View Full Version : Needed: Blood (closed)

Vixen Crowsfoot
06-24-2018, 04:29 AM
There I stood before a small store, the best one, or so the rumours said, of its kind in the whole of this Coronian city. A small window endearingly advertised wares of all types, from sweets to beverages. They were arranged in neat rows, had clear labels upon the front of whatever vessel held them and were in an array of colours. Yet all with one particular source of creation behind them: magical science.

My eyes slowly drifted upwards, past the lining of my hood, to read the sign that swung lightly in the wind. 'A Single Drop’ it read. Not a very obvious name that denoted an alchemist shop, but by reputation I knew it to be one. Rolling back my shoulders before straightening, I looked boldly at the door and then nodded once to myself, before setting a hand on it.

And into the den of magical wonders I strode, hoping to find a solution to my pain.

The problem of being half Uniano was that I needed to go and hunt for that vital source of energy that I needed:- blood. My housemate was not an option as he was a metal demon. Through my companion Mikhail's veins flowed some form of heated metallic material that I could not fully comprehend. Though the conversation had never fully been breached I had seen the way he bled, from the few battles we had been in together. So, he was not an option. In the past three thousand years, when I had been a prisoner and slave, I had been brought what I needed for sustenance, and now I was beginning to understand the benefit of being taken care of - even if I had been a mere traditional property.

When I (we) had first arrived in this continent I had met various people who had been willing to let me drink from them, including a demon hermit and a very sexy drow. But in the more civilised areas requesting to drink from someone was apparently a little taboo. And so, recently, I had tried stalking, and drinking when someone was asleep. That didn't work. That donor now had nightmares. And then I had tried animal blood. Nowhere near as good, and it required far more to keep me from falling over. Right now I was on my fourth day without blood at all, and I was beginning to feel the effects - from a dizziness that came and went, moments where I could not see or hear at all, and tingling feelings in my pale fingertips. I was holding myself together with sheer force of will, and knew at some point I would faint.

Therefore, I turned to the favoured Alchemists and pushed open the door with what might I had. As I looked in I saw a small store, with a good sized worktop, and more shelved baring similar items than outside. I stood in the middle of it all, a woman cloaked and mysteriously pale, streaks of white hair falling loose. Iit my lip, curling my shaking hand into a fist as my eyes roamed around the one place that could help me.

06-24-2018, 04:33 AM
Blue ears twitched feverishly, swiveling forward as the bells above the door danced and filled the felines ears with the musical sound of a newcomer. Eteri was charged with looking after the store for the afternoon so it was her who was cheerily standing behind the counter with a large smile upon her face. “Hello! Am Eteri! How can helping you today?” It was clear she was trying hard at being ‘professional’ yet her enthusiasm and energy betrayed her. She bounced up and down behind the counter before literally leaping over it with one hand on the counter, hefting herself over she bounded to the hooded figure. Barely giving the customer time to properly look at the wares.

“What needing? Is you sick? Fever? Need aphrodeesheeak?”

The customer looked at her with alarm, her body freezing in place. From beneath the hood two pink eyes stared out as the woman seemed stuck. Her lips formed a little circle as she paused.

Eteri didn’t pay the woman’s shocked demeanor any mind. “Is fine. Is fine. Nevin do lots good potions.” She turned to the shelves which were immaculately stacked with various potions and vials. “Mmm… You have old soul… maybe… let me seeing… something for vital ality?” She murmured as she picked up a vial of glimmering golden liquid. She shook it and held it out to the customer. “See this? Make energetic!”

The woman blinked a few times, seemingly taken aback by the enthusiasm. She was silent for a moment before her mouth began to move. “I … are you the alchemist?”

Eteri’s eyes widened as the thought crossed her mind… it’d be fun to pretend… but this was Nevin’s business. This was… his livelihood. The bluehaired catgirl slowly shook her head. “No.” She chewed on her lower lip as her eyes darted down to the glimmering vial as she turned it round and round in her fingers, watching the liquid shimmer. “Am just helping today. He is the busy. If want leave message can do?” She looked back up at the customer and placed the vial back on the shelf. “Pleasing tell Eteri what need?”

The customer seemed entranced by the vial too for a moment, before she looked awkwardly back at Eteri. “I … see. I don't know if that little potion will help,” she swallowed a little before glancing down at her shaking hand, then back at the catgirl. Sighing she continued. “I need something … more unique.”

Eteri grimaced and spoke her mind, often something Stare scolded her for. “Is very hard to help when not telling what need. What. Need?” Eteri asked again, her tail twitching back and forth. “Nevin has many things. Am sure can help.” Her smile widened once more as she puffed her chest out proudly. “He is a god so can do anything!”

Brows shot up, and the woman looked astounded for moment. “A god?” she asked, “There's a … oh.” She frowned slightly before looking around the back of the shop, as if expecting Nevin to jump out of nowhere. “Oh right.” A hand went up to pull it through her long, white hair, tugging strands out of the confines of her cloak. “What is he a god of?”

Eteri shuffled from one foot to the other. She was feeling both excited and frustrated. All she wanted to do was help. But the woman wasn’t being very specific. Eteri made a grumbling noise. “Later. Later… PLEASE let Eteri help. What NEED?” She said, exasperated. “If not wanting to tell…” Eteri pointed to the door. “Can go outside till figure out what need or look around. Eteri need to keep eye on store.”

Eyes narrowed, but the woman growled in a low voice, pulling on her cloak around her. “There is no need to shout at me,” she replied. “It's just slightly sensitive, that is all. Some would run away …” she sighed. “Can the alchemist make any potions that simulates blood?”

