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05-30-2018, 01:20 PM

It was night. Roughly the third hour of the night past midnight. It was a Tuesday night, though Nosdyn barely kept track of the days those days. He was working as a sellsword, hired by Stonevale's small militia. They had a Goblin problem in their mountain range. In the recent adventure, Nosdyn had penetrated the mind of one of the Goblin's warriors. There was an Overlord present in the group harassing Stonevale, and they were organizing an invasion. Stonevale itself was of little consequence to Nosdyn. He was helping them for selfish reasons...he needed coins to operate anywhere on the surface world of Althanas. As he'd known about the mortals and their cities...money opened up doors. It didn't matter what was the race of your blood...or what Nation you heralded from.

Money was power. And that had become a small obsession for Nosdyn...the acquisition of money. More indirectly was the acquisition of POWER itself. Influence over the various organizations of men and their petty laws. Nosdyn sat on a well formed log, it was built solidly enough to support his weight and muscle mass. There was a carefully built campfire present, and a basic tent nearby. It's fabric gently rustled with the night-time breeze. Nosdyn was lost in thought. He stared at the campfire, listening to the crackling of the wooden logs that fed it. Footsteps. He heard them nearby, but that particular sound of boots was familiar to him.

"William Blake." Nosdyn said in his heavily accented voice. "What brings you out here at this hour of night?"

"Son of Haidia." William helped himself to a seat next to Nosdyn. "I used to think all of your kind was Evil."

"We are." Nosdyn responded. "However...that does not mean it is absolute or not." Nosdyn looked at William at that moment. "What is troubling you for you to come out here and talk to me alone?" Though Nosdyn was in fact, Evil...he had an honour code.

"You have fought alongside our hired swords with great honour. You have already proven enough." William leaned in close towards Nosdyn.

It seemed that Nosdyn's mantle of fear did not work on Willliam. He noted that but he did not flinch as the man moved in close to hand Nosdyn something.

"Here it is your pay for the week." William handed the pouch to Nosdyn, who took it calmly. "How long are you going to be out here?"

Nosdyn took the pouch and put in his personal packs. "As long as it takes."

"...For what to occur?" William asked.

"I have an enemy I'm trying to lure out here. I want to settle the score with him. So far he has not resurfaced and I owe him a second meeting. The first one...did not go well." Nosdyn said calmly.

"...An enemy you say? Is it anybody I know?" William responded.

"...It does not matter. But when he comes...I will fight him again. That's why I have stayed in this area for as long as I have. I'm hoping it draws him out of hiding and he does not run away from me a second time." Nosdyn said calmly. The first time...he ran. I got to be certain that he does not run twice. Nosdyn intended to kill Jake in their next meeting. "He lacks honour and he stole something from me before." Nosdyn said very carefully. He would not reveal the nature of the object that Jake stole, but it was vital to Nosdyn's personal mission.

William nodded. "So long as your mission does not endanger Stonevale..."

Nosdyn suddenly looked at William with a dangerous expression on his face. "You may leave now. Our meeting is over." Nosdyn said carefully.

William sighed. "Very well." William stood up slowly and looked at Nosdyn. "You just surprised me is all, you specifically have more honour than you initially let in on. I respect you for that, but don't go getting yourself killed. Stonevale still needs your sword." With that, William took his leave and went off into the night.

Nosdyn sighed. But he knew he was bound to Stonevale...at least for that time being. Nosdyn stood up at that point. "Jake...the next time we meet. I will kill you." Nosdyn was determined to make his enemy pay for what was done before...he would make Jake pay.

Jake Narmolanya
05-30-2018, 03:57 PM
A cloaked figure stole into Stonevale, traipsing through the pools of lantern light that beat back the shroud of night.

Jake Narmolonaya adjusted the black patch covering his left eye socket while his good eye scanned the scene. Along the main drag beggars cried out for coins and doxies lingered in doorways, offering a little more bang for one's buck. Jake had no time for either. He adjusted the crystal sword on his hip beneath the cloak, which he kept closely drawn despite the night's warmth. He did not want anyone seeing his chosen garb. Not where he was going.

The streets of Stonevale twisted and turned, and as Jake navigated them there were fewer and fewer whores and hobos lining the cobblestone walkways. The closer he drew to his destination, the more things seemed straight and orderly. Within another five minutes, he arrived at the town's main guard barracks.

There was a single guard on duty in the antechamber separating the barracks itself from the outside world. The man looked up from a metal blacksmith's puzzle as Jake closed the door behind him.

"Whatta' you want?" The guard demanded, brusquely though not rudely. He was just a guy doing his job, who saw an impediment to his enjoying the evening in peace.

A moment later, he saw sparkling gold as the half elf removed several thick coins from his cloak pocket. He stacked them on the desk and then brought a finger to his lips.

"Those are for you," the one eyed youth said with what might have been a wink. "No need to let the other guards know you got such a tip. You should keep it all for yourself."

The guard quickly plucked the coins off the desk and pocketed them. "Well, whatta' you want?" He asked again, but in a much more jovial tone.

"Information," Jake said, running a hand through his messy dirty blond hair. His green eye glimmered as he leaned a hand on the desk. "I'm hunting a demon, and I have reason to believe he's here in Stonevale. This isn't the type of monster you want around, trust me. If you can help me find him, it will be to everyone's benefit."

"A Haidian?" The guard inquired, and Jake nodded. "Actually, we've got one of those on payroll as a mercenary. He's helped us fight off the goblins coming out of the mountains."

"What's his name?" Jake asked quietly, right hand snaking beneath his cloak to touch the hilt of his sword.

"Can't say I remember," the guard replied.

"Would a little more gold aid your memory?"

"I wish it would," the man chuckled, toying with his beard. "But I'm an honest sort, and I honestly can't remember the bastard's name. I could point you towards William Blake though. That's the man you want. He's responsible for paying most of our mercenaries. In fact, I think he just returned from paying that demon. Wait here, I'll see if he's in back."

Jake paced the length of the antechamber while he waited, wondering whether this William Blake would have the answers he wanted. If he could point Jake toward Nosdyn, the half elf would be happy to reward him. Jake always had a list of demons and monsters he was hunting, and Nosdyn was at the top of it. The demon had escaped the hunter's grasp in Alerar. That would not happen a second time.

05-30-2018, 04:15 PM
For some reason, Nosdyn smiled to himself.

He wasn't entirely certain why or for what reason. Only that he simply smiled. With William Blake gone, he was free to operate at his own leisure. He took the gold coins and placed them in his rustic old backpack and put it away. He did not know it then, but the enemy was already on the move.

Nosdyn stepped forward towards the campfire. "It will be tonight." Nosdyn said to nobody in particular.

