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06-22-2018, 06:41 PM
This is my first Solo quest.

Hollow is the pit in my heart.

What is the point of going on like this?

The sun was high in the Akashiman sky as in bathed the sprawling Yukon district with a warming glow. It was a relatively peaceful day and the hustle and bustle of the streets filled the air with sounds of activity. There was a strong smell of fresh baked goodies that tantalized the nostrils of all that walked through the marketplace. All seemed well in the world on the surface but the young lord of the Amatsukami house knew all that would change soon.

Hayate had just returned from Radasanth and him meeting with Shinsou Osiris. Though life returned to how it was the young lord knew it wouldn’t last. He instructed his subordinates and entourage to covertly begin the preparations needed to start their journey to Whitevale. There was a bit of pushback on behalf of Hayate’s siblings to stay in their ancestral home but in the end Hayate convinced them that it would be their best option. The young lord couldn’t continue to lace the pockets of the Shogun anymore when there were such more worthy wars to fight.

The day carried on into mid-afternoon as Hayate sat in his chambers meditating the gravity of his next move as leader of the Amatsukami. Shinsou Osiris and the Brotherhood greatly outclassed the military might of Akashima by nearly double and offered the Amatsukami a lofty sum to gain their support. Even still it would mean that the assets they have occurred thought the generations wouldn’t need to move across all of Corone. This would include all their servants, livestock and the large sum of gold and coal he had stockpiled in the vaults deep underneath their compound.

That is, if the Shogun didn’t kill them all first.

Hiruzen was a man who ran Akashima through fear and backroom politics. This was something that Hayate knew quite well as he negotiated on behalf of his clan a number of times. It wouldn’t be hard to justify calling him a monster among men, and it gave Hayate great shame to have put up with his bullshit for as long as he did. But with the words of encouragement given to him by his new Lord, Shinsou Osiris, the young master had the confidence he needed to stand up for the sake of his clan and abandon this life that had been forced to live for so very long.

All that was left to do now was leave under the cover of night and prey for the best. Hayate was more than capable of defending himself against and resistance they might encounter but as for his caravan this could go either way. Was this going to be the worst decision of the young lords life, only time would tell.

06-22-2018, 06:42 PM
“Sir,” a voice rang out from behind the sliding paper doors of Hayate’s room. “everyone is ready for you.”

“Very well then…”

For over two hundred years the Amatsukami clan has worked a number of different lucrative jobs in order to retain their influence here in Yukon. Though they had always scrapped by and made what money they could to keep up this habit the time had come to break the cycle. They wouldn’t be held under the Shogun’s oppressive thumbs anymore. Now was the time for revolution, now was the time for the Brotherhood.

The crimson sliding door opened and Hayate Amatsukami walked out to address the hundred or so gathered in his throne room. They were all draped in the shadows of this undercover meeting of the minds. He wore his battle vestments and had Yamato holstered at his side, his typical attire for battle. The young lord was really the only one among them who was fit for combat. A fact not lost to their enemies. But despite this he stood proudly among his family and friends.

“I know you must have all heard the news by now,” he started. “as a clan we have been given an opportunity to leave this wretched district.” Though their faces were obscured Hayate knew that there were a lot of dissatisfied clans among them. Was it that they wanted to continue to live this way, or was it the fear of the Shogun that haunted them?

“For generations we have worked to retain what little dignity we had, but no longer will we have to fill Hiruzen’s pockets with gold and jewels! I can’t promise that this will be easy, rather, this will be the hardest thing you will ever have to do. But look around, our halls grow empty as Hiruzen and his men strip us clean of all we own and hold dear!” Hayate started to yell passionately to the crowd round him.

“I cannot stand to live one more damned second like this! Are you going to let the safety of our entire clan fall on my shoulders alone?”

“No!” one lone voice rang out. Then a soft hum of muttered voices clambered into a roar. “We don’t want to live like this! I’m with you Hayate!”

“Then it is decided,” he continued as his clansmen began to rally. “Grab only what you can carry on your back! Make you way to the evacuation tunnels. I fear that we have less time then we may think.” All there was left to do was wait and make sure all his family made it into the tunnel.

06-22-2018, 06:45 PM
Everyone seemed to be rushing around with a great purpose, helping to gather what they could carry and make it into the basement of the Amatsukami estate. Hayate sat eerily still on the large ornate steppes of the main hall watching the sealed gate of the compound carefully. He had spent the majority of his life here in Yukon, this was the place he became a man, the place where he watched his father die. He knew all the ins and outs of this place like the back of his hand.