The catgirl tilted her head. Her ears flicking backward as she tried to process the request. “Like...potions made of blood? Nevin is blood alchemist? Why not just say so in first place!” Eteri huffed as she turned on her foot and headed over to the counter, gesturing for the other to follow.

“No … not potions made of blood. I need the minerals, the qualities of blood, what sustenance that it gives but …” the woman tailed off, running an anxious hand still they her hair as she followed Eteri. “Basically blood, but not ... a potion that has all the goodness of it. That he can make without harming people.”

Eteri was busy lifting a polished wooden box up and out from under the counter, she opened it to reveal three vials filled with viscous crimson liquid. Each cushioned by the contrasting dark blue hue of velvet lining.

Finally she looked up at the girl. Blinking with mild surprise as she saw the wisps of white hair and the bright hue of soft pink eyes staring cautiously at her. “Eh? Wait…” Eteri’s eyes furrowed in confusion. Did the woman just want a vial of blood? Did Nevin even have that? She’d have to check out the back to see if he did. He’d often keep vials of his own blood to work into his alchemy.

“So you wanting blood? Or not blood that is like fake blood? Can check for both?” Eteri asked as she tried to be helpful.

The woman extended a hand to touch the velvet around the vials. Her finger paused at it, as she leant over the gaze at the vials, lips parting in murmuring wonder. “Are these … what is this? Fake blood?”

Eteri shook her head as she possessively pulled the box closer toward her and further away from wandering fingers. “No. Nevin uses blood to crafting powerful potions.” Eteri gently shut the box and waited for the woman’s pink eyes to rise up to meet her own yellowed orbs.

“Does you need blood or faking blood? Need know so can check if have stock.” It was clear that Eteri was beginning to get agitated. Her prior joy being squashed by the cautious curiosity of the stranger. Eteri just wanted to help her. She just wanted to make everyone who came in better and make Nevin all the money.

All she wanted was to prove that she could do the thing but if everyone were to be like this… that’d be very hard indeed. “Please? Please?” Eteri asked as her tail twitched wildly behind her

Vixen Crowsfoot
06-24-2018, 04:49 AM
I grumbled when I was denied access to the vials in the carefully carved box. The vials of the red liquid had called to be with an unheard voice, promising a chance of just what I desired. When they were whisked away my brow furrowed, I straightened and frowned at the idiots woman who just did not quite get what I was saying. Pulling in oxygen through my lips as black spots starting darting over my eyesight.

Though I was not using the one word that this woman would recognise and comprehend. Vampire. The bloodsuckers of this world, ones who like my own mother's race (and, for one half of me, my race) who were usually associated with demons and darkness. Vampires lurked in the dead places of mythology in Althanas, rulers of horror and true beings of despair. For some people I had met (namely, a drow and a couple of demons) I had opened the truth of what I was to them, and used that fateful word, but they had associations with dark things themselves. In this city, in this temperate culture I had only met people who said the word vampire with caution and fear. What would a catgirl think of me?

I had no idea, as I had never met a being like this, but I did not want to risk it.

“I need a potion that simulates what nutrients are in blood,” I basically repeated myself. “I do not want any bleeding, people being hurt, just fake blood. But it needs to be good quality.”

Finally… it seemed as though it dawned on the idiot cat. Her eyes widened and she inhaled deeply. “Ohhh…” the word came as a whisper from her lips and I felt relief. The cat blinked and sighed. “Why not just say you drinking the blood?” She shook her head and her blue bob waved to and fro. “Stay here. Will check out back if have any fake or real.” She offered me a smile as she turned and disappeared behind the door at back, carrying the wooden box.

I nodded a little, though could not hide my caution. So she had figured it out, finally, what I wanted - needed. But that did not mean she had not already surmised that I was similar to a vampire. Drinking blood meant that here, right? What other creature needed the crimson liquid to sustain them?

Well. Unianos, but I was quite literally the only one of them on this planet.

I sighed as I tugged off my hood from my head, truly hoping she wasn't going to call for a group of townsfolk with pitchforks. The best solution would be that she just thought my drinking would be a form of sexual kink.

The blue haired girl returned several minutes later. Her hair was tousled and she had smudges of gray dust on her sleeves and fingers. Still. She held two vials of what looked like a bright red liquid. She approached the counter and placed them on the wooden surface, defeated. “Could only find this. Nevin not use fake blood much. Only real. Will this do?”

I looked down at the two vials, blinking a few times. I tried to sniff the air to see if I could find out the sort of blood it was - hour much iron my be in there - however, the stopper seemed to be successful at blocking anything from the liquid itself to the smell. With a great amount of honesty I met eyes with the shop girl. Eteri, I reminded myself the name was.

“I won't know,” I did cautiously, “I need to … Sample it.”

“You buy one vial then.” She said as she pushed a vial over toward me. “If good can have both. No refund if not like. Sorry.”

Great. Well, that was something I was going to have to expect. At least there was no angry mob yet. Therefore I nodded slowly, and pulled back my cloak aside to get to my belt with my knife and the money pouch there. “Fine,” I said, pulling out a gold piece. I set it on the counter with a loud clatter. Eteri picked it up sniffed it then placed it in her pocket.

With that, I took up the vial and nodded. Setting my fingers on the stopper I pinched it, then opened it. At once a strange, bitter smell came to my nostrils and I frowned a little. It was not blood, that was clear. No defined iron or copper. But that did not mean that it would not suffice. Taking my littlest finger I dipped the end of it into the top of the vial. Just as I did a wave of discomfort began to writhe up my body and it took a great amount of concentration to keep myself together. Gritting my teeth I quickly pulled the little finger away from the fake blood, stoppered it again as I pushed the finger between my lips. Anxiously I licked it up, my mind and senses on eager fire before -

I blinked. And frowned. The taste was horrible, and the comfort I usually got … was not anywhere. My body still shock, there was no satisfaction and no glory in those times when the nutrients rushed into me.