He moved to put out the campfire and prepare for his second meeting with his enemy.

At that point, The Brokenthorn Forest became unusually quiet. Nosdyn did not mind the noise of the forest, but at that point the silence of the wilderness was a heavy weight in the air. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes as he qucikly moved to take the campfire out. It took a short time, and there was smoke swelling off the no longer lit embers of the logs. He moved to undo his tent and hide his supplies. "Time to prepare." Nosdyn said out loud.

As he considered his next move, he decided on something very specific. The first time...Jake caught me off guard and stole something of value. This time...I'm returning the favour. Nosdyn moved into the darker areas of the area around the abandoned camp, and hid behind a nearby tree. He closed his eyes so that the glow of his eyes would not reveal his position too early. Eventually, he knew he had to train some stealth teachings. But for now...this would do.

As he hid there with his eyes closed, his muscles and breathing tensed.

He thought about what he would say to Jake...what he would do. He's probably gotten stronger. And so have I. I have not stopped training... He thought to himself. He unlatched his weapon but did not activate it right at that moment. He merely waited in hiding. He was certain that it would be that night. For the time being, he had to be patient. And wait to set the trap for his enemy.

Jake Narmolanya
05-30-2018, 04:36 PM
"I shall not tell you the name of this demon," William Blake said firmly. "He is an honorable warrior. Specifically, much more honorable than I at first thought. I will not tell you who he is or where to find him."

They were outside the guard barracks, standing in a pool of light cast by the building's front lantern.

"Look," Jake said, "I've already given you some gold. If this demon is as honorable as you say, there's almost no way he's the one I'm looking for. My target is a skunk, a real no-good type of Haidian. You wouldn't want him around. You certainly wouldn't be paying him to help fight off goblins. He'd probably be helping the goblins! So just tell me his name, and I'll cross Stonevale off my list, and go on my merry way."

"No," Blake replied with a nasty grin. "No information for you. Thanks for the gold." He moved toward the door.

Jake's foot whipped out like a sprung trap, snaring the guard's ankle and sending him tumbling to ground. In the same instant Jake leaped upon him, clapping a palm around his mouth to stop him from shouting and twisting his head back at an uncomfortable angle. He pinned the guardsman with his hips and added incremental pressure to the spine lock, threatening to break Blake's neck.

"I'm going to allow you to speak in a moment," Jake whispered fiercely, his lone eye searching for movement. He saw none. "If you say anything other than that demon's name, I'll break your fucking neck, you hear me?" He gave that a moment to sink in and then released the man's jaw.

"Nosdyn," Blake growled angrily, his eyes showing fear. "His name is Nosdyn."

"Good," Jake said, and doubled the pressure on his spine. "Now tell me where he is."


It had taken a lot of work to track Nosdyn to Stonevale. A lot of gold, spread around to greedy hands, and a lot of legwork. Fortunately Jake was a skilled portaler, so most of his legwork just involved walking the short distances between his portals and his sources of information. He didn't need a portal that night, though. Blake had given him an easy to follow set of directions. The half elf strode out of the town, down the road, and off into the forest. Before long he spotted the outline of a small camp by the moonlight. There was little more than a fireplace and a small tent. Jake approached carefully, on silent feet, using all of his considerable experience as a tracker and hunter to make no noise.

Nothing moved. Either the demon was in his tent, or else he was staked out somewhere nearby. Or perhaps he had already fled, like the coward he was. Perhaps him and Blake were in cahoots, and he was expecting Jake. The half elf would not be tricked, fooled, hoodwinked or bamboozled. He was prepared.

"Nosdyn," he called out, spitting the hated name. "I know you are here, demon. Come out of your hiding place and fight me. To the death, this time."

05-30-2018, 04:58 PM
Nosdyn heard it...

Jake... The hour had arrived. He opened his eyes as he hid behind the tree. The comfort of the ancient oak helping to calm The Demon's nerves. Nosdyn could not help but smile in the dark. It is time. He stepped out of the darkness, and moved from behind the tree, revealing his position. His weapon at the ready. "...Jake." Nosdyn said calmly. He was a little bit afraid of his enemy, but he was glad that he would fight him a second time that night.

"Things are different this time." Nosdyn said calmly. "We'll see how true to your words you are." The last time, their battle had ended in a stalemate. This time though...I'm going to pay him back for everything that happened. Nosdyn's muscular form was tensed up as he activated his weapon. The blade simply manifesting as it's horrible sound filled the air.

The surrounding wild lands were completely quiet at that point as the two enemies met once more.

"I've been waiting for you. I knew if I left my mark on Stonevale you would come here." Nosdyn said calmly. Again, that smile was on his face. A grin really. "Age and time have not been kind to you, Jake. You are not aging well." Nosdyn taunted. "...We have unfinished business." Nosdyn said calmly.

He started to slowly walk towards Jake...

Jake Narmolanya
05-30-2018, 09:57 PM
"The world has been kind enough," Jake retorted, although he knew for once the demon had spoken true. Since they last met, the half elf had traded his left eye for information that had yet to lead him anywhere in the search for Lye Ulroke. In another incident, the word coward had been scarred in his right arm by a powerful Ar'tuel sorceress named Amari, a former friend. Ulroke and Amari were at the top of Jake's list. They were two of the worst monsters he'd ever met.

Nosdyn was at the bottom of the list. Somewhere in the middle was a demon named Arkboss. Jake had skinned him alive and allowed him to escape, but had turned the fine hide he'd taken into a jacket and pair of boots. His long cloak had kept the illicit and controversial clothing from being detected in Stonevale, but that was no longer an issue.

"Just look at the fine jacket I'm sporting," Jake said. In one dramatic gesture he threw off his cloak and sent a fireball spinning into the prepared pit. The flames settled and grew, illuminating the mottled green-brown of the hunter's jacket and boots. "What do you think of my new duds?" Jake asked Nosdyn.

The demon drew nearer, and Jake felt the power of his fear-mongering magic at work. Fortunately Jake had a uniquely strong will. He had escaped abusive foster parents at a young age, grown up a vagrant and thief, and worst of all, he'd tried to be friends with Amari. There were still things on Althanas that could make his blood run cold, but the demon Nosdyn was not one of them.

Jake smiled and drew his sword as Nosdyn drew nearer. He knew the Haidian would attack in rage as surely as he knew the bastard was alone. He dropped his center of gravity by a hand's width and rose up on the balls of his hip-wide feet, feeling ready for anything. He took up a two handed grip on his crystal longsword and raised it overhead in a high guard.

Come on, you fool, he thought. Cross blades with me again.

