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04-30-2018, 03:08 PM
Lilthis Shadefell

In the past only those close to Lilthis would refer to her as Lilly. Currently she uses the name Lilly Svalesin to avoid people recognizing her true identity.


Alerian/Dark Elf


127 lbs / 57.6 kg

Inventor, Explorer/Archaeologist

Naive, arrogant, optimistic, and sarcastic. Lilthis is incredibly intelligent but is somewhat lacking in “street smarts.” Her good nature can prove to be a blessing and a curse. She is incredibly confident in her capabilities to a point of overconfidence.

Family Background:
Lilthis hails from the prestigious Shadefell noble family. Her family’s estate lies on the eastern coast of Alerar but her family also maintains a lavish apartment in the capital city. As a result Lilthis spent her childhood in the city during school years and vacationed on the family’s estate during breaks. Her family rose to prominence first as winemakers but around 1200 years ago her ancestors became politically active. Lilthis’ great great grandfather, Toplinis, was especially politically savvy and brought much of the families wealth and businesses together.

The family still makes wine but also operates a small fishing venture and owns a watch making factory. Currently Lilthis’ parents, Cedris and Fevrir, rule over the family after Lilthis’ grandparents were both killed in an explosion six years prior to Lilthis’ birth. Her parents have little interest in politics and spend most of their time growing their business interests.

Lilthis Birth and Childhood:
Lilthis is the youngest of eight children. She was not just the last born but also the only daughter born into the family. This was a huge relief for her father Cedris who had wanted a daughter he could spoil since their second son was born. As an infant her mother Fevrir would dress Lilthis in extravagant clothes and place bows in her hair. Her father had her learn to ride horses and tried to hire tutors to teach the girl proper etiquette as a lady. As Lilthis began to grow up however she wanted to spend time with her brothers in combat training and the technology of the new elves fascinated her far more than the etiquette trainings she was required to attend.

While disappointed that their only daughter was sneaking combat training Cedris and Fevrir were very impressed at how much their daughter read and tinkered with devices. It was obvious to them that their daughter was extremely intelligent and as such they enrolled her at the most prestigious academy in Alerar located in the capital city. The first several years were filled with Lilthis impressing her masters finding solutions far quicker than her other classmates. The family’s watch making business was a short train ride from the academy and Lilthis would spend her weekends working and learning about watch making, amazing some of the veteran watch makers with her talents.

At the age of twelve Lilthis discovered a book on arcane history and the magic of the High Elves. This book fascinated Lilthis and she brought it with her to the family’s estate for the summer. When her parents discovered the book they scolded her and instructed her that magic was a “lazy tool used by the old elves, it serves only to stifle progress.” As they were about to burn it Lilthis began to cry and her parents found themselves in a quandary. Her parents agreed to let Lilthis keep the book for the summer but she would need to leave it at the estate to be burned when she returned to school. Lilthis spent the summer memorizing every page of the text.

By summer’s end Lilthis began working on what she believed was her purpose. To create technology that could replicate magic. She began to create a gauntlet for her left hand (as she was left handed) hoping to create a device that could harness and create magic. This gauntlet was a failure when it came to replicating magic but Lilthis was able to create a durable multi-purpose gauntlet that she would continue to improve upon.

At the age of sixteen Lilthis began taking courses with adult elves and working on complex technology research projects. Several of the young men she was in class with began to notice Lilthis and took romantic interest in her. A few were not romantically interested but rather quite cruel due to jealousy of her talents. Due to her beauty, hostility from some classmates, her young age, and Cedris’ overprotective nature a bodyguard named Faellint was hired to ensure his daughters safety.

Dangers and Resolve:
While Lilthis ignored the romantic gestures of some classmates there was a student named Zeffrli whom she considered to be quite charming. Zeffrli was a nineteen year old blue skinned dark elf with bushy dark reddish hair. Lilthis became enamored with the boy and would routinely sneak away from Faellint to spend time with him. As her romance was blossoming with Zeffrli her eldest brother Qelont began a run for magistrate of the capital city.

