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View Full Version : Approved Glacies, Seeker of Adventure

07-20-2018, 05:46 AM
Name: Glacies Frost
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Height: 5'11”
Weight: 180 lbs
Appearance: Glacies is a slender figure with two toned blue hair. The first thing most people notice is his hair. The second is his bright white overcoat, which he wears pretty much regardless of weather. His skin is snowy pale and seems impervious to sunlight. His eyes are a deep dark blue, appearing almost black at times. His hands are slender and well kept, his nails are clean of dirt and debris. He sees through rounded oval glasses that constantly adorn his face, and he wears a pair of fine black hiking boots, often caked in travel dirt from his travels around Corone on foot.
Appearance Image: https://ton.twitter.com/1.1/ton/data/dm/1004930920728719366/1004930904358301697/87tKwKfn.jpg:large
Personality: Glacies is often seen with his nose buried in a book whenever he is indoors. He tends to switch between magical theory and various first hand accounts of adventurers who barely survived a hunt for treasure only to make it home empty handed and with all of their equipment destroyed. He likes reading certain fictions as well, but tends toward the real, and it shows in his public persona.

He is more interested with things and facts than he is with people in general. He doesn't so much care what others feel about a situation as he does what they think about a situation. His thought processes focus far more on the logical than the emotional and he tends to eschew personal feelings when there is a solution to a problem to be found.

He has a bit of a sadistic side. Those who have adventured with him in the past know that those who he believes deserve pain and suffering will often be inflicted with such by his own hand, especially if he needs information on a topic that his enemies are unwilling to share with him for whatever reason.

Ordinarily, however, he is generally reserved, but confident. He is polite, but not necessarily kind. He is loyal, and doesn't take betrayal lightly. He sees opportunities to finish jobs that others started that went incomplete,sometimes for decades, even centuries. Above all else, he considers himself a scholar and a survivor.

Apothecary – over the years researching through the uses of various magics and plants, Glacies has developed the ability to find and use basic medicinal herbs for minor scrapes, bruises, and knows the plant based antidote for a small hand full of common poisons.

Survivalist – Glacies has basic knowledge of edible and poisonous plants, and how to trap and hunt small to medium game

Speed reading – Years spent searching for information on lost voyages, sunken ships, new magical theory, and failed expeditions have left Glacies with the ability to read and comprehend several lines of text in a fraction of a second

Shortsword and spear – Glacies has what would be considered a basic master of the melee range shortsword and midrange spear, including halberds but not including lances

Cryomancer – All of Glacies's abilities fall under the sway of Cryomancy, his primary offensive and defensive magic. He can use these skills by drawing on water from the air, nearby, or even from nearby plants or his own blood or sweat.

Object Creation – Glacies is able to create small to medium sized objects outside of battle. These objects cannot be weapons but remain solid as long as Glacies does not will them to melt. They can be as hard as iron, but vary depending on the object created. The limit is within the same room indoors, or within 40 meters outdoors.

Weapon Creation – Glacies can create weapons of varying size, summoning them from seemingly nowhere. The weapons he is currently able to create are made of a solid, ice-like substance that is as hard as iron. He can create a pair of daggers or a shortsword. Limited to three times per battle.

Icicle Barrage – Glacies can create small needles of ice of varying lengths and thicknesses, each as strong as iron that will launch from their creation point toward their intended target. While rarely fatal, they can cause a fair amount of damage if they hit the right exposed area (ie the side of the neck). They fly at the rate of speed of a shortbow shot. These small projectiles can also be made in different shapes and in Glacies's own hands for him to throw if he so desires. Limited to 4 times per battle.

Spear of Blood – As an emergency resort or when he needs a weapon and can't wait for his created weapons to form, Glacies is capable of creating weapons made from his own frozen blood. Usually far cruder than their more meticulously created counterparts, Glacies's blood weapons are slightly more durable due to their higher iron content, about the strength of masterwork iron. These weapons are drawn directly from his own blood stream, however, and as such are often in short supply. Drawing too much will inevitably lead to his death, so he tries to avoid this as much as possible, attempting no more than a single pint of blood, or one shortsword's worth in a single day. Limited to once per day.

Equipment: Clothing, a white overcoat made of heavy cotton with a blue hood and wool lining, an iron shortsword and oak buckler, and a small notebook full of notes on various failed or missing expeditions for treasure throughout the world.

History: Glacies grew up in Corone, watching hundreds of would be adventurers attempt to go out and about to make their fortune. He had dreams himself of one day joining an expedition and reap the rewards of a world well traveled. Knowledge, gold and jewels, fame would all be his if he just set out for the horizon and kept walking. Up until his first expedition he had a fairly standard upbringing. He was taught to read at a local temple, had his first date and eventually first lay, and was often scolded by his parents for refusing to do his chores as they demanded him do.

Perhaps, however, things were a bit less normal for him than for some. He had a tutor at the temple who had taught him the basics of ice magic and had awakened a new hunger in Glacies, a hunger for power, not for domination, but pure mastery of elemental forces. It seemed like such a challenge, and he put all of his spare effort into honing his newfound craft.

As time passed, he went on a few trips with some volunteer militia out to some old outposts to muck around looking for anything that could be brought back to be repurposed for the general military of Radasanthia. The work was boring, tedious, and safe. Definitely not something the young man wanted to continue doing for the rest of his life.

He was wandering the lower merchant's district one afternoon when he caught wind of a newly arrived caravan that was looking for guards and adventurers to help them on a new expedition they were planning into the deepest, darkest reaches of the Concordia Forest. It was close to home, but it was definitely someplace that Glacies hadn't ever been before.

Well, it was definitely a new experience. Before they even made it halfway to the spot they were looking for on the map that the caravan leader had apparently bought off some shady merchant in Alerar, they were overrun by what could only be described as spiders, each the size of large wolves. Glacies manages to escape by cutting through the webs with his ice magic, but a majority of his caravan, the ones not following him, ended up snatched up and caught, soon to be lunch for those eight legged monsters.

The young man made it back to Radasanthia with little more than the shirt on his back and his shortsword. Not one to take a failure and lie down, however, he buckled down and decided that the time had come for him to study what makes an expedition fail, and what makes them successful. He had learned the importance of planning early in life and did not want to make those same mistakes that his last master had. The next time he joined an expedition... or started one, it would be one with at least a greater chance of success than failure, and as low a potential mortality rate as he could manage.

07-20-2018, 06:32 AM
Hey and welcome!

Lovely character.

Just a few questions:

Does object creation have any limits - such as how hard the objects can be and how far they can be made from Glacie.

For Icicle barrage is there a comparable item such as a short bow or long bow or cross bow in terms of how far they can go/how hard they hit?

Does Glacie need to be near water to use his abilities or can he make them from the water vapour?


07-20-2018, 06:35 AM
I edited in the proper information

07-20-2018, 06:01 PM
For spear of blood is there a strength (iron, steel etc) that the weapon becomes?

07-20-2018, 06:26 PM
Masterwork Iron, and I went ahead and edited it in.

07-20-2018, 06:34 PM
Great! Thank you!

07-21-2018, 12:06 AM
Will there be anything else?

07-21-2018, 04:20 AM
Not as yet. Just working through final numbers and I'll get back to you.

07-21-2018, 04:26 AM