05-30-2018, 10:34 PM
But something had happened. To Nosdyn, to his allies...to them all maybe. Something different, he was not the same Nosdyn that Jake had fought last time. He'd grown in skill and prowess continuing his training. Nosdyn recognize the demonic hide his opponent wore. I can't say I disprove...the strong are meant to survive...the weak fall at the blades of the strong. Nosdyn was different from the last time.

His eyes narrowed. "You probably expect to cleave me in two on the onset of our battle, don't you?" Nosdyn said calmly. He held his weapon at the downward forty-five degree angle. "You ran the last time we met. But the injuries I did give you were enough for me. The deaths of your friends and loved ones." Nosdyn taunted. "You stole something from me back then. You probably don't even realize what it was that you stole from my employer back then." Nosdyn was keeping his cool.

"After I've killed you...I'm going to take everything you own." Nosdyn did not stop talking. "But I'm not going to stop at your material possessions. I'm going to rip every ounce of information from your mind. And I'm going to hunt down every one you love and have ever called a friend." Nosdyn knew, you ever only knew someone you FOUGHT. The fast moving enemy he faces, would not hold any surprises him for him that night.

He noticed the boy's overhead stance. He does think he's going to cleave me in two... Nosdyn grinned at that point. Nosdyn pointed the blade of his weapon towards Jake. At that point he started walking at an angle in an attempt to move around Jake. He made sure to keep his weapon in between himself and that sneaky bastard. Should the boy use his fast moving powers again, he would be ready that time for him.

Nosdyn stopped walking as he was approximately an angle away from Jake. "Your move Jake, do not screw this up for yourself I have every intent to kill you tonight." Nosdyn said, and he meant that.

Jake Narmolanya
05-31-2018, 03:01 PM
He's actually gotten weirder. I didn't think that was possible.

While Nosdyn spoke about his myriad of strange fantasies, Jake constantly adjusted his positioning. The level and angle of his blade changed to reflect the demon's slightest movement. He anticipated an attack that never came. Nosdyn seemed content to stand waiting with his weapon at the ready. Jake flowed down out of his high guard and spun his blade through a figure of eight. The crystal edge slashed at the air, so fast it looked like two swords.

"I'm more likely to kill myself in the training yard," he taunted. "You think you have the skill to test me, demon?"

Nosdyn was not much taller than Jake, but much heavier and broader across the shoulders, and much longer of arm. He would have a reach advantage, until Jake pressed to a closer range. The half elf took a swift step like a crane stalking fish. He weaved toward his enemy, feinting and changing direction.

"Do you not know who you are dealing with?" He roared, fanning the air with another figure of eight. "Seven of us sought out Arkboss the Hunted. Seven warriors more able than you. I am the only one to have left that battle with my hide intact." He spread his arms wide, displaying the jacket. "I wear Arkboss' flesh like a badge, but I see you are too stupid to recognize the significance." Another figure of eight, and then another. "It means you should run, Nosdyn."

"It means I am Jake Narmolanya, Hunter of Demons, and my outfit is not yet complete. I will take your hide to the same tanner who worked Arkboss' flesh for me. You may be too chopped up by the time I'm done with you, but I'll try to leave enough at least for a pair of gloves."

The crystal longsword was a whirlwind. The air around it hummed, and the green blade became a blur. Jake took another step toward is enemy, and then another.

"I could have feathered you from a hundred yards with my bow, or roasted you alive as easily as I lit that campfire." He said. "But I wanted to cross blades with you one last time, to watch the light die in your evil eyes before I steal your power and your soul."

His foot lifted for a final step, and his body shifted with a speed not seen before. Jake had been transitioning from a low to high guard, and he suddenly changed direction and brought his blade down, attempting to batter Nosdyn's weapon downward. Almost in the same motion Jake extended his arms and thrust the point of his blade at Nosdyn's heart.

It was a basic two-strike flow that Jake had practiced thousands of times, and he executed it with a precision that lent an alarming amount of power. If either strike landed, the demon would feel the impact as though the blade were clasped by Joshua Cronen himself.

05-31-2018, 03:21 PM
But Nosdyn was prepared.

Their last encounter had made him mentally stronger and more dangerous than before, then there was that battle with Ioder. That had also served a purpose. Though Nosdyn lacked the speed and reflexes of his opponent, he had something else. He had endurance and the powers of his mind. He saw the blade coming at him out the corner of his eyes, but he'd already started to move when he saw the boy fast-shift again.

Not this time. Nosdyn thought to himself. He swing his weapon in a wild arc in front of himself, wildly somewhat, but he was attempting to second-guess Jake. His blade flashed as it shined through the air, and he intercepted Jake's sword. The two blades connected dead center with a brilliant flash of light. Nosdyn's sword shattered at the weight of his enemy's crystla sword. About the same strength as mythril or maybe higher Nosdyn guessed.

The recoil from the attack sent Nosdyn backwards. He rolled and soon got back on his feet, placing his silenced sword back on his belt. "So you got a fancy new toy." Nosdyn laughed. "You'll have to do much better than that if you want to win the night, Jake." Nosdyn was through. He was not going to taunt Jake anymore, he had to concentrate to stay alive. As he stood up he tensed his muscles and took a basic unarmed combat stance. Though he primarily favoured using his bladed weapon for combat, some situations made that very concept impossible.

Nosdyn slightly crouched down and waited to see what Jake would do next. "Focus less on talking, and more on fighting Jake." Nosdyn said as he waited for his opponent's next move.

Jake Narmolanya
05-31-2018, 04:13 PM
Nosdyn swung his broken sword like a donkey stung by a bee. That should teach him a lesson, Jake thought.

It did not.

The demon seemed no less confident than before, even though he'd just been disarmed by a single blow.

Jake began to have a change of heart. After all, what was Nosdyn really doing that was so evil? Arkboss had been wrecking havoc all across Althanas. Lye had been one of the worst assassins in the world, and Amari had killed hundreds of innocents. Nosdyn was... camping.

The half elf paused in his approach. He needed to think twice about his actions, sometimes. It was very easy to go dashing off to procure new demonhide and rid the world of Haidians. But he had to make sure he slew the right Haidians. It wasn't like the villagers were begging him to defend them against Nosdyn. In fact, according to the little he had learned, Nosdyn was actually... helping???

Jake frowned, lowering his sword. He couldn't forget or forgive the lives Nosdyn had taken in Alerar, nor the destruction he had caused. The demon needed to be punished. But perhaps he was trying to turn over a new leaf. Perhaps he did not deserve to be skinned alive for his crimes. In one swift motion Jake sheathed his crystal sword and drew his long liviol tonfa.

"I don't need to focus in order to beat the daylight into your brain," Jake said. "But I've decided I won't kill you after all. I'm just going to take you to the guards and tell them what you did. I'm sure they've got a cell somewhere we can stick you in to rot."