“I’m concerned for our love my dear Lilthis, it will be hard for me to date the younger sister of a magistrate.” Zeffrli rarely discussed his background but this statement concerned Lilthis. She perked up and stared directly into his eyes with her piercing gaze before stating, “I don’t know why you worry, my brother has nothing to do with me.” Zeffrli kissed Lilthis on the cheek before moving back and informing her that he needed to go and work on a project. He then told her, “My love I don’t believe I can go too long without seeing you. Tomorrow night meet me at the Gnat’s Cellar Inn at midnight. We’ll have a drink and make love until sunrise.” As he departed Lilthis smiled and headed back to the apartment.

Her first love was utterly intoxicating to her and for the first time in her life she found something more interesting to her than the study of technology or her dream of creating a device that could harness magic. She imagined a life spent with Zeffrli, of raising children with him, waking up next to him, and the two of them working together on some great invention. She could hardly wait to see him again although she knew nothing of the Gnat’s Cellar Inn or why he wished to meet there. Naively she believed it must be some romantic gesture as she knew Zeffrli had very little money. His lack of wealth did not bother her, being from a noble family the focus on status often annoyed her.

Just before midnight Lilthis snuck out through the apartment window as she had done a dozen times before. She passed a poster for her brother Qelont’s campaign that had been graffitied. She did not pay much attention to politics as she found it dull but she had been informed that one of Qelont’s policies centered around better policing to shut down the black markets that avoided state tariffs which was unpopular among the criminal elements of Alerar. Faellint had instructed her multiple times not to wander off due to this danger but Lilthis always wore a cloak to conceal her identity when she would sneak off to visit her beloved.

Upon entering the tavern of the Gnat’s Cellar Inn Lilthis noticed that the people were much different from the noble banquets and gatherings she was used to. Men and women were present clad in leather armor, chainmail, and with daggers, knives, and firearms attached to their belts. Lilthis held her cloak tight so as not to expose the ruby amulet her father had given her or the nice linen clothing she was wearing. She scanned the tables and bar until she found a table where her dear Zeffrli was sitting alone. She took up the seat next to him and nervously said, “Darling, I know you said I need to experience more of the city but this place seems a bit intense...”

Zeffrli grinned and put his arm around Lilthis before saying, “Just know that I’m sorry it came to this. Don’t blame me, this is all thanks to your brother.” Lilthis eyes widened as she stared at Zeffrli confused. Suddenly a jolt of motion occurred as Zeffrli grasped at his back and recoiled away from Lilthis. He fell back wheezing after Lilthis realized a dagger was plunged in between his shoulders as blood seeped out of the wound. Another dagger was then used to slit his throat by a tall and bulky human with a large bushy beard. The man grunted, “ol’fello thoughted he was gettin’ real nice payday, one less mouth ta feed now.”

Lilthis heart was pounding in her chest. She started to let out a scream as a young women put a hand over her mouth and the man with the bushy beard walked over and grabbed her by the legs. “Now now, boss be seein’ ya, real interested in meetin’ ya,” exclaimed the man. She was dragged upstairs into a room of the dusty and rundown inn. Inside the room were two very muscular dark elves with scars, tattoos, and broadswords strapped to their backs. On a barstool sat a short dark elf with a shaved head, a glass eye, and a coin purse beside a scimitar on the nearby table. The man with the glass eye nodded and tossed the coin purse to the young woman and the bushy bearded man.

“Good work, go downstairs and clean up the fool’s body. Make sure everyone knows to mind their business.” The two took their leave and the bulky two dark elves moved in between Lilthis and the door. The man with the glass eye smirked and poured himself a glass of wine. “Y’know, this is Shadefell wine. You may be familiar with it considering your pondscum of a family crafts it.” The glass eyed man took a sip of the wine before turning back to Lilthis. “It’s a good wine though, just a shame it’s made by a family attempting to rob me. That boy agreed to seduce and help us capture you for a few pieces of silver. He got himself into bad debt and figured he could sell you off, little did he know the syndicate never forgives bad debt. He had to pay in blood. Trivik, Redfa, bind and gag her.”