“Damn,” I cursed.

06-24-2018, 04:51 AM
She blinked and stared at the pink eyed white haired woman. Whose soft lips pursed in distaste. Eteri was not surprised that the woman found the stuff foul. It was fake. If the woman did eat blood like Eteri assumed, she would have to imagine that fake chemically synthesized stuff just would not work. “No good?” Eteri asked. There was a small pause before the catgirl continued as her hand disappeared under the counter and pulled out a notebook. She turned to the nearest blank page and began writing. Her own handwriting was poor compared to the meticulous script on the prior page. “One waiting please.” Eteri murmured as she slowly wrote one sentence. Her golden eyes re-read the three words over and over again as she slowly whispered the words. Clearly she was not adept at writing tradespeak. Still. The woman was slowly learning. ‘Need fix fake blood’ before shutting the book and looking up at the woman.

Eteri wasn’t sure what to make of her. How to help her. Her frustrations from earlier had disappeared as now they were finally getting somewhere and if truth be told. Eteri was incredibly curious about her. Her hair looked so soft and silky, Eteri wanted to run her fingers through it. Her lips looked soft, albeit a little dehydrated … but soft enough that Eteri wanted to poke them. Did they feel like marshmellows?

“We have real blood if that better?”

“In vials?” the woman asked, her face lined with worry. “But who are they from? Would you allow me to look at your records and see who the donor was?! How do I know they were not harmed in the process?” she sounded very nervous.

Eteri furrowed her brow at the slew of questions they came in quick melodic succession. “Uhmm…” her ears twitched as she slowly answered. “Eteri was going to just put her--ah.. No...my blood in vials. Can write name on paper for the record if like?” Eteri didn’t get what the big deal was. The girl was being so overly cautious and afraid. Was this blood thing new to her? Or was she ashamed of it?

Eteri wanted to know and when she wants to know something, you can be damn sure she’ll ask. Social cues were not the nekojins forte’.

“Why so scared?” She asked. “Am good.” Eteri gave her chest a small thump with a fist. “Eteri can make more blood than most.” She tried to explain it to the best of her ability, although with the language barrier it wasn’t quite articulate properly. “See.. Nevin uses blood lots. Eteri blood helps him get energy. Took lots. Body adapted, now is like.. Uhm...what is word for fountain?”

The pale women looked very alarmed and threw up her hands in a sign of innocence. They shook visibly. “I - that is very interesting information, but it's not entirely necessary. If you have no potion then I will find another alchemist. I just want a solution, I do not want to harm anyone. Keep your blood for your … boyfriend.” Then she paused. “Wait. He uses blood? For what?”

“Potions. Strength...Uhm…” Eteri crawled onto the counter and crossed her legs as she shoved her skirt into her lap then her hands. It was difficult to explain. Especially in a language that was not her own. “Nevin…” Eteri leaned back as her eyes darted across the store, briefly landing on different vials and potions as she mulled over the question. “Nevin… might be god of blood? No...uhm.... It… he can use it in special ways. You should definitely come back to Nevin when he here. No other Alchemist can do blood stuff.” Eteri’s eyes landed back on the timid girl. She gave a slow nod. “Mm… yes. No other will do what you wanting.”

Eteri perked up again with a smile. “Oh! No worry. No harms will happen. Eteri not bothered by blood being taken. Happens lots. Nevin will make potion with it Eteri bet!”

The woman looked alarmed. “I do not want a potion made from blood, I am looking to see if your Alchemist can make a solution that does not require me to drink it … at all. But rather able to give what nutrients I need from it in a fairly regular manner and dosage and …” she trailed off, her arms hugging her cloak a little tighter, as she took a moment and sucked in a large gulp of breath. “I need to drink it fairly regularly. What you suggest would just be a temporary solution. When will this … Nevin be back?”

“Not understand.” Eteri said bluntly as she leaned forward, the temptation to touch the other woman winning over any sense of social responsibility or tact. The catgirl reached out and pressed the pad of her index finger against the girls nose. “You. You drinking blood to live yes?” She didn’t give the stranger a chance to reply. “Then why not do it? Why make hard for you?”

Eteri sighed as she shook her head. “It like saying Eteri no eat meat...that crazy talk. You crazy you know?”

Eteri slid off the front of the counter and landed in front of the woman. Her nose wrinkled as the woman took a single step back. Eteri ignored the action and took another step forward. “Nevin be back in two or three days. We is closed tomorrow.”

The woman's eyes kept staring at the finger that had touched her nose. She shook slightly before she mumbled. “Two or three days … I don't have that long. Perhaps two but … I cannot guarantee that.”

She let out a sigh, looking up to Eteri, looking paper than before. “You might not understand but I don't want to rely on real blood.”

“But if you need… if it is how you are why go against that?” She was right. Eteri didn’t understand it at all. It sounded completely ridiculous. “Not have that long? Is you leaving town?” There was a pause as her mind slowly connected the rather obvious dots in front of her. “O..ooohh...you need food cause is hungry?” Eteri took a step back and tousled her hair with her fingers. “Gah...you so confusing to Eteri.”

Eteri turned her back on the woman. “If wanting to starve yourself go ahead. Not need deal with your crazy.” It was the pot calling the kettle black, really. Eteri wasn’t all too sane herself. When it came to Nevin, she was borderline obsessive at times.