He took a step forward and swung the tonfa with all of his considerable finesse, aiming the stout stick to strike Nosdyn in the midsection. If he could knock the wind out of the brute, it would be easy to put him through a portal back to the guard barracks. Jake figured he could have beaten the demon hand to hand, but there was no reason to give up the advantage of his stick weapon against such a larger and more muscular opponent.

05-31-2018, 04:40 PM
Something was happening. Nosdyn knew that Jake could have killed him easily. At that point, he watched as his opponent sheathed his crystal sword weapon and drew some side arms. Nosdyn observed very carefully. He retained his tight combat stance and listened to what Jake was saying. He...does not know how things are here now... Nosdyn shook his head. When the strike came in from the tonfa, Nosdyn tried to tank it. The brutal melee strike came in considerably strong. Not...strong enough yet. He's got that damned fancy new toy.

Nosdyn knew he was vastly outclassed by Jake at that point. He crunched over in pain for a moment or two, coughing as he got the wind knocked out of him. He thought carefully about what Jake was saying. He decided that he would let Jake find out on his own. Nosdyn knelt down coughing as he clutched the ground with one fist. He sighed. Jake was really just an ignorant kid.

The guards had invited Nosdyn to help them with their Goblin problems. Nosdyn knew he was not in the wrong there...however, he could not beat Jake on his own yet. He needed to grow considerably stronger. No time...you got me Jake. You beat me... Nosdyn submitted himself to his fate. The guards would know how to handle Jake once they saw the situation at hand. Nosdyn merely waited to see what would happen next...

Jake Narmolanya
06-01-2018, 01:52 PM
Jake stowed his tonfa and unsheathed his crystal sword again, menacing Nosdyn with the keen blade. The half elf hadn't expected much of a fight, but even so, things seemed to be going a little too easy. He created a portal anyways, watching as a round whole tore open in the air, leading back to the stoop outside the guard barracks in town.

"Go on," Jake said, gesturing with his sword. Nosdyn glowered and stalked through the opening with the hunter hot on his heels. Jake allowed the portal to snap shut and then opened the door to the guardhouse. He made the demon go first, following him into the antechamber lit by its flickering lanterns.

"Hey, it's you again." Said the guard on desk duty. "You found the demon. Why the sword?" He looked behind him at where he'd hung his own blade from the chair.

"This demon is a wanted criminal in Alerar," Jake said, "he killed innocents and destroyed property, and stole important artifacts. I demand that you punish him for these crimes, or else arrange for him to be transported back to Alerar where he would no doubt be hanged."

"Easy now," the guard said, standing up. "I'll call some of the lads to arrest him." He disappeared through the door behind his desk, returning shortly with six large men in tow. They took up positions on either side of Jake and Nosdyn.

"You shouldn't have come back," a familiar voice said. Jake looked to the door. It was William Blake. "This is the little creep who beat me up, boys."

Damn, Jake thought, I didn't think he'd tell anyone about that.

"That was just a little training exercise," he said out loud. "Look, at the very least you need to put this demon behind bars where he belongs."

"Nosdyn has been a great help to us against the goblins," Blake said, walking close, almost within range of Jake's sword. "What have you ever done for Stonevale?"

Is he serious? Jake wondered.

"I saved the princess of Scara Brae from being beaten and raped by goblins," he said. "I fought them outside the city and rallied a force of peasants to drive them off. What more could I possibly do for this nation?"

"I heard about that," Blake confirmed with a nod. "So that was you? The stories didn't mention anything about an eyepatch."

"It's a... recently acquired accessory." Jake said, touching the silk patch.

"But even if it was you," Blake went on, "I didn't see it with my own eyes, Stonevale did not directly benefit, and what have you done recently?"

"I've been tracking down this demon."

"Well your efforts and time were wasted," Blake growled. "Nosdyn is more honorable than you give him credit for."

"It's not a matter of honor," Jake spat, "he killed people. Good people. For that he has to pay."

"How's this." Blake said, crossing his arms. "I don't believe you. I think we should arrest you for assaulting a guardsman. Boys?"

The guardsmen drew cudgels and closed ranks, but Jake moved one step quicker. He shoved Nosdyn into those in front of him and whirled to menace those behind with his blade.

06-01-2018, 03:48 PM
It was escalating far too quickly for Nosdyn's liking.

He stood there for a moment as Blake and the other soldiers attempted to defend him. Why is it always like this...? Nosdyn had to wonder. He sighed. "William. That's enough. Call off your men." Nosdyn suddenly said, killing for sport and honour was one thing. But Jake was no cold-blooded killer. In a strange change of heart, Nosdyn didn't want Jake to have blood on his hands that wasn't really his fault. "The last time I met this guy...things happened and I was working for a different boss back then. I doubt what he says of Alerar's law is true and I believe he wants to simply kill me himself." Nosdyn looked at Jake at that point with a surprisingly calm expression on his face.

"Jake...let's step outside and finish this. You don't have to involve Stonevale any further. I know how far you THINK you're willing to go. But are you really ready to kill more people just ot "stop me"? I doubt that. This is between me and you." Nosdyn looked at his friend, William. "I'll go outside with Jake and let him do whatever it is he thinks he's going to do. Don't go after Jake for this though, they don't pay you lot enough for someone of his caliber." Nosdyn said calmly. He looked at Jake.

Nosdyn narrowed his eyes and they were quite serious. "You intend to kill me, I intend to kill you. In the end nothing is solved." The Demon had changed since their last meeting. Be it older age, or some traumatic event he'd gone through...he'd changed. "We're going outside because I don't want you to harm anybody in Stonevale over this matter." For whatever the reason, Nosdyn had grown fond of the citizens of Stonevale, he'd done right by them. It showed that even a Demon like he could care for folks. He stepped outside and walked a few paces away from the guard barracks. He stood there for a long moment, waiting to see what Jake would do next.

Stonevale's normal night activities had slowed down to a hushed whisper as The Demon accepted what was about to happen. Strangely, he was not afraid. He didn't mind dying at the hands of an old enemy like Jake. And so he waited, with his back turned to the guard barracks and Jake himself. Life was sometimes very cruel and had an awkward sense of humour, in another time...Jake and Nosdyn would have been allies proper. But for the events of that bloody and awkward night, Nosdyn was simply tired of running and hiding. He'd accepted his fate.

Jake Narmolanya
06-02-2018, 02:10 PM
"By Am'aleh's eyes," Jake swore, "you must be joking. Are you really saying that you've changed your ways?" He paced back and forth in front of Nosdyn, sword still gripped in both hands. He itched to behead the demon and have done with things. Never in his life had he heard of a Haidian forsaking their habits for crime and destruction. But by all the evidence he could see, that was exactly what Nosdyn had done.