Hayate was waiting, knowing that there wasn’t much time they had left before they would be here. What seemed like an hour passed as the few straggling members of his family finished getting the last of their valuables. Hayate hadn’t moved an inch, never taking his eyes of the gate.

As Shina and Amoki chaperoned the last of the former generation into the basement a wave of relief washed over the young lord. At least now his family was on their way, at least for now he could breath.He stood from his post and made his way back to his chambers, it was the place they would check first. That would be the location where Hayate Amatsukami would formally renounced their claim to Yukon and their allegiances to Hizuren the Tyrant of Akashima.

By now the moon was already high in the night sky bathing the entire land in a cool vibrant blue. The calm night air conforted him for a moment. Then the young lord drew his sword from his hip holding it tightly in his right hand and studying the ancient runes etched into its blade.

He thought back to the lessons his grandfather taught him about the four spirits that guard the world. He remembered that when he was little his grandfather would tell him stories about Modem the master of masters. Hayate would listen for hours about the protector of the weak and defender of the people. He once said that Modem lived within everyone and that even the smallest of men could become a god. The young lord pushed his fingertips along with the runes on his blade mouthing a particular passage he remembered distinctly from his teachings.

“And let the sorrow rest upon the shoulders of the hero.” These were the words that resonated in the back of the young lord’s mind. He was uneasy but fully committed to the task at hand. By now they should be on their way. A regiment of shogun soldiers ready to stop the Amatsukami from fleeing by any means necessary would soon descend on the estate hungry for blood. He would be the only vanguard to stand in their way.

This is going to be the last time I ask you, Yamato, his spirit partner, spoke out telepathically. Are you sure that this is all worth it?

“There is no turning back now my friend, I’m glad you here with me.” The young lord has always trusted his spirit partner and now he would need him more than ever. The time was almost upon them.

Until you draw your final breath I shall stay by your side. Even if you make terrible decisions.

“As long as your around I can make as many bad decisions as I want.”

06-22-2018, 06:48 PM
They are here. Yamato was the first of the two to sense as a number of heavily armed soldier started to charge up the long flight of stairs heading towards the young lord’s chambers. I count about twenty sets of feet outside.

Without any warning other than his partner’s a smaller group of well-dressed soldiers cut their way through the sliding door to Hayate’s quarters. They young lord sprang into action in a flurry of blurred movements. He unleashed his sword and violently leapt across the room impaling the first of the Shoguns men. His eyes darted from left to right as he scanned his enemies. He was correct, this was indeed a cleanup squad based upon their gear and lack of introduction. It seemed that the Amatsukami warranted a level of discretion on the Shoguns part and couldn’t be openly addressed in public. But no matter how Hiruzen wanted to play this Hayate wouldn’t make it easy.

It doesn’t look like Hiruzen wants to talk about this. How did he even hear about us so fast? Yamato questioned as he thought about the situation.

His web of information runs deep and he has many informants all across the land. That just means that even my family is not to be trusted. Hayate answered his partner.

The young lord tore his blade from the chest of the man causing his wound to erupt into a geyser of viscera and gore. It covered the young clansman in crimson filth as he brought himself to his feet eye balling his next target. The rest of the soldier didn’t seem to be intimidated by this as they all charged him at once. Quickly Hayate shuffled around narrowly dodging the cold steel of his enemies, and with a lightning quick flick of his wrist separated two of his enemies from their heads. As their still expression ridden faces rolled across the floor you could see a panicked look overcome the rest of the poor sons of bitches that thought this would be a good idea.

“Tell Hiruzen if he wants to keep us here like prisoners in plain sight he will have to kill me where I stand!” Hayate screamed flicking the blood off his katana. The veins in his neck poked out and bulged as he strained his point across to the frightened men. He had only dispatched of three of the soldiers and many more stood around him circling like a pack of hungry dogs. He bared his teeth and a few of the men left presumably to relay Hayate’s words back to the bulk of the Shoguns forces outside.

The next few seconds seemed to stretch on into eternity as Hayate dodged and counter attacked against the rest of the initial soldiers until it was only him still standing in the room. Blood and gore painted all the walls and ceiling of his bedroom. He let loose a slight sigh of relief until suddenly and without any warning an awful smell filled Hayate’s nostrils.


06-22-2018, 07:08 PM
Hayate ran to the window of his bedroom that overlooked the gardens. He couldn’t believe his eyes but nearly the whole acre of exotic Akashima flowers were engulfed in flames. It appears that the Shogun wouldn’t be taking prisoners it would seem. Was it easier just to kill off his opposition? Was he willing to show his true colors to the other noble families of Yukon? How far would this bastard go to stop anyone from knowing the truth?

