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06-13-2018, 08:48 AM

06-13-2018, 08:50 AM
I have never trusted easily.

Not since my own father cast me from his heaven, the epilogue to a hundred long years of divine torture. My crime had been but to exist, and it had been me who had created me. Born from nothing but godly essence, with no mortal mother to bind me to a flesh body, I had been his clone, his identical in all but mind.

But I had not been what he wanted me to be, and as the years passed Ansaldo, creator of Ansaldo's planet, ruler of the world through multiple façade religions, realised that his dream of sharing responsibility with a like-minded being was not to be. I was too different. I was too fascinated by the creations he made. I was not the lord of righteous anger and unquestionable authority who ruled by fear that he was. Nay, I was a mistake. A scar on his identity. And so for a hundred turns of his planet around it's lonely sun, Ansaldo used all of his divine power to break me into that which he desired. A son of which he could be proud. An heir.

I have never trusted easily. And even when I was given a new potential world to make my own, my fate was to ensure worse. For the planet that I went to was already inhabited, fully formed with a variety of pantheons and gods. Civilisations of creatures that they called humans, orcs, dwarves, halflings and elves scurried over the land, already with their traditions and values. Thus, when I landed, with only my half sister for support, it was that I was set upon by one such race, where the pantheon of the gods stripped me of my magnificent form and reduced me to little.

Stuffed in a meatball sack, bound by a treaty I had never had the opportunity to disagree. Told that I could live in the world, but not rule as a god, condemned to be as a mortal might, to suffer pain and heartbreak.

Nay, I have never trusted easily. Not since I strived to live as the Raiaeran gods wished, and threw myself first into teaching, science, then the military. Through the ranks I naturally ascended, for still a powerful mage was I. Yet - yet, I was again betrayed, as a deliberate arrow from my own side stuck my glorious pegasus steed, and my tears fell once more as I felt loss.

For years I tried to do as others wanted me to do, but each time they condemned me for matters beyond my control. This is why I have never trusted easily.

Why I never trusted anyone.

Not even my sister.

That was, until I met her.