"You," Jake went on, "the demon who stole a priceless artifact from a museum in Ettermire, and then killed a family and burned down their house to get it back? You are seeking redemption?"

Nosdyn only gazed at him coolly.

"This is just bloody great," Jake slammed his sword into its scabbard and crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, you're still not off the hook. I could take you back to Ettermire, you know. I'm sure the Aleraran authorities would love to get their hands on you, and so would your old boss." Nosdyn did not flinch at the threat. "But that wouldn't assure me of anything." Jake concluded. "I'm the one you have to prove yourself to, Nosdyn. I'm the one holding you over the fire."

The demon hunter turned his back on his prey, almost hoping the Haidian would attack him. When no attack came, Jake sighed and scuffed the ground. For a long time he had managed to keep certain aspects of his world black and white. He believed in good and evil, in wrong and right. That belief was what kept him on such a strong path through the perils of Althanas. But he could not kill someone in cold blood if they were actively repenting. Not even if it was a demon.

Jake rounded on Nosdyn.

"You claim you are honorable," he said, "and these guardsmen support you. So I want you to swear on your honor. Swear your allegiance to me, swear that you'll help me pursue my goals and defend my life and agenda. If you do that, then I'll stop trying to bury or imprison you. If you do that, I'll be able to keep track of you and make sure you don't fall back on your old ways." He crossed his arms again, his emerald eye narrowing.

"Your choice, Nosdyn. This is your chance to prove all that you claim."

06-02-2018, 10:42 PM
Nosdyn heard what Jake was saying.

Redemption...could there be such a thing for someone like me...? I was just following orders... Nosdyn thought about Stare at that point, and the other, a man named Vitruvion. Nosdyn considered exactly whas Jake was saying. "Jake...I care about these people. You don't have to understand the why of it." He just wanted to do right by Stonevale. "Funny how things work out sometimes on the battlefield, isn't it Jake? Enemy one day, friend the next?" But Nosdyn was not an idiot. He understood what Jake was telling him.

"Before I tell you my decision. I want you to understand something." Nosdyn said calmly. "These people have changed me...I don't hold allegiance to Haidia's laws anymore." He wasn't going to tell Jake exactly why on that. "I suppose then this is a beginning for both me AND you then...? Nosdyn walked towards Jake. He was not afraid, but more tired than anything else. He was tired of running, tired of being afraid. "Jake. Understand that I have obligations now." He looked at the boy demon hunter for a long moment. The old ways were gone, Nosdyn had started evolving into something else. Something other than a cold blooded killer. "But I no longer have allegiance to Haidia. They exiled me anyway."

Nosdyn did the unthinkable. He extended his hand towards Jake for the man to shake his own hand. "Jake, as long as your obligations coincide with mine, we have an agreement." Nosdyn said.

Jake Narmolanya
06-04-2018, 08:50 PM
"Not good enough," Jake said, shaking his head. "I can't trust that your obligations fall in line with mine." He shook his head, turning away from the demon's extended hand. "There needs to be some way I can keep you in line without spending my whole rotten life breathing down your neck..."

The distant ringing of an alarm bell reached his pointed ears, and the half elf spun around to peer into the distance. In all direcitons more alarm bells took up the cry, and then a guardsman arrive on horseback. Blood flowed from an arrow wound to his leg. Jake and Nosdyn both hustled to help him down.

"Thanks, lads." the guard said with a wince, "I need to get inside and warn everyone! The goblins are attacking in force from the hills, they'll be here within minutes!"

"Nosdyn, help him inside," Jake snapped. "I'll see to the horse and then follow you."

As the demon and the guardmsan staggered inside together, Jake soothed the horse with his hands and his voice, clucking and calming it down. He led it over to a tree surrounded by some grasses and shrubs where it could graze, and tied it off. He turned and hurried inside after the others. The wounded guardsman's voice was ringing across the room.

"There must be hundreds of them, coming out of the mountains like ants from a hill! We're all doomed boys, doomed!"

"Hey!" Jake cried, running over to the open space beside the wounded man. "We're not doomed. We need to ally ourselves with the villagers, with the mercenaries and other warriors, and defend this land! Come on, you're the guardsmen! You're supposed to be the front line of defense! What do you say?"

"To... to the armories?" One timid young guard inquired.

"TO THE ARMORIES!" Jake roared, and the men set off in a frenzy to arm and armor themselves.

"Well, it looks like you'll have a chance to prove yourself after all," Jake said, looking around at the bustling guards. "These lot will need all the help they can get."

Jake unsheathed his sword and led the way outside. The crystal blade glimmered in the moonlight. The goblins had picked a pretty night to die. Soon they would know the skill of Jake Narmolanya, for soon they would meet the wrath of his blade.

They ran to the edge of the village where the fighting had already begun, goblins sweeping into the villagers in swathes, buzzing through them with their spiked axes and sickle swords.

"Now's where you get to prove yourself, Nosdyn!" Jake yelled over the screams and clangs of death and violence. "Guard my back!" He turned and plunged into the melee, crystal sword a lethal song in his hands.

06-05-2018, 12:59 PM
Nosdyn knew he did not like Jake and Jake did not like him...it would always be an adverse relationship.

However, when the injured guard showed up and things started to head south Nosdyn reacted immediately. Stonevale had become his extended family. Nosdyn did not like Jake's response, Nosdyn was doing the best he could. I'm a fucking Demon...why do I have to prove anything to him...? I've been here fighting the goblins for months. Nosdyn heard Jake talking of chances to prove himself...Thaynes damned hypoctie. But it is all right, I will do what I have to do. Nosdyn readied his weapon and he prepared to go towards the direction of the goblins.

"Nosdyn! You can't go alone." William Blake suddenly yelled.

"It's the only way to "prove myself." Don't worry I have experience fighting these things." Nosdyn smiled at William, it was genuine.

William nodded back. "Well follow as soon as we're ready." William said carefully.

"I'll hold the line." There was something beautiful about it. A DEMON defending Stonevale where none would not. He activated his weapon as he walked towards the goblin horde. He remembered what the goblin Overlord had told him some weeks prior to this event. Is this what the guy was talking about? Don't matter now I have chosen my side now. The forces of the goblin horde emptied themselves out of the Scara Brae mountain range. They mean to slaughter everyone. I have to hold them here. Arrows whizzed by in a storm of death and destruction. Some of the bolts were lit with fire, typical goblin strategies. They have chosen there side why should I be any different...? Nosdyn thought of Jake's words. That man will never accept me. It's all right. I will do what I have to do.