“Life meant be fun. Not hard. If you want not rely on blood then Nevin is person who can fix.” Eteri disappeared as she crouched back under the counter, pulling out the note and paper again. “Come…” She beckoned for the strange pink eyed woman to follow. “Eteri not write good, need you help. Write to Nevin what wanting. He can make.”

The woman hovered for a moment, swaying slightly before she looked over. “Hmm?” She asked, eyes blinking a few times. Her eyes dropped down to the paper. “Ah yes, sure.”

Eteri smiled then leaned closer. Her nose wrinkling. Now that the woman was inches away the catgirl could smell her. The scent of a forest...no, a forest after gentle rainfall. It was an oddly unique yet definite smell. Eteri leaned closer still as the other wrote in Nevin’s notebook. “You smell.” There was a long pause as pink eyes slowly rose then narrowed at Eteri.

“Not bad! Like forest.” Eteri picked up a few strands of hair and lifted them to her nose. “Mmm like fresh rain on forest Eteri think.” She rubbed the strands between her fingers. “Much soft yes.”

Vixen Crowsfoot
06-24-2018, 05:07 AM
This cat girl … she was very, very strange. She had very little sense of personal space at all, leaning forwards just to honk the tip of my nose and now yank my hair. It was not sore, but by my father it was irritating and very unexpected.

Gently I tugged on my hair to try to pull it from her hold. As I did a dimness began to appear in my vision, but like before I shook my head, forbidding the symptoms from lack of sustenance from overwhelming me. It was beginning to wear on me, and though I had three thousand years and the half divinity to train my body in overcoming such things. I had made myself stronger but still … four days. I knew I needed to find a source soon, and I no longer wanted to be that evil in the middle of the night.

“Please don't …” I whispered as I fought against the darkness in my sight. “Don't touch the hair. Why are you so strange?”

“Me?” She let the hair fall down and out from between her splayed fingers. “You is strange. You not do well. Sick because not eat? Not eat because…? Because others tell you it wrong or something else? No. You is the strangest one.”

I raised my brows and bit back a laugh. Definitely she did not understand the fact that I did not want to rely on others. Not anymore. I wanted to be Vixen, the demi-goddess and glorious, able to defend herself and not end up in anyone's cell, or bed, unless I decided that. The trip to my dreadful half-brother’s prison (not the one who was apparently the clone of our deity father) had made me even more determined in that.

“Tradespeak is not your first language, clearly,” I replied. “Maybe that is why you don't understand that I do not want to hurt people anymore. I don't want to be that …” I sighed and rubbed my temples as the beginnings of a headache came.

“Is true… “ She sounded quiet, contemplative. “Eteri not understand. Eteri not that good. Would kill if needed. If person was bad or if needed to eat. Or if they threaten Nevin. No upset with hurting others. So never understand. Not just ahh...not just because bad with Tradespeak but because...what is word...bee leaf is not same. Maybe that make Eteri bad. Not care. Eteri is Eteri.”

“My goodness you need language lessons,” I breathed in, rolling my eyes a little. “Clearly you are getting practice by working here but it's not helping. How long have you been in this city?”

“Stare says same thing…” She mumbled. Her ears flattened against the back of her head. “Eteri knows not...not smart. Sick of people saying that. Am trying. Am slowly learning.” She didn’t answer the question and instead flopped onto the counter and sighed.

I did not care what she did. My concentration was on the name she had just stopped. That one particular name that I had only heard spoken by my half-sister Ventrua, on that fateful day when I had also learnt the truth of the kenku people I had originally been tasked with guarding, and when I had learnt that there was a full clone son of our father walking around … that day. Stare. Once known as Avis, but supposedly the kenku of kenkus who was the prime of what her people could be. And under the power of that full born brother.

“Wait, you know Stare?!” I stared at her and suddenly adrenaline was filling my extremely weak body. “Stare, the kenku, who works for … what is his name? Elssmith?”

Eteri seemed to be pouting. “Mmm? Angry god man? He is like….Angsty man and tall and doesn’t like Et-ah..my hugs?” She rolled her chin so her head tilted up to meet my eyes. “Yes. Stare is my friend.”

I breathed in fast, looking at this creature here. It seemed everywhere I was going people had heard of, met or indeed were friends with the darling kenku that should have been mine from the beginning.

“That angsty man …” I said quietly, certain now that it was them. “He … what is he like? Does he have …” I gestured to my hair. “Hair like mine? White? Pale skin?”

The catgirl shrugged her shoulders and clambered further onto the counter, rolling onto her stomach and using her arms as a makeshift pillow. “Sounds the same. Man has white hair big angry blue eyes.” She mused. “Why? He very angry man. Not good to be around. No need to know about him.”

I began to open my mouth to explain, my eyes wide and suddenly feeling expressive - when a great wave of weariness wooshed up to my head. Eyes widening, I let out a gasp, as all the adrenaline I had felt faded. It fell as quickly as it had come, and my body suddenly reminded me why I had come here in the first place.

“Oh,” I murmured slowly. “Oh I …” and I raised a hand to my crown as lightheadedness began to come over me. Gulping in air I took a moment for my own, and looked warily at the cat girl Eteri. “I am sorry, I need to -”

And I turned in order to leave, but I did not make it a single step. Instead the wave of nausea came, shortly followed by weightlessness. Lastly, there was black, and that was all I knew as I lost consciousness.

On Stare's friend's floor.