Tears were streaming down Lilthis’ face as the two men gagged her. She struggled as they wrapped rope around her wrists and ankles but she was unarmed and much weaker than the two men. Once sufficiently bound she closed her eyes and tried to remain calm. Repeating to herself she was dreaming, this wasn’t happening, but it was to no avail and her sobbing grew louder. The glass eyed man walked over and bent down to face her before saying, “there now little one, we aren’t going to hurt you. In fact we’re looking to employ you.” The two bulky dark elves snickered as their boss winked at the men.

“See, I could use a girl who can read and write. We can send you to Corone so you can record inventory at one of our docks. Or maybe I’ll send you up to Salvar. Men fancy pretty dark elves up there, a girl as lovely as you would make me good money.” At this point Lilthis closed her eyes as her face was covered in tears. She imagined all the horrendous things these captors would do and it terrified her. Finally the glass eyed man walked over to the window before stating, “of course, we already sent a letter to that damn brother of yours. See, if he drops out of this race to become magistrate we hand you over. The wagon to the docks in east Alerar leaves tomorrow afternoon, hopefully your brother cares more for you than his own ambition.”

The next morning Lilthis was exhausted. She hadn’t slept and her eyes were sore from crying. She had never felt so helpless in all of her life. Lilthis took up residence in a back corner of the room as the stares of the two bulky dark elves had made her feel uneasy. The two men watched her in shifts taking turns going down to the tavern to get drunk. By the fourth rotation neither man seemed very alert, completely intoxicated by the vast amount of ale she could smell on them. When the larger one plopped on the bed and began snoring she realized she had a chance to escape. Lilthis inched over to the slumbering behemoth of an elf and slipped his knife off his belt. She struggled to grab at it with her bound hands and accidentally dropped it causing a loud clang. The sleeping elf groaned then rolled over muttering at Lilthis to settle down.

Lilthis rubbed her hands against the knife edge. Slowly whittling away at the bindings. Once her hands were free she picked up the knife and unbound her feet before removing the gag. Once freed she walked over to the window only to realize she was three stories up. There was no going out that way without breaking several bones. She wrapped herself in her cloak, clasping the knife underneath it out of sight. Slowly and quietly Lilthis cracked open the door. The tavern was still bustling with people even early in the morning. There were card games, gold being exchanged, and a lot of drinking.

As Lilthis descended the stairs she saw the other dark elf that was guarding her sitting beside the bushy beard man. They were drinking and loudly discussing what they were going to do once they arrived at the docks in West Alerar. The bushy beard man indicated that Salvar was his home and he could introduce his companion to the best mead hall in the country. The dark elf replied, “I hope the mead is as sweet as that girl we captured, I may go test the wares myself.” As he exclaimed that statement he stood spitting Lilthis trying to sneak by the two men.

“H-hey! What’re you doing out he-“ before he could finish Lilthis had jabbed the knife into the dark elf’s stomach. As she tried to pull it back the knife became stuck in his chainmail. The wound was not very deep as the elf was protected by the resilience of the chain mail and Lilthis overall lack of strength. The bushy beard man slapped Lilthis across the face knocking her away from the blade. As Lilthis looked up she saw a flash of light and blood as both men were quickly struck by a curved saber.

Above the bleeding bodies of two of her captors stood Faellint. He reached down and grabbed Lilthis before running out of the tavern and across a few blocks. Eventually arriving at a nearby government armory. “Are you hurt? Why did you sneak out? You could have been killed.” Lilthis clutched tightly onto Faellint sobbing until her parents and siblings arrived. She was scolded but her family was mostly glad to see she was ok.

She resolved that day to never feel weak again. Lilthis modified her gauntlet to increase her strength and she never travelled without it. She realized that she had been foolish and let love blind her. She would not let love get in the way of her studies again, she would not be weak again, and she would never rely on Faellint saving her again. Qelont would later win the seat of magistrate and use Lilthis’ ordeal as further ammunition to drive out Alerar’s criminal element. Much to the disapproval of Lilthis parents.

