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View Full Version : You GOTTA hear this song!

05-12-2018, 04:51 PM
New forum game!

Here are the rules:

-One song per post only

-It must be a song which you have been absolutely obsessed with at some time, whether that is presently or in the past

-Extra points for listening to the song above yours and commenting on it!

Here we go... I've listened to this song like thirty times today.

July Talk - Guns & Ammunition (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU5qp-cAtOU)

05-13-2018, 11:20 PM
I will listen to yer song 30 times when I come home and report next post, promises!

I've been a tad obsessed with the Starset albums of late, particularly Antigravity from Transmissions and-- wait, one song, gosh this is hard to stop talking after one song Breaker. Eep. Starset has an ambiance to their music which, when played fairly softly through my headphones seems to help me write smoother sentences. I dunno how that works.

I have listened to July Talk and the verdict is thus! I like <redacted> by July Talk better.

05-14-2018, 11:20 PM
The July Talk song had a pretty solid beat. I also definitely got the ambiance vibe that the Starset song Antigravity had.

I got back into an old favorite lately. Tibetan Pop Stars (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JCZKC6x9zlU) by Hop Along.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
05-15-2018, 11:56 AM
Metallica obsessions aside, this particular track by Led Zeppelin has to be one of the coolest songs of that era. It's called Black Dog (https://youtu.be/fl6s1x9j4QQ), and was once considered so difficult to play that for may years Robert Plant and Jimmy Page said they would never do it live.

Then they did.

Tibetan Pop Stars was not what I was expecting, but I actually quite like it. Catchy tune, brah.

05-20-2018, 10:30 PM
Nice one, Shin. Naturally I've heard that song before, but I've never really sat down just to listen to it, and it was well worth the time.

Since we're talking classic rock, I'm going to pull out an old favorite of mine... I wouldhn't be surprised if it's been used in bad commercials, but hopefully that doesn't ruin it for anyone.

Slow Ride - Foghat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIjZE4kcg_Q)

I was merciful and gave you the "short version".

05-24-2018, 08:49 PM
I like Slow Ride. However, this song was stained for me when I was really young. I had heard it before but while in the car with my grandparents it came on the radio and they immediately shut it off. I never found out why they did that until I got older and realize the song was about sex. But had my grandparents just left it on I would've never thought any different. I was probably eight years old. Really good song despite my grandparents searing it into my memory like that. :)

I really love Los Campesinos! as they combine catchy upbeat cutesy music with some pretty real lyrics on most tracks. One track where even the music matches the tone of their lyrics is, "The Sea is a Good Place to Think About the Future (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoIr60buB1I)." I've been a fan of this song ever since I first heard it back in 2009 and recently got back into jamming out to their music.

05-31-2018, 08:46 AM
Wow, I love the impact of the lyrics and the progressive tone of the song, dear. Such beautiful misery which the chorus lifts the listener from. Thank you for sharing. :)

Hm, let's see. A little bit worried what you peeps will think of me, after suggesting this one. Whatever, judge away, lol. Still... this would have been the first song I ever listened to on a seemingly endless loop, which is what this thread is all about, right?

I believe it's a long forgotten song from the Queen of the Damned soundtrack, way back in 2002, around the time I began play-by-post roleplaying. Chester Bennington of Linkin Park (I'd be surprised if you hadn't heard of them by now) performed vocals for this one song on the soundtrack. He sings his heart out, and subsequently lyrics are not for the faint-hearted.

System. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De4MX7lLaio)

05-31-2018, 06:51 PM
I dig the groovy beat, though those are definitely some hefty lyrics. Could make a good soundtrack for the right story.

I'm gonna swing it back to July Talk now. I actually got even more obsessed with this song than Guns and Ammunition. It's funny, because most of the rest of the band's music doens't have the same strong appeal to me, but I love these two tracks. Enjoy!

July Talk - Paper Girl (https://youtu.be/jFwB5ayV0vQ)

05-31-2018, 08:42 PM
@Yvonne, yeah you weren’t kidding about the lyrics but the song itself was good. Chester’s vocals were really spot on in that song and I liked the little dingly sound, that was the catchiest part. I think there’s a place for lyrics like that, was a good song to post here. :)

@Breaker, I really like the July Talk singer but feel like he should’ve done blues or punk music. Their rock has some bluesy feel to it but his voice seems like it was created in a lab to be used for rebellious attitude punk. The beat on both of their songs is good, the guitarist and percussionist in sync pretty much makes Paper Girl for me.

I’ve been listening to The Dear Hunter a lot lately. They wrote a rock opera that’s 5 acts but the song Waves (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ntHFxkX0fxU) is the best single song.

06-01-2018, 12:16 AM
Paper Girl was the song I redacted at the start of this thread. I liked it more, lol. ;)

Waves is really goood, I'll have to snoop about for that rock opera.

You know the one genre I always said just burned my soul was country. I could never really listen to it without facial contortion reflexes, so very recently I've been trying to broaden my musical horizons and find a few country songs that are okay. I only managed to do so by cheating a little bit, listened to one of my favourite rock musicians who turned to a solo country career.

Whiskey And You. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx9mTNjZ5-A)

I love how they kept the last bit.

06-02-2018, 12:43 PM
I'm not a huge fan of country outside the Southern Gothic genre (similar to Handsome Family's opening from True Detective), but the twang of that guitar matched pretty well with the lyrics of loss and sorrow. I suppose I'm just a fan of depressing things, because it was quite a pleasant surprise how much I enjoyed a two instrument acoustic song when most of my music is overproduced electronica.

Speaking of -

Controller (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JopjQU4LcPM) by Hercules and Love Affair. I'd rate the video a big NSFW and maybe include a mature warning on it, but I can't really get the song out of my head since spotify recommended it to me.

06-22-2018, 11:28 PM
Man, this song has serious nine inch nails vibes to me. Maybe I’m just crazy. Here’s a new song for you lovely folks.

Yer Killin Me by Remo Drive (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1kaMiIaT-sg). NSFW. But I love this song. Seriously it’s great.

08-31-2019, 10:47 AM
Let's bring this thread back in style.

"Redbone" (Childish Gambino Cover) by The Main Squeeze (https://youtu.be/CTA71Mb5pJo)

Drop your thoughts and a link to a song you love!