06-24-2018, 06:39 AM
Eteri blinked at the unexpected fall of the woman. It was inevitable really. She was denying herself basic sustenance and now she had to deal with this. “Hrmmmm....” A disapproving sound fell from Eteri’s lips as she pursed them, peering over the counter at the eerily pale woman. Normally, Eteri would have just pushed the body out of the shop and locked the door. Out of sight, out of mind and all that jazz. But Nevin would scold her. Apparently Eteri had to be more mindful of others.

She took a deep breath and her shoulders rose then fell as she sighed. If he had come home and found out that she had abandoned some vampire person...it would not go down well. Eteri slipped off the counter, first one leg then the other as she slowly approached the woman.

Eteri shuffled further forward and leaned over her body. She was perfectly still…

Perfectly.... Touch...able….

Eteri reached out and lightly poked her cheek. No response. She repeated with the other. Her cheeks, and skin was just as soft as Eteri imagined, it was like her fingers were gently pressing into the finest of silks. The catgirl knew that the stranger didn’t like her hair touched but she was unconscious and if Eteri accidently…


She ‘accidently’ slipped and her hand landed in the tousled splay of white wispy hair. The charade was for no one, and was just for Eteri so she could confidently claim it was all one big accident. Eteri’s lips turned into an amused smile as she ran her hand over the silken strands. It was almost...fun to do so.

Still… What would Nevin say if he were to find her in such a position? Eteri sighed as she stood up and with a great deal of effort quite literally dragged the unconscious woman into the back of the store. It was home to Eteri. Whilst she never technically paid rent or taxes...it was her home as well as Nevins.

Down the recently swept hallway and past the door to Nevins workshop...through the neat and pristine kitchen and down another shorter hallway into the room on the left, a large bedroom consisting of a double bed against the wall and a dresser overflowing with clothes. On the other wall was a small makeshift shrine and a pile of clothes bundled up in what looked like a makeshift bed.

Now this stranger didn’t seem like the type of person to want to be thrown into a pile of dirty, fur covered clothes so Eteri opted to heave her onto the bed.

Eteri gently positioned her so she was more comfortable, lying on her back with one arm crossed over her chest, the other at her side. The woman… she almost looked dead. Eteri couldn’t even see the faint rise and fall of her chest.

“If you is dead I not moving again. Nevin can deal with.” The woman muttered as again, she pressed the pad of her index finger against the strangers nose.

Would it be immoral if Eteri were to splash some blood around? The woman insisted on not wanting to harm anyone or to ingest blood but technically...she wasn’t. Eteri was harming herself and if she just so happened to splash some blood around and some just so happened to land in the womans mouth, well. That was gravity and fate at work now wasn’t it? <”Clear conscience then…”> Eteri muttered as she walked over to the pile of clothes on the opposite side of the room.

Eteri began rummaging through the clothes. She knew she had a small dagger somewhere… And...there! Beneath a pile of Nevin’s sweaters. He was looking for them the other day...but she wouldn’t tell him. Eteri pulled out a small sheathed dagger, she pulled off the leather covering and padded back over to the stranger.

She could hear hear heart thumping hard against her chest, the sound ringing in her ears. It wasn’t hard...and it wouldn’t hurt that much but still… the adrenaline of actually causing herself harm...it was admittedly a bit of a rush.

Standing over the peaceful woman now Eteri clutched the small dagger tighter. How should she do it? The palm of her hand would hurt too much… and whist she could produce virtually thrice as much as any mortal man...if she slit a vein it may just be too detrimental to her. Eteri rose her arm and in a quick decisive moment ran the dagger along her forearm. Blood began to pool then trickle down her arm in little crimson rivers. Eteri couldn’t help but smile at the scene. Whilst morbid.. It reminded her of the crimson plains. One day… she’d go there with Nevin. He promised to take her there...the place she dreamt about, but now… now was not the time to think about such things. Eteri leaned forward and waved her arm to and fro over the woman, splattering her with red.

Oh look...some fell onto her lips.




Maybe now she wouldn’t be so bothersome with her ‘I need to eat fake stuff’ routine.

Vixen Crowsfoot
06-24-2018, 12:18 PM
Gasp. Lips open, back curving in a tight parabola. Desperate, haunting gulp of air. Hold it, let it fill the lungs, and -

I did not feel newly born, like I had died and come back. When that occurred there was a sense of peace and quiet over my body, a unwavering freshness that acknowledged the state I had been in, and that I was as healed and perfect as a newborn babe. Now however, I simply felt awakened, coming back to consciousness after a long night's rest. It was so similar to the process of sleeping, and then arising, that I found myself yawning to catch in the needed air for my lungs.

As I did I opened my eyes. My back finished it's arch and straightened, allowing me to sit up bold and remain in that position. As I swallowed in a few more larger breaths I glanced around, eyes swimming over the word I was in.

Currently, I was sitting on a large double bed, pushed up against the walls. Pieces of furniture were few but standard, with old wood suggesting either second hand or well used. A small window let in some bright light, letting me know it was still daytime, and so only an hour or so had passed. There was a doorway, with the object itself slightly ajar. Peering around I could see the extension of the house, a continuation of the overall scene that I had found myself in. I paused, then let the small amount of panic begin to set in.

Waking up in strange places was not a comfort to me. I had been trapped, too many times, and without my consent. Yet this situation was different, hence the only small amount of panic. I was not bound in anyway, which was a fantastic start, and the door was even open. I meant there was a second way out after the window, and -

What the hell? I looked down at myself and found that my new, cotton clothes were covered in blood. And there was a feeling of wet at my lips. Raising a hand past my long hair I touched them, then brought the fingers away to stare at them. Red liquid stained their tips. So, I had been fed, even if messily. That explained …

But was it her? Stare's friend? Was I still in her domain? I had to know. Drawing in breath I let out a word in a cautious voice.