Life Unfolds:
After the incident at Gnat’s Cellar Lilthis’ studies at the academy ended. Cedris and Fevrir felt the city was too dangerous for their daughter and they brought her back to their estate. In private Faellint told Lilthis he followed her that night to the tavern and when questioned Lilthis said it was the first time she had snuck out and that she was told she could meet a famous scientist there. Lilthis was too ashamed to admit her love for Zeffrli which had now become a very painful sense of betrayal and loss.

For saving their daughter Faellint was given a position at the Shadefell estate as security. A very expensive tutor was hired to continue Lilthis education and her father had a workshop built for her. The nearby library in Eastern Alerar received a donation from her family so that they could expand their selection to keep up with Lilthis and her growing thirst for knowledge. By the time Lilthis was nineteen she requested a mage come to lecture on magic.

Though hesitant her parents eventually agreed due to Lilthis pleading that to build a device to replicate magic she would need to better understand it. A high elf mage came for three months and ridiculed Lilthis and her ideas. Insisting that machinery could never produce magic. He did take a liking to the Alerian elf and her intelligence. She hung on every word he said eager to understand the arcane in its entirety. When the high elf offered to teach spells to young Lilthis her father had him expelled and returned to his homeland. This was fine by Lilthis as she had learned most of what he had to teach and she did not have an interest in learning magic herself but rather how to infuse it into a machine or harness it with machinery.

After the high elf departed Lilthis had Faellint accompany her to an abandoned mine which was once used by underground mages operating in Alerar. In the mine Lilthis deciphered numerous runes of arcane origin and discovered the inhabitants had tried to use magic to create machines. Believing they were reverse engineering her own experiments Lilthis spent days working on rare crystals within the mine. Eventually on the last day Faellint would allow her to stay, she crafted a stone that would illuminate brightly in dark places. She affixed the stone to a compartment on top of her gauntlet.

After this venture Lilthis’ parents summoned her into their quarters. Fevrir looked a bit concerned and Cedris was pacing back and forth. Cedris turned to his daughter and calmly stated, “My dear, the political climate has been getting bad for us for quite some time. I know you have little interest in politics, neither do we. However your brother... Qelont... “ At the mention of his name Cedris face turned red and his voice got louder, “Lilly, your brother cares not for this family. He cares only for his own gain, for his own career, and for writing his place in history. He has used your horrific experience with those hoodlums to try and stamp out a strong criminal under world.”

Cedris gestured for his daughter to sit as he joined his wife at the table. Composing himself his wife Fevrir stepped in, “Lilly... we have begun getting threats. On our lives. On yours. We’ve decided it would be safest for you and Faellint to pursue your studies on the road. Alerar is not a safe place for you anymore.” At this Cedris looked up at his daughter and smiled, “Besides, there are not too many magical artifacts here. You should go somewhere that can supply you with what you need to find. Faellint should be able to look after you.” Fevrir began to cry a bit, “Honey, we will send for you to return as soon as it’s safe.” Lilthis said nothing, she just sobbed as she clung to her parents.

The Journey Begins:
Faellint took Lilthis to a city in southern Raiaera called Ivelaean. The city was home to a vast array of citizens and has the largest population of dark elves in Raiaera due to its proximity to Alerar. Faellint determines this would be the safest place for Lilthis and instructed her to introduce herself as Lilly and assume that name for her protection. “You are now Lilly Sturmwind if anyone asks. I am your brother, Faeoth Sturmwind.”

In the outskirts of the city Faellint taught Lilthis a bit of sword play. Lilthis was given an iron short sword and thin iron dagger by Faellint. Though she has some basic combat knowledge from her childhood she struggled to keep up with Faellint and he refused to take her to any magical sites until she proved her combat prowess.

Faellint taught Lilly how to light a camp fire using flint, she then attached a piece of flint to her gauntlet. Faellint taught her to cook although neither of them were very good. Lilly did figure out how to consistently cook red meat to be tender which Faellint commended her on but her cooking remained fairly bland. Eventually they would explore a few nearby magical sites and Lilthis would collect artifacts and meticulously document their experiences.