That's not good enough... Jake's bullshit words repeated themselves in his mind. It will never be good enough, Jake. Maybe I can die here and you'll leave me the fuck alone. Nosdyn growled as an arrow punctured his shoulder. However, his weapon was held aloft. The nearest of the goblin horde were already all over Nosdyn. Nosdyn accepted his face, he knew he would not be heading back to Stonevale after that one way or the other. My family. My friends...what's it all been for...? Nosdyn shed a tear as he fought the goblin horde, but he focused. Using the best of his demonic strategies and field tactics. In a matter of minutes, twenty were cut down but there were hundreds coming down in a wave.

They mean to destroy Scara Brae... Again, Nosdyn thought back to what the Overlord had said that time. William, I'm going to buy you guys time to evacuate the town... Nosdyn swing his weapon in wide arcs, energy leaving trails of power behind each swing. It didn't matter what Jake thought. What Jake had said, Jake had his own close-minded world view. It would never accept a Demon like he could change his ways. As Nosdyn fought, his muscles burned, tight and ready to be uncoiled. He was soon surrounded. Another dart struck him in his muscular, powerful body. Another, and another. Nosdyn was fighting as hard as he could. Friends...family...when had Stonevale become that? When had they become the reason I fought...? Nosdyn faced his fate without fear, he accepted he was going to die.

As he fought he carved a path of destruction against the goblin horde. Then through it all, something happened. The horde's leader, a goblin commander...approached Nosdyn. The thing drew his weapon and it was glowing with an enchantment's power.

"Stop fighting." The goblin suddenly said to Nosdyn. "You're already poisoned. There is no way for you to survive. Put down your weapon and cease fighting."

Nosdyn was crying. Tears. Actual tears, for someone or a lot of someones that he cared about even as he fought. Nosdyn looked at the leader. "I will never. Stop. Fighting." Nosdyn suddenly said calmly, unnaturally calmly. "I have allegiance to Stonevale, you will be stopped and held here." Nosdyn struck down the nearest of the goblins and then leaped forward with a charge. He raised his mighty weapon and prepared to strike the leader down...

Jake Narmolanya
06-07-2018, 09:21 PM
Guard my back, Jake had shouted.

He turned and slew the first goblin he saw, splitting its snarling face with his crystal sword. When he glanced back at Nosdyn, the demon had taken off directly into the oncoming pack of goblins. With unreasonable strength and skill he carved his way through the seething horde, taking many wounds but refusing to fall. At one point he could have sworn the demon was crying.

While he watched Nosdyn work his miraculous carnage, Jake wove his own deadly web. His sword seemed to have a life of its own, dancing from one attack to the next as his footwork carried him in and around the enemy. The spiked axes and sickle swords did not touch Jake; he used his skill for precision rather than brute power, finding his way through the storm of swords.

"Nosdyn!" He roared. "You utter and complete fools!"

For fragmented moments in time, Jake found himself fighting alongside a line of guardsmen, and then alone, and then in a knot of peasants with knives and staves. Wherever he went goblin blood spilled, like black rain on the grass below. Soon Jake's demonhide jacket was stained with the filthy ichor, and his hands ached from wielding the sword so swiftly for so long. He adjusted his stance and his striking style, raining harsh full-armed blows from overhead at the shorter enemy. And onward he fought, chasing after the demon whose life he now felt responsible for.

The hillside crawled with corpses and gore. Jake battled his way to the top, finally taking an arrow to the knee and a spiked axe to the side. He fought through the wounds, through the blinding anguish, and kept on killing the shrivel-skinned bastards. Even as he slashed open two throats with a single stroke of his blade, Jake knew there were too many of them. Eventually, the village would be overrun.

If only someone could kill their leader, he thought, that might turn the tide.

The half elf thrust his sword forward, slaying a goblin and seeming to carve a hole in the air. He kicked out behind him to stop a charging enemy and then hopped through the portal.

06-08-2018, 12:55 PM
Nosdyn thought of something just then.

He was not sure why but the memory popped in his mind. He found himself thinking about his biological mother. I miss you... Nosdyn saw the memory of his mother. And his Father standing by her side. It was a mysterious thing, the mysteries of the mind. Nosdyn struck downward instinctively and didn't even feel it whet the goblin commander's enchanted sword pierced his chest. Nosdyn's eyes went wide. He never stopped crying the entire time. He'd injured the commander gravely but the sword that impaled him had a nasty enchantment on it. Nosdyn stood there for a long moment and he once again found himself thinking about his mother and his father.

(Note: Memories)

"You fought and kept your honour." Nosdyn's Father was saying.

"You've finally grown up..." His mother added. "I have long awaited this day when you would not be held down by The Tribunal's law."

"I...am...dying." Nosdyn knew that was true, nothing would save him that time. "Mother, father...I've fucked things up for so long..." Nosdyn said. It was hard to talk, it was hard to stand, it was hard to think. Fire burned through his veins, poisoning him. He'd been poisoned far too long and was likely beyond help. "I-I'm sorry I have brought shame to our household."

His mother stepped forward, a proud demon of noble heritage. "No my son. You merely did what you thought you had to do. The Tribunal does not make requests and we know that our time had come anyway. You did what you had to."

Nosdyn coughed up demon's blood at that point as he stood in place waiting for his death. He fell down to one knee. "I can't fight anymore." Nosdyn didn't feel very proud of himself. The one time he had to do something for someone else, he felt he'd screwed it all up. The one time that I have to protect them...

His mother walked up to him in the memory-state. She kissed his forehead. "You have grown to love Stonevale, my son. Demons can love, and live in harmony with men." His mother smiled at him. "The time has come for you Nosdyn. Your friend has come to save you, we want you to grow strong and live. Stop clinging to the past."

Nosdyns eyes opened wide and he was looking at the ground. "Mother! Father! Forgive me!" He suddenly rose up off the ground, still crying the entire time. He kept a grip on his weapon and performed the act right as Jake arrived. At that exact moment, Nosdyn swung his weapon and cut the head off the goblin commander. He growled in agony as he stood there, more arrows kept hitting him. All poisoned. His weapon shut down at that point, Nosdyn never stopped crying. Memories came in in and out Nosdyn's mind. He vaguely recalled Jake plowing through many of the goblins and a few moments later had dragged him through a portal.

In the back of his mind, as Nosdyn blacked out he heard his mother calling to him. "You must live, my son."

"It is not yet your time." His Father added.

And the darkness consumed Nosdyn's consciousness.

Jake Narmolanya
06-09-2018, 06:10 PM
Nosdyn beheaded the goblin warlord, and then the brawny demon finally fell under a hail of arrows. Some of the remaining goblins fled, while others turned to race towards Nosdyn in hopes of avenging their leader.