“... Hello?”

She appeared in my vision. Speaking quickly. “OK first. Eteri didn't feed blood eteri threw it in air and landed on you. You no harm… “ she trailed off and lifted up her still bleeding arm. “Had accident so all OK? OK!”

I blinked and stared at the blue haired cat girl … I was sure they called themselves 'nekojin’ or something similar. Her pointed ears were expressive, slightly tilting downward. I took a moment to pause, take in the fact that I was not a prisoner, clearly, and that she had just given me what I needed. A sigh passed between my lips as I twisted around on the bed to face her, smoothing down my blood-splattered clothes.

“Right,” I said, though I was a little annoyed I had to admit she had been helpful. And I now felt a lot clear headed than I had before. “Well. Thank you,” I grumbled.

I stretched my arms a little and fixed my eyes on Eteri. “You were saying before about the kenku, Stare.”

Eteri’s face scrunched up, she didn’t seem to be bothered by the fact that she was still bleeding all over assumedly her bedroom floor. “Yes. Stare friend. Who are you?”

My eyes briefly looked down at where her blood trickled down her arm, then back to her eyes. Taking a pause I considered what she had said before about the 'angsty man’. The one with hair like mine.

“I am …” I paused, wondering how this woman would react to this revelation, “Vixen. I would be Stare's friend too had life been different. I am also,” I got ready in case of a sudden attack. Though, she was bleeding so was weak. “That angsty man's half sister. I think.”

“Ehh? Sister?” Eteri scrunched her face, her emotions easy to read. She was confused at the new information. Her arm reached up to nurse the still bleeding wound. “Is he drinking blood too? Is that why he so moody? Stare is private person Eteri think.” SHe gave a nod. “Eteri is sure of.”

She glanced down to her arm. “Mmm..Might need bottle and bandage.”

I raised my brow a little, the reaction having gone better than I thought. “No, from what I know of him he's not that … he's full part our father of what I have been told. I am half my mother who was … different.” I straightened a little. “He is moody? How many times have you met him?”

“Twice maybe. He silent lots. “ her ears twitched, “shows many worry for people close to him. Maybe not like bad. Still grumpy.

I nodded slowly, interested and invested in this rare opportunity to find out more about my stranger brother. “Thank you, cat,” I said quietly. “And yes. You should stop the bleeding.”

06-24-2018, 01:53 PM
“Name is Eteri.” she huffed, she had mentioned her name several times, the least this Vixen woman could do was use it. The word cat felt condescending. Eteri turned on her heel with an agitated flick of her tail. She headed to the pile of clothes in the corner of the room and fished out an off-white shirt. She wrapped it around her arm and using her teeth, tightened it. The material quickly began to stain from her bleeding as red leaked into white. The halfbreed flexed her arm and felt satisfied that the tourniquet had lessened the bleeding. “This will do.” Eteri turned to look at the woman. “Is you well now? No more dying? Should get vial for rest of blood or you still…” Eteri paused as she tried to find the right word for ‘insisting’ she knew it in Akashiman, but not in tradespeak. She used a similar word to compensate. “Persist. The persist of not having what fixes you?”

The woman blinked a little rapidly before cupping her hands together and looking very proper. She glanced down at them, before she shook her head. “No I think my body has what it needs for now. But I would still like to know if there is the option of creating a potion that would give me what I need, without the need to harm others. Even if they were willing to bleed for me.” She sounded quiet, calmer than she had been before the fainting.

“Eteri told you. Nevin can but not here.” Eteri turned to face the woman fully. Curious as to how a single tiny drop on her lips was enough to sustain her. Eteri bit back the question, having a feeling that it wouldn’t be answered. Instead she padded back other to the bed her wide yellow eyes curious.

“So what do now? You go find place rest?”

Her eyes looked back up to her. She breathed in slowly, then nodded a little. “Yes, though I want to know more of this Stare. Whatever you can tell me, I will be grateful.”

Eteri didn’t like the idea of giving out information. Especially about someone who was as reserved as Stare. Normally she’d have no qualms in sharing but she felt uneasy. She shuffled from one foot to the other. “Not sure if should. Stare may get mad.”

The woman smiled, “I mean no harm to her. She will not get mad, when she understands who I am to her. When we finally meet.” Her fingers tangled into a stray end of her hair and began to fidget with it.

Eteri wrinkled her nose. So.. This Vixen… was going off the assumption that sharing personal information would be all hunky dory once Stare knew who Vixen was. Thing is… Eteri didn't even know who Vixen was. She was some stubborn vegetarian vampire or whatever.

“Is you Stare friend? How know she not get mad if you not know her?” Eteri asked as she narrowed her eyes. “Not comforting sharing information about Stare. “

The woman looked at Eteri for a short pause, the smile fading slightly before she answered. “That … is between her and I. I am not Stare's friend yet, but I am sister to the one who … what do you say, has her. That is good enough.” She blinked then, and frowned as a hand fluttered to her head. Her face contorted into a painful grimace before she adjusted herself. “I have little time. It would be good to get answers.”

“little time because you not eat good.” Eteri crossed her arms over her chest. This woman was insistent. She still wanted to know more about Stare. Eteri promptly shook her head. “Not good enough. You want know more about Stare. You need ask Stare not Eteri. Not have the right to share pers..puru...personal information.”

“Then tell me where to find Stare,” the woman breathed slow, her hand dropping from her hair to form a light fist on her lap. “Then I can talk to her myself.”