The young lord took in a deep breath as he calculated the general area of the fire. It was spreading quite rapidly across the grounds but lucky for Hayate wasn’t closed to the area that housed the secret evacuation tunnels that ran into the country side. By the looks of things he would have about twenty minutes before the entrance to the tunnel would be engulfed by the flames. This would make his escape next to impossible but also make the escape of his people a guarantee. Hiruzen’s rash decision making would play a crucial role tonight regardless if he knew it.

From his balcony Hayate could see a number of men pouring into his compound like insects. He could see at least a hundred or more soldiers all heavily armed, some riding on horseback, others shooting flaming arrows down onto his mansion. Hayate was just happy to know that the bulk of his forces were here worried about taking him on. At least Shina and Amoki could see them make it to Whitevale, even if Hayate wouldn’t be close behind.

For a moment the young lord thought about how Shinsou offered him protection. And then he thought about how many times he had let others do the protecting for him in the past. But this was the end of that. Hayate wouldn’t ever accept to be protected by anyone ever again.

It was his time now.

“Rise up,” He said camly raising his sword high above his head. He made sure that those below could see him as he emerged into view of the enemy. “And bring my foes to their knees!” Yamato, his sword, began to disappear into a grey smoke as he said his incantation.

Then from behind the young lord a large ghostly figure appeared in the darkness. It looked like a larger than like samurai dressed in ethereal shogun armor. It’s eyes burn a deep red as it gazed down upon the many soldiers below. They must have gotten frightened as the moment he appeared and they noticed him everyone began to fire upon them.

The Corpse King leapt into action swiftly picking up Hayate with one arm and putting the young lord into his chest cavity. The Corpse King stood at about ten feet high and served as a larger than life suit of armor for Hayate. The arrows from the soldiers bounced off his steely flesh like children’s toys and the two of them chuckled a bit. These feeble peons were nothing compared to the men he had just fought in the Citadel.

With one mighty leap the Corpse King was standing in the flaming garden and with another he had made it to where the bulk of the army stood waiting for him.

06-22-2018, 07:54 PM
The fire was to draw you outside. What is this man planning? Yamato yelled as the Corpse King began running through the first few lines of men standing in his way. Even just his mighty feet as he ran past the men was enough to send a number of them flying off. In the Corpse Kings right hand began to form what looked like a huge katana of similar make up as Hayate’s own. Considering Yamato was the spirit that lived within his blade and the Corpse King was the physical form Yamato manifested himself as it was fitting that he molded his own weapon after his owners.

With one mighty sweep of its arm the Corpse King cut through a hand full of enemies also sending a powerful shockwave through them lifting even more of the ground and sending them flying back. The Corpse King was an absolute monster on the battlefield and was a tactic that Hayate hadn’t ever shone to those outside his clan until very recently. Many of the Shogun’s men had already turned tail and ran seeing the pure devastation Hayate and his partner could cause. Probably wondering why Hiruzen would allow them to go off and fight such a powerful opponent without warning.

The answer to.their question was simple.

Since the beginning of the Amatsukami the head of the Clan has always been given the power to control a spirit Avatar. But like many great secrets, they were never allowed to share this information with anyone outside their own bloodline. To do so would be punishable by death and any member of the Amatsukami convicted of such crimes were executed publicly. It wasn’t a perfect system but until now it was crucial to their survival to keep their greatest weapon from falling into the hands of those who would seek to oppress them.

But no longer would this be the case.

Hayate was here to break the cycle that has kept his family and his people in such a state.

This would be the end of his suffering. This would be the end of all his family’s pain. This would be the beginning of a new era. One in which nobody would live in fear. One where he would be the hero that saves the world. This was the beginning of his new life as a free man.

This was going to be the end of the cycle, or this was going to be the end of him.

06-22-2018, 07:55 PM
Left and right the Shogun’s men fell to the power of the Corpse King. No mere man could conceivably compare to the magics that fueled the Amatsukami. But still they didn’t give up or hold off their assault. Volleys upon volleys of arrows soared though the sky hitting his Avatar before falling to the ground. By now many of the remaining soldiers had revised their battle strategy trying anything to get ahead in the fight. But in that moment the Corpse King was the only combatant of consequence on the field.

We can do this, Yamato said as he lifted up two men by their legs and threw them off into a group of others causing them to fall like dominoes. They don’t even have anything that can touch us.

Don’t be too sure about that, Hayate telepathically answered drawing Yamato’s attention to the large carriage that was pulling down the path towards their estate. He's finally showing his face.