"N'Jal's web on a fucking salad!" Jake swore. "You lot there," he yelled at a nearby knot of guardsmen, "come hold this hillside with me!"

He fought his way through the melee, blade a blur, killing enemies left and right despite his seeping wounds. He stood over Nosdyn's fallen form, defending his former adversary against the pressing goblins. He knocked aside a sickle sword and skewered the wielder, and then staggered and kicked another greenskin in the stomach. The remaining goblins fought hard, knowing they would die if they did not win. They threw themselves upon Jake and the guardsmen, screaming bone-chilling war cries. Many of the guardsmen broke and ran for the town, but Jake held fast with a small number of them. They turned back goblin blades until finally there were no more left to fight.

A knot of six men including Jake remained, their swords stained with goblin ichor, their clothing drenched in sweat and blood. As the remainder of the goblin horde retreated into the treeline more warriors broke out from Stonevale, racing to the hillside in company with two healers.

Jake slumped to one knee as he watched them come. He still had the energy to lift his sword; he could still slay the demon he'd come to Scara Brae to kill. He looked at Nosdyn's ugly, blood soaked face. The demon would not mind a warrior's death on the battlefield. Jake lifted his sword...

...and slipped it into its sheath. He could not bring himself to slay a fallen fighter, no matter who it was, no matter how much he might deserve it. If nothing else, Nosdyn had at least proven himself a brave warrior. Perhaps Jake could find a use for such blind bravery. The half elf slumped down to a seated position as the healers arrived.

"How badly are you hurt?" One of them asked Jake while the other examined the guards.

"Not so very badly," Jake winced. "Just toss me a few bandages and I'll be ready to go again. You should check on him, though."

"What, the demon?" The healer shrugged. "Aren't they just cannon fodder?"

"That cannon fodder turned the tide of the battle," Jake said. "Heal him."

"Alright..." the healer crouched next to the demon. Nosdyn had so many arrows in him, he looked like a pincushion.

"This doesn't look good," the healer said, "yeah, you know what? There's almost literally no way I can heal this guy... alone."

06-10-2018, 01:44 PM

"He picked his side." One of the goblins was saying to the overlord.

"Interesting. He has chosen to save that pitiful town of men." The overlord said. "We have lost this day."

"Stonevale has many casualties by our blades." The goblin rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Sire, when will the event occur? The promised catastrophe." There was impatience in his eyes.

"Soon child." The goblin's overlord promised. "They will be weak and vulnerable, but the child, Nosdyn...is strong. We must not let him gain his full strength."

"Are Haidains really that strong?" The goblin follower asked.

"You have no idea my child." The overlord said. "Gather the remaining swords, we will return back to our lair for now. Then we wait until it is destined to begin." The goblin overlord looked in the direction of Stonevale. "You have been MARKED, Nosdyn. Your fate is sealed as Stonevale's is." The goblins, after their defeat, gathered their injured and returned back to their mountain lair.


~Time passed.~

William Blake and the other warriors who fought alongside Jake and Nosdyn were present as the healers worked on Nosdyn. The head of the healers walked over towards William Blake. "He's not making any progress, he's been poisoned too long." The healer continued. "All we can do at this point is make him comfortable. The rest is up to him."

"Thaynes damn it all." William responded. Nosdyn was William's responsibility. The demon had done right by them every since he had arrived, and had even asked for a paltry payment in exchange for his sword-arm. William Blake walked over towards Nosdyn, the fallen hero of the recent goblin attack. He placed a hand on Nosdyn's forehead. "Be strong. Come back to us." William knew nowhere else on Althanas would Nosdyn have been given a second chance the way he had received in Stonevale. Stonevale changes people. William looked down at his friend. Then walked over towards Jake. "Jake, you have stayed here the entire time. I thank you. When he awakens have him see me."


Nosdyn found himself in a field...

A field that was alive and bountiful with harvest. Nosdyn blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted. There was a tree nearby and he walked towards that tree, sitting down next to it. Am I dead...? Nosdyn had heard the older demons speak of cross-road itinerant realms in between life and death. Maybe this was his purgatory.

He sat down for a moment. Behind him he saw the crippled shell of a demon's body. Punctured with arrows. It was his own body. He looked around the field more carefully and saw that the place was littered with his body, hundreds of his body. There was a strange serenity and peace in the sight.

He sat down. I've fought and kept my honour. Now what?

An old demon suddenly appeared. He was wearing tattered, shredded robes and walked with a walking stick that doubled as a staff of some sort. The demon approached Nosdyn and stopped a few paces directly in front of him. "Finally we can speak. Here at the crossroads."

Nosdyn blinked at looked at the older demon. There was something familiar about him, though he could not place it. "Who are you? More importantly, what happens now?"

"Who I am is not important." The old demon began. "Just know that I am always with you."

"Am...I dead?" Nosdyn asked.

"You died several times to get here. In between life and death. The healers of Stonevale have made your condition stable, but you are still sleeping. Time marches forward in the mortal world." The demon said calmly.

"Stonevale. Have they survived the attack?" Nosdyn asked.

"Because of you, they rallied and defeated the remaining goblins. Those that remained fled into the mountains. They lived because of your actions." The demon said, he calmly smiled.

"They survived..." Nosdyn chuckled a bit at that. "Crazy bastards, I wish I could have been there to fight with them." Nosdyn said.

"Many are injures but many did live." The older demon said calmly. "I have a proposal for you."

"What's that...?" Nosdyn was curious.

"Since you have been proven worthy by my superior...I want to give you a choice. You can stop the story here, and go to the other side OR." The demon put emphasis on the OR part.

"Or..?" Nosdyn wondered what sort of games of The Thaynehood he'd stumbled upon.

"Return to life but you will be granted the path as a follower of my superior." The demon agreed. "If you agree, he will come to you and offer you and Stonevale great prosperity and strength. You only have to tell me your name and the contract will be sealed." The older demon was now directly in front of Nosdyn and extended a hand towards Nosdyn. "What do you say?"

Without question, Nosdyn took the demon's hands. "My name is Nosdyn. Son of Krotar."

"It has begun." The old demon said, and everything faded in a brilliant flash of light...


Nosdyn's eyes slowly opened some time later. He growled in agony and one of the healers noticed it that was present near Nosdyn. "H-he's awake! SON OF A BITCH!" The healer made a lot of noise in the healing chamber and walked over towards Jake and everybody he's present. "He's awake NOSDYN WOKE UP!"

Nosdyn's eyes focused. Was the old demon a dream or something else...? He would soon find out.


