, I'll tweak it.

The Rambler
04-28-2018, 07:56 PM
No worries - and no fear, after the dinner a large part of the group are going to melt away leaving more of a core cast hahaha.

04-28-2018, 09:26 PM
Thank you for keeping an eye on me. I'm still a wee bit rusty from years of writing neglect, but I think I have the hang of it again, mostly. :D

The Rambler
04-29-2018, 01:35 AM
Tssht, you say that like you did something wrong. There's been so many names tossed around in that thread that *I* got confused between two of them at one point. Adding nicknames that little kids would have for their brother just makes it even worse. Also, I must not have set the table correctly: Matilda is to the left of the head of the table, Yvonne is to the right, and Henry as oldest of 'youth' is at the head. He and A-whatever I named her are the ones in charge beneath Matilda, when they're there at least since Henry is a wanderer for the time being. Matilda doesn't like Yvonne enough to put her at the other end of the table yet lol.

04-30-2018, 04:23 AM
Phew. There ye are dear. All tweaked.

I'll say, we'd better be awarded some sky-high clarity points for this. We worked hard to have it make sense!

The Rambler
04-30-2018, 09:44 AM
Hahaha, no joke, and lots of character interaction too. Alright, I'll be working on the reply at lunch then - and question, where the snickersnack do we want to end this? After the dinner? Or somewhere else?

04-30-2018, 03:53 PM
Let's see. We've had our orientation. The complication we're working through now and I expect it will peak in the discussion after dinner, yes? Once that resolves itself we have a resolution and we should call it around there, perhaps when Matilda retires and goes to bed? Unless you're interested in a hidden intimate scene with Henry and Yvonne alone. She is a little nocturnal and will stay up late.

The Rambler
04-30-2018, 06:00 PM
Henry also tends towards night owl tendencies, partially because he's found it easier to travel unaccosted at night. He can handle wildlife, so it's safer for him to travel when bandits aren't running amok. I'm working on a post for you now - lunch ended up being a working lunch so I couldn't post like I normally would have.

The Rambler
05-03-2018, 07:47 AM
Yvonne, Ash, sorry for the delay in replying to y'all. Life got a bit hectic. I should be able to get replies up later today though.

05-03-2018, 08:19 AM
Ye be forgiven. :p

The Rambler
06-07-2018, 09:00 AM
Shit, sorry Yvonne! I completely missed that you had replied. I'll get a post up for you as soon as I can.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
06-07-2018, 12:55 PM
Any time you want to do something, throw me a bone.

06-07-2018, 03:05 PM
I need to write a post for Yvonne (I'm terribly sorry) first, but go ahead and pick your poison Shin. I have a wide bevy of options lol.

06-07-2018, 09:21 PM
It's no worries dear, lol. I've been very ill of late anywhoozles. Accursed winter. I owe a few posts as well.

06-07-2018, 10:22 PM
If I'm ever belated on replies, just poke me with a stick on Discord. I pop my head in there at least once a day, usually. But, Bah, I detest the cold times - and I know. Someone was joking that I should hold off on replying until you had, but I have the feeling you'd been waiting longer lol.

06-08-2018, 10:06 AM
Someone was talking about me eh? Haha, cute.

I'm typically quick to reply to Music & Stone because I enjoy it so much. I've got to write one for Vixen and then you'll be next. :p

06-08-2018, 10:36 AM
Henry can't help the quips. He tries.

06-08-2018, 10:47 AM
Teehee, they're amusing. Henry's a funny dude. I giggle every time.

That song is so nice, like wow. He has great taste in music too it seems!

06-16-2018, 05:17 PM
Replied to Igni, Nev.

06-23-2018, 07:15 PM
We need to brainstorm the sequal to Igni, Nev.

Let's make puns and call it The Core of the Issue or something like that. Ha ha. I'm so funny.

But seriously.