Over the following months though she could tell that Faellint was getting anxious. He began gambling and performing bounties to support his habit and just for the rush of engaging in combat. Lilly had never realized Faellint had a gambling problem because her family had paid him so well but now that their money was tight Faellint was engaging in riskier bounties for bigger payoffs so that he could continue gambling. Lilthis wanted to continue her research but did not know if she was capable of exploration without Faellint’s strength.

She befriended a local merchant named Orbyn. The high elf merchant was roughly 230 years old, still quite young by elf standards. He routinely told Lilly that she was merely an infant who did not understand the world. But when Lilthis eventually told him about Faellint’s gambling habits and shared sine of her documentation of magical locations they explored Orbyn recognized her talents. He suggested she join up with a caravan of mages and wizards who were exploring the country to learn more about magical locales.

When the caravan passed through Ivelaean she rushed to joined them. She shared her work on the local sites and insisted until the caravan agreed to take her. They explained that on their last expedition their scribe was killed by a trap within a buried fortress so they could use a new scribe anyway. Lilthis registered under the name Lilly Svalesin. She reasoned those who meant to harm her would not find her nor would Faellint when he realized she had left.

After spending two years with the caravan Lilly has decided that she’s finally ready to strike out on her own. Her ultimate goal of inventing a device that can mimic magic has remained unchanged. She knows it will take years of research but Lilthis does not wish to return home until she can show her parents and family how far she has come.

Lilthis has incredibly dark skin even for a dark elf. Her eyes are a piercing pale blue as is the rest of her family. It was not uncommon for her family to receive the insult of “ghost eyes” from rivals. Lucky very few outside of Alerar recognize her blue eyed namesake. Lilthis’ hair is long and pure white in color, she often wears it down but will tie it into a bun when exploring caves or tombs. Lilthis has a very light body and clear complexion, she often gained the attention of other young men due to her beautiful face and figure.

Typically Lilthis wears a crimson red leather chest piece with decorative red feathers on the shoulders and base of the armor. On the back of the armor is a black cloak with a hood to shield her from the rain or to hide her identity when in Alerarian cities. She wears a tan shirt underneath the chest piece which has sleeves that extend to her elbows. She wears very plain tight black pants made of cotton and sturdy brown travelling boots. Lilthis also wears a brown glove on her right hand to compliment the gauntlet on her left, this is primarily to keep her hands clean and free from damage so as not to impede her ability to tinker and create. Her outfit is less focused on defense and more on being able to get in and out of places quickly.

Modest swordsmanship acquired from combat training with her brothers and training from Faellint. Probably akin to a poorly trained foot soldier.

Cooking, but only very basic skills in this regard.

Navigation. Lilthis is an expert at navigating through the world. Reading and writing maps comes easily.

Intelligent. Lilthis is smarter than most others and is well learned. Although while clever enough she tends to be a bit gullible despite many life lessons trying to teach her otherwise. Lilthis' intelligence is within the parameters of a normal human but is exceptional. Her mind is very good at memorization and logical thinking however she can struggle with more abstract concepts. I'd say she's in the top 2% of human intelligence but there are certainly plenty of people smarter than her.

Some arcane knowledge. This knowledge is purely academic and she has no affinity for magic. She mostly can recognize runic writings or decipher magic sigils. She can identify a school of magic that a mage may practice but cannot determine the effects of a spell or anything concrete like that. Most of her abilities with regard to the arcane are useful for solving arcane riddles that could be solved by someone without magic. She cannot for instance quote a spell and have it do anything because she has zero affinity for magic. Her knowledge of the arcane is akin to someone who may grasp the basic concepts of how to ride a bicycle while lacking the ability to even sit on the bicycle's seat.

Inventor/tinkerer/watch making. Lilthis has an affinity for technology and as such she can improve upon and repair pieces of technology.