A day later, Nosdyn had recovered most of his strength and was able to stand again. He was sitting up on the bed when the healer walked up to him. "You were almost gone for good. I'm glad you pulled through."

Nosdyn nodded. "I'm glad Stonevale survived the attack and that I was not completely useless." Nosdyn would always be hard on himself. It was part of who he was. Despite that fact that he had fought bravely and kept his honour.

Jake Narmolanya
06-10-2018, 07:54 PM
"That demon is not my friend," Jake informed the healer. "And I'll fight you if you say that again."

"Okay!" The healer said, his palms upraised. "Look, I just came here to tell you that that demon is finally awake. He somehow recovered from his wounds... almost as if by magic. I mean, there was a lot of magic involved, so definitely by magic. We were siphoning poison out of him like Alerians at an oil well!" The healer chuckled and then looked away when Jake did not laugh as well. "Sorry, gallows humor. Kind of goes with the trade."

"Whatever," Jake said, turning back to his ale, "thanks for letting me know."

The bar he was in was not too crowded, which suited him just fine. Sawdust covered the hardwood floor and dark curtains covered the windows. Flickering candles and lanterns provided light at the tables, and a long mirror behind the counter threw it back twofold. In short, it was a tavern, and he had chosen it because it had ale.

But, he supposed he should probably go and talk to the bloody demon. Even if just to determine what that effects that much poison had on the Haidian brain. And to figure out of if his investment in the demon's potential had paid off. The demon had been impressive in the battle, if foolish. So, so, foolish. Impressively foolish, in fact. Jake made a mental note that there was almost no way he could trust Nosdyn not to do equally wild things in the future.

Jake considered walking to the hospital through the winding streets of Stonevale, with their doxies and hawkers and pickpockets galore. He thought about going out under the speckled stars and crescent moon. He even thought about the smell of the woodsmoke coming out of the chimneys. But he decided to just portal to the hospital instead because he could and he was maybe just a little bit drunk.

Through the various rooms of the sick and dying at the hospital Jake wandered, until he found Nosdyn sitting in one of them. Even now, seeing a Haidian caused Jake to automatically reach for his sword, like a permanently ingrained reflex. It would take some time for him to get used to not trying to kill Nosdyn.

"How are you faring?" He asked the demon. "The healers said you had enough poison in you to kill six men, or a dozen halflings."

06-11-2018, 09:25 AM
Nosdyn blinked as Jake arrived.

The question lingered in the air between them for a moment or two. Hospitals and healing centers all had that same smell of healing magic and potions brewing. He never liked them, but he knew he had to have gotten tremendous amounts of help. Nosdyn sat in a regular sitting position, somewhat hunched over. His powerful musculature bulging as he sat there. Tensed up. He'd grown to respect Jake during the events at Stonevale. "I've been better." Nosdyn said carefully. He didn't want to reveal just how terribly he felt to Jake. He knew the fellow likely would not care anyway.

"Are the goblins defeated?" Nosdyn had to know. He had to know that the one time he had done something for somebody else it had meant something. And he'd completed his task. His memories of the actual battle were all over the place and likely would remain fractured for the rest of his days. He did not mind, he only knew that he'd fought and kept his honour, Nosdyn looked down at the moment, though he'd done something truly heroic...he didn't feel like a hero at all. He was confused about his place in Stonevale.

As he sat there, he stood up after a few moments and walked towards Jake. There was a noted limp from some previous injury in his step that was pronounced. As he walked he felt a little out of balance and clutched the bed calmly to orient himself anew. As he walked towards Jake he nodded once more. "Look. Jake...I know you don't like me. Probably never will...and that's all right." Nosdyn spoke in a strangely calm sort of way. "I just hope someday we can set aside our differences." Nosdyn appeared very tired. He'd killed hundreds of the goblins by himself and was inflicted with days worth of poisoning effects burning through his body. He'd tipped over the edge several times because of the poisoning but somehow came back. "Someone taught me that men and demons can live in harmony with one another. I am trying to fight for that dream." Nosdyn explained. "It will be slow-going. But maybe, someday...there will be a peace between us." Nosdyn looked his former enemy square in the eyes. Man to man. They had fought together...surely that meant something.

"Stonevale is my home now." Nosdyn said calmly. "I will fight anybody to help defend it and what it's about." Nosdyn wasn't sure why he was saying all that to Jake. Only that it was coming from the heart.

Jake Narmolanya
06-12-2018, 02:22 PM
"I still don't entirely trust you," Jake said, "but I supposed there must be a reason I saved your life. And if you're planning on staying in Stonevale... well, that'll make it easy to keep my eye on you." He closed his lone green orb and took a deep breath, and then opened it and continued. "I don't know if demons and men could ever live in harmony... I think whoever told you that might be taking the piss. I certainly won't be fighting for that cause unless Haidians change their ways considerably."

"But yes..." Jake went on, looking out the conveniently placed window at the windy streets. "The goblins were defeated. For now. They'll be back. Make sure you and the guard stay on high alert." He paced the length of the room, hands behind his back. "I can't stay. I'm needed in the capital... and elsewhere. This was just a little side-sojourn to kill you. Since I'm apparently not doing that... I guess I'll be on my way."

He paused in the doorway, looking back at the demon who'd been his enemy. "You fought bravely," he admitted, and then whisked away.

The streets of Stonevale carried him out of town, to a familiar patch of ground he'd used to portal in. As his feet hit it a doorway opened in front of him, a portal crafted from thin air and the wood of the forest surrounding him. Bright sunlight poured out of it as he pulled the door open; it led to the beach outside the city of Scara Brae.

Jake had fallen in love with Isabelle, the princess of Scara Brae, and had promised her to rid the countryside of monsters one by one. I guess I can check Nosdyn off the list. He thought. The demon no longer seemed like such a monster.

Next up would be Arkboss the Hunted, that hateful Haidian whose skin Jake wore as jacket and boots. The demon had innate healing powers that had kept him alive through flaying, and he and Jake had sworn vengeance upon one another. Now there was a proper demon type, not one likely to suddenly switch sides in the middle of a hunt. Jake rubbed his hands together, lone eye narrowing as he ducked through the portal to the beach. He would take off another layer of Arkboss' skin, and perhaps make some gloves out of it after all...

06-12-2018, 04:44 PM
Name of Thread: The Second Time was the Worst (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?1238-Closed-The-second-time-was-the-worst)
Type of Thread: No Judgement
Participants: Jake Narmolanya and Nosdyn


Nosdyn (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?24-Nosdyn) receives:
1725 EXP
205 GP

Jake Narmolanya (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?43-Jake-Narmolanya) receives:
1500 EXP
135 GP

06-12-2018, 04:48 PM
all rewards have been added.