So Hiruzen wasn’t to play a bit…

It would appear so.

About fifty yards behind the last few rows of men standing before the Corpse King the Shogun Hiruzen’s coach had appeared. The two of them knee that this moment would come eventually and so it had. Their fight had gone from bad to worse in a matter of moment. Ultimately no matter the outcome Hayate had basically assured his people make the rendezvous with Lord Osiris by mid-morning. So Hayate rested a bit knowing that this would be the last of the fighting for one day. All that there was left to do was get to safety himself.

Still something made Hayate want to continue fighting.

Do it Yamato! Hayate yelled from within the Corpse King. The monster titan let out a ghoulish screech as it began to trash about. It grabbed anyone it could and began to launch them like heavy boulders towards the oncoming cart.

Right!! Yamato answered as a few of the bodies landed hard against the side of the carriage and proceeded to knock in over onto its side.

In that moment a bright light shined from within the shades of the carriage before the entire vehicle broke apart into hundreds of pieces. The debris of the carriage soar in all directions as a large man covered in a bright green aura emerged from within. Hiruzen stood before them as if they had just become something large than a thorn in his foot.

Without a word the Shogun of Akashima sprang forward faster than Hayate could see and slammed his fist hard into the gut of the Corpse King.

Hayate couldn't believe the pain he felt as all the wind was knocked out of him. Hiruzen was a strong man and his aura allowed him to move and fight at such levels even Shinsou would have problems with. He was more than strong enough to hurt Hayate even though the Corpse King and the two of them knew that. Hiruzen smiled as he saw Hayate and the Corpse King cough up a puddle of blood from his single strike.

“You thought that you could leave my court?” the shogun hissed though gritted teeth. He held the ethereal armor of the avatar firmly with his iron grasp. Hayate tried to shake free but to no avail as Hiruzen’s grip only tightened with every one of their attempts to jerk free. The young lord could feel his broken ribs begin to poke at his innards knowing that this was the reason why he lived in such fear till now.

“Now you’re going to see what it’s like to defy your master,” Hiruzen yelled as he powered up another mighty strike. His free hand began to glow with a bright green energy until he let it fly. His fist slammed into the side of the Corpse Kings jaw as it sent the avatar flying back into the side of the Amatsukami manor.

06-22-2018, 08:13 PM
This wasn’t good. If things went on much more like this then Hayate and Yamato wouldn’t make it out alive. The young lord could feel his head start to bleed profusely from the Shogun’s punch. Though the magic of the Corpse King was strong they still shared all damage between each other and the might of Hiruzen still greatly hurt the avatar. They wouldn’t be able to stand up to him much longer but the good thing about it was that he was the only person of consequence. Everyone one else could have not even shown up and they would still be in the same situation.

By now the fire that started in the gardens had spread to cover the entire manor. Each floor of the once massive house was engulfed in the fiery rage of the Shogun. Even the basement has begun to catch in the flames sealing off the only entrance to the tunnels below. Hayate knew that he had done good and now it was time to flee like the others.

Is it time yet? Yamato asked as he brought the Corpse King back to its feet. Parts of the armor covering the avatar’s jaw had begun to chip and fall off along with the armor around his chest. Hiruzen’s attacks were meant to kill Hayate and they wouldn’t be able to tank much more damage before that would become the case.

Yeah, let’s go. Hayate answered telepathically. If Hiruzen was going to make his move now would have to be the time. The Corpse King stated to once again run towards the still remaining members of the Shogun’s forces with great velocity. As it did those who couldn’t remain on their feet fell as the avatar continued past them heading straight towards Hiruzen.

“It’s about time I put this cowardly dog to sleep.” Hiruzen yelled as he leapt though the air appearing in an instant in front of the Corpse King. They never had a chance to reach. Like a violent hurricane Hiruzen bombarded the two with a volley of attack before griping them by the shoulder and tearing the spectral arm of the Corpse King off. Hayate screamed with pain as the muscle fibers in his arm was torn apart by his connection with the Corpse King. The pain was unlike anything he had ever felt before and the young lord completely passed out leaving the fight in the hands of his spirit partner.

Master! Yamato tried to wake Hayate up but it was no use. The young lord laid helpless within the Corpse King’s chest cavity. Wake up Hayate!