Eteri was quite uncomfortable with the women's insistence. She didn’t seem like she could do harm, but Stare was… Stare was Stare. Stare seemed to withdraw and close herself off from others often. Stare didn’t seem like she had many friends, or people she communicated with outside of that mean god of hers.

“Can tell you where Stare might be.” Eteri said, ignoring the look Vixen gave her. “Stare sometime visit her friend…” Eteri shifted over to the overstuffed dresser against the far wall. Ontop it were various notes from Nevin. Late night thoughts and scribbles. Eteri wasn’t much of a writer, but she figured she could draw a half decent map. Especially when she knew where Raevin was.

Eteri picked up a small charcoal pencil and turned over a piece of paper which had some ingredients scrawled on it. She drew a map from the shop to where she recalled Raevin was. “Not far from here. Maybe ten minutes… not too many turns…” She mumbled as she finished and turned to hand the map to Vixen. “This best Eteri will do.”

The pink eyes widened a little and settled on the map. She nodded slowly as she curled her fingers around it, the paper crumpling with small scrunchy noises. Her eyes settled on Eteri and she paused for a moment before nodding. “Thank you,” she said quietly.

Then she smiled a little before it faded as quickly as it had come. “Thank you. I should get going now though.”

“Is ok.” Eteri said as she stepped to the side, allowing Vixen to stand. Eteri turned and gestured for the strange pink eyed woman to follow, leading her out into the small corridor, past the kitchen and into the storefront again.
Eteri was silent for a moment as the two stood opposite each other and an awkward silence filled the room. The nekojin wasn’t sure what was going through the other woman's mind, her own was trying to translate the next sentence.

“Is that...all I can help you with today?” She asked as her head tilted to the side, ears swivelled forward.

Vixen Crowsfoot
06-24-2018, 04:46 PM
My lips remained parted as I considered her question. Was there anything she could help me with? Well yes, indeed, there was and she had already assisted in that manner. Her blood, I could use it, devour it, enable myself to feel strong again. She seemed to have stopped bleeding, which was very fine, and was now standing opposite me with a demeanor akin to a princess. Rolling back my own shoulders I gulped in air a couple of times, trying to rid myself of this horrible swimming head before I stared back at her.

She who obviously wanted me gone from her home. Of course it was generous she had made me a map, but the spite from this conversation was not only coming from myself.

“I need to drink,” I admitted after a very long pause, clutching the edge of a table behind me momentarily to stop myself from falling. What little she had given me had surged my body into thinking it was being fed, but now I was running on simple adrenaline.

Carefully I observed her. “Would your husband know if anyone … willing to donate?”

She stilled at the word husband, her ears swivelled toward me and her eyes widened. I both saw and smelt the quick and evident flush that rose to her cheeks. “Ahh..n-no Eteri not..I’m not married. Not live long enough for that.” She waved her hand as though she were quickly brushing off the comment. I frowned at that. She didn't live long enough? Heck, yes I was immortal and the single marriage I had had, had lasted two hundred years. But still. There was no amount of time to not bother getting married to your heart's partner. She went on, however.

“Know many people. Maybe. Nevin has this...group people. Obsessed with him. Do anything he ask. Would donate.” She slapped her hand over her chest. “Eteri can too. As said, is like fountain when comes to blood.” She pursed her lips, her next sentence spoken with a hint of annoyance. “Thought already offered but you is vegetarian vampire?”

“Vegetarian?” I asked, confused. “Offered? When did you do that?” I looked the cat girl up and down, my brow furrowed and not sure if she ever actually had. Not from what I could remember. And this man, Nevin, had a group of followers? What was this world I had fallen into? First they know Stare, my kenku, now there was this claim that Eteri knew many people who would happily donate to keep me sane … “When?”

“When said give you vials of blood? Said can use my own. If don’t want it that ok.”

I paused. Did she? My eyes watched her for a moment, carefully as I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. “I … why would you offer that?”

The blue haired catgirl’s eyes furrowed in confusion. “Cause you need it?” Came her simple reply, as though it was entirely normal to offer someone something like blood.

I was stunned. “That is … not what I was expecting. You hardly know me. In fact, I-” I breathed in sharply as a wave of nausea began to rise up like a mighty tsunami. “Well,” I had to steady myself suddenly on the table again with both hands, as unconciousness threatened again.

“This once,” I said quickly.

“Did want vials or just take from Eteri directly?”

I paused, unsure of that. Gripping my hands tighter around the edge of the table behind me I sucked in air. A large part of me wanted to politely declined and walk away from her, and never come back here again. But she was here, and offering quite of her own choice. Indeed, she had already fed me voluntarily - how many times in my life would I come across this type of offering.

My eyes glanced down, as I felt suddenly very fragile. “It is better if I drink directly,” I admitted.

“Does Eteri need do anything? Wash face? Uhm…” She glanced away. “Eat something nice? Not sure how works?”

I blinked with surprise. I had never been asked that. Indeed, last time I had directly drunken from someone who was willing had been with the drow Fil'ayn, who I had also … never mind that. I was a different person since then.

“Just yourself,” I murmured. “But tell me when to stop.”

The blue catgirl nodded and gave me a small thumbs up. “Will do. Remember Eteri produce more blood than normal person.”

I nodded a little, curious if this meeting was really a gift from the Althanas gods. Keeping my eyes on her I took a weak step forward, my lips parting from my sharp canines. Eteri didn’t flinch at the sight. Instead she held out her arms, as though she were welcoming me into a hug. Embraces were not something I took lightly, and I doubted that this girl, with her not-husband-yet-darling would be interested in a sexual encounter with me. Therefore I kept myself at a slight distance for a moment, ignoring the open arms as I placed a fingertip on her forearm.