Gauntlet Strength: Lilly’s gauntlet uses gears and various alterations to add strength to her attacks. She wears the gauntlet on her dominant left hand and it empowers her to strike with the strength of a powerful warrior. Lilly’s gauntlet tends to wear out if used too frequently causing a need to be repaired. This strength is comparable to a fairly strong human. Like if Muhammad Ali's semi-buff younger brother swung a sword. Physically speaking Lilly is about as strong as you would expect a 127 lb female to be, her gauntlet gives her slightly more power than her frame would typically allow.

Desperation Punch: Lilly’s gauntlet lets out multiple bursts of steam as it powers up over a few seconds. Lilly can then propel her arm forward to punch at a target. The punch is powerful enough to break bones if it collides but puts the gauntlet in disrepair. The gauntlet cannot be used to punch and the Gauntlet Strength ability is negated until repaired. It takes Lilly around 1 hour of work to repair the damage. Basic functions of the gauntlet are still operational. The bursts of steam are mostly just hot steam with very little pressure. It probably burns Lilly's hands and wrists more than it hurts any enemies.

Her desperation punch does not extend any further than a natural punch would. Currently the gauntlet has no mechanism to extend or reach further.

Luminous Stone: Lilthis has affixed a luminous stone to the top of her gauntlet. The stone emits enough light to see around 10 feet around Lilthis in the dark and glows with a white beam. When held against a cave wall it is bright enough to make out markings or writing on the wall. The light is intense enough to temporarily blind in the dark (1-2 seconds) and will also blind Lilthis upon activation in the dark. The stone will continually shine until retracted into the gauntlet.

Unknown to Lilthis the stone was always enchanted. During her experiments she accidentally re-activated the stone’s enchantment but she believes the stone is proof that technology can perfectly mimic magic. To her frustration she can never re-create the effect on other objects because she did not impart magic upon the stone. The stone has no other effects aside from the glow.

The Gauntlet - a prototype created by Lilthis as a child and improved upon as she grew up. The gauntlet provides her with her only real combat abilities. It also has a few basic functions such as the luminous stone on the top of her wrist, a piece of flint on the inside of her wrist, and a compass and watch mounted on the inside of the gauntlet near her forearm.

The gauntlet is composed primarily of bronze, copper gears, and a mesh of brass wiring that distributes steam. The gauntlet has several holes dotted around which exhausts the steam when she activates her punch. Due to the kinds of materials it’s made of the gauntlet is not typically used to defend Lilthis as it would probably break from a single strike and need to be repaired.

Iron short sword and iron dagger - Lilthis is not a very capable fighter. Choosing to run or talk her way out of most situations. Still these weapons can sometimes be helpful when fighting off animals or to scare off would-be bandits.

Quill and scroll - For documenting her travels and to later be added to her journal.

Lilthis’ Journal - Contains her studies on machinery and it’s effects on magic. Several pages have diagrams of various magical sites.

Canteen, sack for holding her gear, leather chest piece, one leather glove, basic clothes, a cloak with a hood and leather boots.

Edited 04/30: Added clarification to Intellect, Arcane Knowledge, Gauntlet Strength, and Desperation Punch.

Edited 05/01: Added details about the makeup of the gauntlet, reach of the gauntlet. Added Luminous Stone to abilities with details about the stone.

04-30-2018, 10:19 PM
Welcome to Althanas! I'll be helping you in getting your character approved. Just going to start off by saying impressive work on Lilthis. I enjoyed reading her history and I can see a lot of work went into it. Great work!

I do have some things to go over and a few questions about some skills and abilities.

Under Skills-

Intelligent: How would you classify her intelligence compared to a human? Is she within the parameters of a normal human, or is she 2x that of a human? More?

Some arcane knowledge: How does Lilthis recognize magic? Does she have something like low-level magic sensory? Did she learn something from her studies to give her the ability to somehow recognize magic by other means?

Just a heads up, both of these can be classified as abilities due to they can hold an advantage over other characters.


Gauntlet Strength: Where it says that the gauntlet empowers her to strike with the strength of a powerful warrior- is it within the parameters of a human, or 2x that of a human? More?

Desperation Punch- Can the bursts of steam cause damage to an opponent? I may have another question about this ability later.