06-23-2018, 08:59 AM
Hiruzen didn’t let up his assault as he tossed around the titan like he was playing with a toy. One blow after another he broke off bits and pieces of the avatar’s armor further injuring Hayate. Yamato knew that he had to act now or it would be the end of his master’s life. As the titan was thrown across the burning courtyard it dug its powerful legs into the earth refusing to fall over. Hiruzen only smirked knowing that there wasn’t anything that the Corpse King could do against his magical aura.

The Corpse King growled loudly shaking the ground with all its unbridled ferocity. It rattled the remaining walls as they crumbled away into ashes before the avatar. All that was left was the skeletal remains of the once great Amatsukami estate and for all intents and purposes the legacy they once held in Akashima. What would the people think of this in the aftermath?

Yamato took this moment and turned tail to run as fast as the Corpse King could to get away from the Shogun. As it ran the Corpse King looked back to see something very strange, Hiruzen was not giving chase. Instead the man of green might stood firmly looking down upon the former member of his court. He must have figured that the damage he dealt to the beast would be enough to kill it and the young lord. He must have known that this was the habit of a beaten predator. Hiruzen knew that he had won the fight.

Can you hear me Hayate? Yamato screamed as loud as he could in the back of the young lord’s psyche. Please wake up!

But the young lord didn’t answer. He couldn’t have. Hayate had suffered the greatest injury of his life at the hands of the man who had put fear in his heart for as long as he could remeber. Though he stood up for himself and his clan Hayate was a beaten mess only holding onto life by the slightest of threads. Yamato knew that he couldn’t stop running until the two of them were as far away from Akashima as possible.

I hope this Shinsou person is all you think he is Hayate. Cause there is no going back. Yamato relented as he broke into the line of trees that surrounded the outskirts of the
Yukon district. This would very likely be the final time Hayate or his spirit partner would ever see this place again.

The Corpse King ran for well over an hour as it dodged the great oaks of the Akashima forest. By now any possibility of people tracking them had all but disappeared as the titan moved farther and farther away. Looking back into the distance Yamato saw the faint glow of their burning estate issuing them a warning to never return. And if it were up to the sword spirit they wouldn’t return.

06-23-2018, 09:18 AM
Morning had come at last an all of the energy that fuel the Corpse King as it traveled the country side had all but been extinguished. Hayate was still cradled within yet to return to consciousness, something that bothered Yamato greatly. The sword spirit knew that any damage that he received would be reflected onto his partner. Taking that into account the titan looked down to where his left arm used to be and winced with pain.

Just a bit farther now…

In the distance a small village nested itself in the hillside. That would be a fine place to get some rest considering the Corpse King had put a number of miles between themselves and Hiruzen. It wouldn’t be a stretch to encounter a number of soldiers sent to follow up on killing the young lord out here but it was a risk they needed to take. If Hayate didn’t receive some form of care soon he would be dead before long.

As the titan reached the outskirts of the small town all its energy was depleted and the Corpse King ceased to be. Its colossal form disappeared into a black smoke as Hayate was dropped to the cold dirt beneath him. They were just outside a small cottage by a farm and the noise they made running to the building must have woken the peasants up. Three people ran outside to see the young lord’s mangled form. They panicked for a moment before picking Hayate up and rushing him inside.

The next thing Hayate knew he was awake in a strange bed paralyzed by the pain he felt. Those who had been treating his wounds informed the man he had been asleep for nearly two whole days. They weren’t sure if he would ever wake up thinking he would die from infection before his body could heal itself. But to their amazement the young lord pulled through despite the horrible beating he had endured.

As he recoved a bit of the movement in his right arm the men around him looked in horror at his left side. Hayate hadn’t realized it yet but when he looked to where they were he began to scream. Where his left arm used to be was a stubby lump of flesh dangling from his shoulder. He began to trash about uncontrollably and the men around him forced him back down onto the mattress. Luckily thanks to the local physician they were able to tranquilize Hayate.

The former lord of Yukon as recovering and his family were presumable safely in the custody of the Brotherhood. All there was left to do was wait until Hayate had the strength to travel and make his way Whitevale to meet up with Lord Osiris. Hayate had faced his greatest fear head on and nothing could ever take that away from the young lord. But one day the time will come for Hiruzen to pay for all his sins.

06-23-2018, 09:20 AM
The End

Thanks for taking the time to read my first real thread. I hope you enjoyed it.

06-23-2018, 02:02 PM
Name of Thread: A better life (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?1342-A-Better-Life)
Judgement Type: Basic
Participant: Hayate Amatsukami


Hayate Amatsukami receives:
870 Experience
130 Gold

"Be a Samurai.
Because you just never know what's behind the freaking sky."

Laini Taylor

06-23-2018, 02:04 PM
All rewards have been added.