“It will hurt.”

“Eteri not stupid. I know. Besides…” She offered me a small flushed grin, “Eteri like feeling when Nevin takes blood.”

There was a second longer of which I spent observing her, curtly nodding my acceptance of such a thing. Then I calmly twisted my hand over her shoulder, holding her steady as I drew back my lips. Carefully, I drew my eyes away from her as I neared the flesh of the neck. I watched for a few tense moments as her veins pumped blood faster and faster, the tiny red lines visible to my concious eyes - and then I breathed in.

And I bent down, my jaw opening. Twisting my head I allowed my fangs to pierce that nekojin flesh, soft like a newborns and satisfy the long thirst within.

06-25-2018, 05:34 AM
She was right… it had hurt. Eteri flinched and bit down on her lower lip and her body tensed as Vixens teeth sank into her flesh. The initial heat of pain died down as the vampiress’ teeth released their grip slightly. Just enough for the all too familiar sensation of blood leaving her body.

Nevin had done this, countless times before…
Granted it was with his strange appendages and not his mouth. Still it was a familiar and oddly comforting feeling for Eteri. She relaxed in Vixens grip, blue hued tail gently swaying to and fro behind her.

The wet sensation of a tongue against her skin, coupled by the press of silken lips. Eteri felt a heat rush to her cheeks and she gave an involuntarily murmur as she drew in a long, slow breath.

The drinking was paused for a moment as the demi-goddess drew back slightly when the cat girl did, and flickered her eyes upwards to meet those of Eteri. Instead of a pale pink, they were now a vivid strawberry colour that verged on being the same as that she drank. They were filled with a passion, and a fascination, and were there for a few seconds as they took in Eteri's pleasure. Then, Vixen moved, going back to drinking.

“This not hurt.” The words came out stuttered between her breathing as Eteri did her best to keep her composure. She positioned her legs, shifting the weight so she wouldn't crumple to the floor. It didn't hurt. Not one bit. It was quite the opposite and Eteri wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that. Only Nevin should make her feel such a way. Right?



Eteri wasnt concerned with the otherwise alarming amount of blood being taken from her. Nevin had confirmed she more or less produced thrice that of a regular human. So Vixen would have no trouble taking her fill. At least, Eteri assumed so.

Vixens teeth pressed further into the bleeding and torn skin of Eteris jugular and another murmur, which turned to a moan escaped Eteris lips.

“S… So-Sorry…” Eteri breathed. “not mean t-to. “

The pale woman shook her head softly, a whisper escaping from her lips between gulps of blood. “I know how it feels. It is okay.”

And she bit again, deeper.

Did she? Did she really? Because Eteri wasn't entirely convinced. Hell she wasn't even sure this was the same woman from a few hours ago who was so readily denouncing the need for -


Down Eteri went.

Her legs buckled beneath her and she collapsed to the floor, only avoiding colliding it with her forehead because Vixen was quite literally attached. Eteri wasn't sure how much she had drank, she didn't feel light headed… At least not in the same sense she did when Nevin had taken too much. And it was often he did. No, this was an odd fogginess that mulled around in her brain. Was this some sort of vampire voodoo magic? Or did such a sensation really few that good to the nekojin?

Another soft bite prompted Eteri to not care. It was just a gentle one, however, and came with a soft kiss of the lips before Vixen drew back. Blood dribbled from her lips as she rocked back onto her own rear end and sat opposite her. She huffed quickly.

Eteri drew her hand up to her neck and rubbed it gingerly. Blood freely poured from her wound but the Nekojin was not too worried about it. The pink eyes from the other woman blinked softly and she wiped the blood from her mouth with the back of her sleeve.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

Eteri furrowed her brows and bought her hand up to her neck. “Mm. Welcomes.” The nekojin pushed herself off the floor and padded over to the counter, with one hand still on her neck she pulled open the drawer. After rummaging around for a few minutes she pulled out a bandage and fixed it to her neck. Clearly, she was used to being injured, or that it was a common occurrence around her. And, in a way it was. Eteri was quite accident prone despite being nimble. Then there were often times Nevin got a little too carried away.

Eteri pulled her hand away then stared at it, seeing blood she shrugged and wiped it on her skirt. “All good now?”

Vixen Crowsfoot
06-25-2018, 11:03 AM
I felt more invigorated than I had in a long time. A mere week in that cell in the Tular Plains without a constant supply of blood - I had been given the basics of what could sustain me - had made my body suffer. Ever since then I had been frugal, knowing full well what sort of creatures existed in this new world I had come to after three thousand years of belonging to someone else, and determined that I was not going to be a monster again. Oh yes, I would slaughter monsters, and I would give what damage was in my best interests, but hunting to feed … that was my old self. I wanted to either know that my food was coming from someone who deserved to suffer, or have the willingness I had just experienced. The former was possible, but it took hours, perhaps days of watching potential victims and that was time I did not have with how often I needed to feed.

Curtly I nodded as I wiped away the rest of the blood from my face. With a quick sweep of my eyes I could see that this girl was surviving better than I had hoped. The fact that she knew what and who I was had some potential in another visit, were it to come to that. I still held out hope that her … boyfriend, this Nevin, could make me a form of potion that could give me all I needed.

“I am glad,” I said to the catgirl. “Now I shall go, and leave you to your world.”

Eteri gave me a small wave. “If Coming back in the few days Nevin will be here. Can help you too! Hope to doing business with you again.”

I nodded to her, and smiled. Then I left that building, and the small strange world that Stare was part of, blood in my system and a new intrigue in my heart.