04-30-2018, 10:35 PM
Thanks, I appreciate the comments.

Lilthis' intelligence is within the parameters of a normal human but is exceptional. Her mind is very good at memorization and logical thinking however she can struggle with more abstract concepts. I'd say she's in the top 2% of human intelligence but there are certainly plenty of people smarter than her.

She mostly can recognize runic writings or decipher magic sigils. She can identify a school of magic that a mage may practice but cannot determine the effects of a spell or anything concrete like that. Most of her abilities with regard to the arcane are useful for solving arcane riddles that could be solved by someone without magic. She cannot for instance quote a spell and have it do anything because she has zero affinity for magic. Her knowledge of the arcane is akin to someone who may grasp the basic concepts of how to ride a bicycle while lacking the ability to even sit on the bicycle's seat.

Gauntlet Strength - Uh, think of a fairly strong human. Like if Muhammad Ali's semi-buff younger brother swung a sword. Physically speaking Lilly is about as strong as you would expect a 127 lb female to be, her gauntlet gives her slightly more power than her frame would typically allow.

Desperation Punch - The bursts of steam are mostly just hot steam with very little pressure. It probably burns Lilly's hands and wrists more than it hurts any enemies. Maybe if she fought an enemy made of ice it would make the ice melt a little bit.

04-30-2018, 10:41 PM
Awesome! Please edit those clarifications in to your sheet. It helps other writers to know these things for interactions with Lilthis. I'm going to go ahead and get to crunching numbers on your abilities and get back to you as soon as possible.

05-01-2018, 10:07 AM
Thanks for your patience. I just have some other things to go over- mostly with the gauntlet.

Desperation Punch: The propelling of her arm is just to the full extention of her arm, correct, and no further extention?

What materials/material is the gauntlet made of at this point?

Please list and detail the luminous stone in the abilities section, as it does aid Lilthis to some extent as an ability. How bright is it? Radial peramiters? Offensive/Defensive uses? I know even low light can blind in darkness if used that way and in her history it states that the stone illuminates brightly in dark places. Is it a constant effect?

The luminous stone also raises a question on whether Lilthis has some sort of skill with enchanting not listed. I know in her history, it says she crafted the stone. I'm curious.

05-01-2018, 11:56 AM
Her desperation punch does not extend any further than a natural punch would. Currently the gauntlet has no mechanism to extend or reach further.

The gauntlet is composed primarily of bronze, copper gears, and a mesh of brass wiring that distributes steam. The gauntlet has several holes dotted around which exhausts the steam when she activates her punch. Due to the kinds of materials it’s made of the gauntlet is not typically used to defend Lilthis as it would probably break from a single strike and need to be repaired.

I’ll edit these clarifications into my profile.

Under abilities I will add,
Luminous Stone: Lilthis has affixed a luminous stone to the top of her gauntlet. The stone emits enough light to see around 10 feet around Lilthis in the dark and glows with a white beam. When held against a cave wall it is bright enough to make out markings or writing on the wall. The light is intense enough to temporarily blind in the dark (1-2 seconds) and will also blind Lilthis upon activation in the dark. The stone will continually shine until retracted into the gauntlet.

About enchanting, unknown to Lilthis the stone was always enchanted. During her experiments she accidentally re-activated the stone’s enchantment but she believes the stone is proof that technology can perfectly mimic magic. To her frustration she can never re-create the effect on other objects because she did not impart magic upon the stone. The stone has no other effects aside from the glow.

Let me know if the luminous stone’s ability is reasonable and I’ll edit it into my profile. I would say at present Lilthis has no enchanting capabilities nor can she typically re-activate disenchanted objects (like the stone). She may gain enchanting abilities later but she is incapable of doing it again for the foreseeable future.

05-01-2018, 12:08 PM
Thanks for editing all this stuff. The stone looks good to edit in to abilities. Be back with you in a bit.

05-01-2018, 12:34 PM
Lilthis looks good to go to me. I again commend you on the hard work you put in to her! Enjoy yourself out there!
